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COUN500 Liberty University Professional Counselor Identity

Counselor Identity Paper Instructions

The purpose of the Counselor Identity Paper is to:

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  • Articulate your reaction to current trends in professional counselor identity.
  • Teach you how to access and use the Liberty University Online Library.
  • Correctly identify scholarly sources appropriate for use in professional papers.
  • Define plagiarism and demonstrate use of SafeAssign software in order to check your own papers for plagiarism throughout your program. (Syllabus MLOs: A, B and Module/Week 2 LOs 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7)

Be sure to review Steps 1 – 11, including the addition of the SafeAssign reflection page.

Step 1: Access and review the information found in the Module/Week 2 Reading & Study folder.

Step 2: Access Jerry Falwell Library; retrieve and read the following articles:

Spurgeon, S. (2012). Counselor identity : A national imperative. Journal of Professional Counseling, Practice, Theory, and Research, 39, 3-16.

Lawson, G., Trepal, H.C, Lee, R. W., Kress, V. E. (2017). Advocating for educational standards in counselor licensure laws. Counselor Education and Supervision, 56, 162-176.

Step 3: Listen to the following podcast:

Shook, M. (Producer). (2017, February 8). What Makes a Counselor a Counselor? Professional Identity and Other Musings with Carl Sheperis [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from

Step 4: Write a reaction paper on the article. Your paper must be in current APA format (including running heads, a title page, abstract, and reference page). The abstract must provide a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article in 150–250 words. Note: the title page, abstract, and reference page do not contribute toward the page requirement.

Divide your paper into the following sections and headings:

  • Summary – Summarize the main points of the articles and podcast in 1-2 pages.
  • Reactions In your own words (1 page), interact with the materials. Appropriate comments for this part of the paper must include, but are not limited to: your understanding of professional identity, your comments regarding the challenges, insights you gained from the articles and podcast, and other thoughts you have that might further enhance the discussion of professional counselor identiy.
  • Summary and Reactions to SafeAssign Report (See Steps 8-11)

Step 5: Submit your paper via the SafeAssign draft link by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Saturday of Module/Week 2.

Step 6: Wait until the link indicates that SafeAssign has analyzed your paper and prepared a report. If you are uncertain about this step, see the website on SafeAssign in the Reading & Study folder of Module/Week 2.

Step 7: Open the SafeAssign report. (Again, if you are uncertain, see the directions on using SafeAssign referenced above.) Evaluate the report. You will notice that SafeAssign often matches on headings, titles, and references. If you see matches on entire sentences or paragraphs that are not enclosed in direct quotation marks, then you have unintentionally plagiarized. You will need to go back and re-write those sections in your own words.

Step 8: Return to your original paper.

Step 9: Add a section on your paper entitled “Summary and Reactions to SafeAssign Report.” In this section, summarize the results of your SafeAssign report in 1 page. Then, interpret the report. What do your results indicate? Why? What are your reactions to the report?

Step 10: Save your paper as a Microsoft Word document using your name and assignment title (e.g., Doe_J_assignment_1).

Step 11: Submit the final paper using the second assignment link. This assignment will be submitted via Blackboard and LiveText.

Submit your final assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Saturday of Module/Week 2.

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