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Common Sense, Science, Beliefs, and Critical Thinking

Discussion: Common Sense, Science, Beliefs, and Critical Thinking

If you are like most people, you probably have opinions on just about everything. Have you ever thought about your opinions and whether they are based on common sense, your personal beliefs, or science? Does it make a difference? How do common sense, personal beliefs, and science factor into the ability to think critically and into being a scholar-practitioner? How does the perseverance of personal beliefs influence one’s ability? In this Discussion, you explore the answers to these questions and learn how to use evidence to balance common sense, beliefs, and science.

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  • Review this week’s Learning Resources, focusing on the concepts of critical thinking and belief perseverance.
  • Think about the differences between and among common sense, science, and beliefs.
  • Consider how the differences between common sense and science and the connections between common sense and beliefs relate to critical thinking and to being a scholar-practitioner in your area(s) of interest.
  • Identify at least one strategy you might employ (or have employed) to ensure that you think critically in the presence of your personal belief system.

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