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The Teacher: Responding to Ethical Dilemmas


This project is designed to evaluate your knowledge of The Teacher. You will apply your knowledge of the role and expectations of the professional educator to the characteristics and ethical behaviors learned in the coursework.

Project 700.1 The Teacher: Responding to Ethical Dilemmas

As you have learned in this course, teachers serve as role models and your conduct, both on and off the

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job, can significantly impact your professional image. In this project, you are to read each scenario and answer the questions that follow. Your answers should be written in paragraph form and the overall project should be at least two pages. It is highly recommended that you use the Grading Rubric as a guide.
You will be graded on the following criteria:

1. Identification of the behavior
2. Standard cited using the Standard number, letter and the exact language of the standard
3. The justification for your responses
4. Alternative behavior to avoid the ethical dilemma
5. Paper is professionally written, evaluated for structure, organization, and mechanics


Select either the Elementary Ethical Dilemmas or the Secondary Ethical Dilemmas to respond.

For each scenario, you are to write a short paragraph (at least 1/2 page) that will:

Identify the ethical behavior/dilemma

Cite the standard of professional behavior from the Code of Ethics the action violates using the number, letter and roman numeral where appropriate

Provide justification for your selection of the standard

Describe an alternate behavior that is detailed and appropriate to take in that situation

Use professional language, spelling, and grammar


When you are ready to submit your assignment click the Submit Assignment button. Be sure to refer to the rubric for more detailed information about fulfilling the expectations of this assignment. When you receive a passing score, return to the home page and select the “Course Complete” page to conclude this course and post the completion date to your portal. Do not take this step until both the assessment and this project have received passing scores. Please allow 3 – 5 days for scoring.


    Applying Teaching and Learning Project – The Teacher

    Applying Teaching and Learning Project – The Teacher

    Criteria Ratings Pts

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentification of Behavior

    8.0 pts


    Behavior that is or could be an issue is explicitly identified from each scenario.

    6.0 pts


    Behavior that is or could be an issue is generally identified from each scenario.

    4.0 pts


    Behavior that is or could be an issue is too vague or not identified for each scenario.

    8.0 pts

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCode of Ethics Cited

    8.0 pts


    Standards are explicitly cited by Number, letter, and roman numeral.

    6.0 pts


    Standards are cited by a general description.

    4.0 pts


    Standards are not correctly cited for most of the scenarios.

    8.0 pts

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeJustification

    8.0 pts


    A coherent and cogent statement is provided that explicitly and clearly aligns and connects the behavior to the standard believed to be violated.

    6.0 pts


    Justification is provided but it doesn’t explicitly align and connect the behavior to the standard believed to be violated.

    4.0 pts


    Justification is not provided, or it doesn’t align and connect the behavior to the standard believed to be violated.

    8.0 pts

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeALTERNATIVE BEHAVIOR

    8.0 pts


    Intern provides a detailed and appropriate approach that could be taken by the teachers in the scenario, so no standards are violated.

    6.0 pts


    Intern provides a general description of an alternative approach that could be taken by the teachers in the scenario, so no standards are violated.

    4.0 pts


    Intern does not provide a different approach that could be taken by the teachers in the scenario, so no standards are violated.

    8.0 pts

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSPELLING AND GRAMMAR

    8.0 pts


    Writing is professional quality, with fewer than 2 spelling or grammar mistakes.

    6.0 pts


    There are 3 to 6 issues with grammar and spelling, but the writing is still up to an adequate professional standard.

    4.0 pts


    There are more than 6 issues with spelling and/or grammar, or the quality of the writing is not up to a professional standard.

    8.0 pts

    Total Points: 40.0

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