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MUSC210 University of Maryland Taj Mahal Music Discussion

The American musician Taj Mahal has made a career of breaking down conventional musical boundaries and redefining world music as worldly music. Do some research on Mahal and locate recordings and videos of his that represent the range and diversity of his music. Write a report describing how Mahal has combined his musical founding in blues music, his broad conceptions of “African” music as encompassing all forms of African and African diasporic music expression, and his cosmopolitanism as a world music adventurer and pioneer.

Reflect on the question by writing a 2-3 paragraph response.

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2) Include the link to an educational website other than Wikipedia that helped you to form your response, with a 2-3 sentence description of how this website enhanced your learning for the week. Visit the UMUC Library “Is My Source Credible?” page and the Research Guide for Music (including links to Open Access Music Journals) to help you choose a reliable, credible educational website.

3) Select and add an image to your post that reflects your learning, including the specific reasons you chose the image.

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