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cost and benefits of the decisions.

For this project, consider what you desire to accomplish after high school. What career or area of study interests you? Do you want to relocate? Visualize what your life will look like in the next five years.

1) Write down the question you have identified concerning your future. For example: In the next five years I plan to graduate with a degree in Ethical Hacking.

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2) List at least two other options you were considering when you made your decision.

3) Research what steps you must take to achieve this goal. Consider the following when researching:

  1. What will be the monetary cost to achieve your goal?
  2. What will be the opportunity cost, or what will you be giving up in pursuing this goal?

When researching, be sure to follow these guidelines to ensure your sources are reputable

  1. The source clearly identifies who the author is.
  2. The source’s author has expertise in the field in which they are writing. For instance, if you are reading a source on an environmental issue you would want the author to be someone who has research experience with the topic.
  3. The source is academic, meaning it is published by a respected site or source in the field of study. Such as official government websites, university, academic journals, or reputable news sources.
  4. The source does not state opinions as facts.
  5. The source clearly cites where its information came from.
  6. The source is current and does not include dated information.

Be sure to use a least three reputable sources. Write down, in detail, the costs of attaining your goal.

4) Now, list the benefits of choosing this goal. What will you gain from your investment of time, money, and everything else you will spend to reach your goal?

5) Describe why the benefits outweighed the costs. Which rewards were most important in encouraging you choose this goal? Why did you think that these incentives would make you better off?

6) Finally, using your sources, explain why you believe that choosing this goal outweighs the other options you considered.

When you have finished these steps, submit them below. Be sure to check your spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. You will also need to cite your sources. Your work should be at least 600 words.

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