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PSY481 Saint Petersburg College Week 4 Substance Abuse Discussion

Minimum of 75 words

Pregnancy and Alcohol

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Posted by Rohan W

Pregnant women have a responsibility to their children before and after birth. Partaking in drugs and alcohol while pregnant can be widely detrimental to the infant. If a woman is repeatedly getting drunk while pregnant, I believe she should be held in a residential treatment program. This will prevent her from drinking, and she will have plenty of professionals around her that will assist her through the withdrawal. If she were to be imprisoned, I do not believe she would be completely free of influences. There are plenty of ways to make alcohol in jail as well as other drugs. There would be no sense of rehabilitation. She would have other convicted inmates around her instead of positive people around her to guide her through the struggle and make sure she has a positive influence to speak with. Upon delivery of the baby, I also believe that she should have to continue to show improvement for a strong period of time before she is allowed to have custody of her child.

Minimum of 75 words

Pregnancy and Alcohol

Posted by Jaclyn J

Women who continuously drink during pregnancy are extremely selfish. I definitely think that these women should definitely be held accountable for their actions. Drinking during pregnancy affects the fetus in many ways that resonate during pregnancy and after birth. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome not only causes psychological deficits, but also physical deficits. Intrauterine exposure to alcohol has been said to be increasing since 2012 (Denny,515). Facial deformities, like the space between the eyes and a thin upper lip are some of the key indicators in FAS. Children with FAS generally require more care, thus causing a strain on caregivers who are generally not the parents. Children with FAS need emotional support through therapy and even nutritional therapy due to the deficits that the alcohol caused in utero (Denny,517).

I have never understood why someone could be selfish enough to harm their unborn babies by abusing drugs and alcohol, but they should be help accountable. I think there should be more screening done during pregnancy to at risk mothers to determine if they are abusing alcohol. While a residential treatment program sounds good, it also comes with financial implications and further strain on the healthcare system.

Denny, L., Coles, S., & Blitz, R. (2017). Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. American Family Physician, 96(8), 515–522. Retrieved from…

Minimum of 50 words

Bar Exam

Posted by Elena H

The Bar Exam Alcohol Quiz was a bit eye opening for me. I got an 80% and some of the information was surprising. I did not realize that the legal drinking age is not 21 in every state. I always assumed this was universal throughout the country. I assumed it was not always enforced. Another surprise was the alcohol content of a glass of wine and a bottle of beer. I typically drink wine and always assumed that there is more alcohol in wine than in beer because of the percentages on the bottle. Finally, I was surprised that binge drinking on college campuses is not as bad as the media portrays it to be. Some news stories and films make it seem as if college students are getting blackout drunk more than they are going to class, but research doesn’t support that depiction. All-in-all it was an interesting way to learn some new alcohol facts.

Minimum of 50 words

Bar Exam

Posted by Ashley O

I found the Bar Exam to be very fun and interesting! I wanted to test my knowledge on how much I knew about alcohol. I am personally really not much of a drinker and it is very rare that I do. Therefore, some of the questions seemed to trick me a little bit but I definitely learned a lot and know more now about alcohol than I did before!

Some of the questions that I found very interesting was the one about the legal age of drinking in the U.S. I got that one false. I did not know that if someone is under 21 they can legally drink for medical or religious purposes if accompanied by an adult. I guess I could see if they aren’t leaving the house to do anything irresponsible and for those purposes it might be okay in some situations. I was happy to see that the odds are now 40-1 of being hit by a drunk driver and that so much progress is being made in this area! It was interesting to know that drinking in moderation can help prevent dementia and that it also does not contribute to weight gain if not excessive. High foods in protein are said to help absorb alcohol content but black coffee does not. Lastly, I’m glad to know that most college student are not binge drinkers. These are good little facts to know. Overall, I enjoyed this quiz.

Minimum of 75 words

Movie Review

Posted by Latarra G

The movie I chose was “Flight”, it was about a pilot that had a drinking problem. The pilot job was to fly 106 people, including the flight attendants and co-pilot to Atlanta. The night before this flight, the pilot hung out with one of the flight attendants and got drunk. He had alcohol and cocaine in his system them morning he flew the plane. The plane had malfunction problems, it ends up crashing, 6 people were killed, and 2 were flight attendants. The biggest thing in this movie was to prove rather the plane really had malfunction issues or did Mr. Whip drinking habit cause the plane to crash. I believe the take home message was even though mistakes happen it is always good to tell the truth. The people in this movie saw Mr. Whip as a hero. They felt like he saved so many people doing what he did. I think his conscious finally got to him in the end of the movie. He did not want to live with a lie, he admitted his drinking problem. I did get sad when the flight attendant got knocked out. I felt sorry for Mr. Whip and everyone on that plane. I even cried when I thought Nicole had overdose and died. I don’t think this was all about fiction it felt as though there was some realistic to it. I think it has happened before not the plane crashing, but pilot drinking and driving planes. I think the point of this assignment is too was to see how have an addiction not only affects you, but the people around you as well.

Zemeckis, R.(Director) (2012). Flight (J. O’Driscoll, Ed.). Untied States: Paramount Pictures.

Minimum of 75 words

Movie Review

Posted by Dwayne B

The overall message of the movie is, there is hope for the alcoholic. It is nonfictional story of a stockbroker who succumbs the throws of truly rock-bottom alcoholism. My emotional response varies. From Bill’s account from great depression to the conviviality of the roaring thirties, his rise to success to making bathtub gin and putting his devoted wife through alcoholic misery and uncertainty, to him becoming one of the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and the trials and tribulations of learning to getting and remaining sober.

I think the point of the assignment is to get more of an eye witnessed account of alcoholism its biopsychosocial effects. I thin that by sitting with oneself watching such a movie without an audience offers the opportunity to void any outside influence. I enjoy era-based films and from there I felt sorrow, compassion, anger, anxiety, disgust, confusion, and hope. I have heard of the movie, yet had not seen it. It is a real life story that continues to change the lives of countless others.


Duchow, P. K., Garner, J., Petrie, D., Gallegly, D., Rubell, P., Harpman, F., . . . Spero, R. (Producers), & Borchert, W. G., Rosenthal, L., Rubell, P., Wright, J., & Roach, N. (Writers). (1989). My name is Bill W.[Motion picture on DVD]. United States: ABC.

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