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Week 1 Discussion 2

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, review this week’s readings, guidance, and announcements, including You’re Not Going to Believe What I’m About to Tell You (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Reflect on what you found interesting, surprising, or confusing.

Here we examine cultures and how they affect the way people do what they do. Sometimes, this will mean looking more closely at our own culture to understand how the different concepts we are reading about in the textbook apply to us. Some of the ideas we are going to talk about may conflict with your own beliefs, preconceptions, and ideas. Please resist the urge to respond with your preconceived ideas! Instead, try to look at the information as an anthropologist would. Look at the information in the textbook and other required resources. Consider why the other side might believe or act as they do. You do not have to agree with them—just try to understand their perspective.

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This discussion forum is an opportunity for you to explore topics that interest you, share critical insights and questions that you are working with, share your struggles and triumphs, and discuss difficulties that may have arisen this week. Your initial post should describe your experiences in the course this past week, prompting further discussion. Address at least two of the following questions:

  • Was there anything that caused you to view the world around you differently or examine a topic from a different perspective?
  • What struck you in particular as you explored the course materials this week?
  • Do you have questions that your classmates might be able to help you with? (If you have a question for the instructor, be sure to contact your instructor via email or in the Ask Your Instructor forum).
  • Review You’re Not Going to Believe What I’m About to Tell You (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and consider the material you examined for this week’s discussion. What information did you encounter this week that caused mental friction for you? Why do you think it caused mental friction? Were you able to overcome the backfire effect?

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