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Support Lit Review

Assignment 1: Discussion: Support Lit Review

As you realize by now, a literature review is essential in forming a good research question and a research question is what informs what type of methodology you will use to answer your question. In this course you explore the value of various types of methodologies. For this assignment, identify your topic of interest and use and cite existing literature to support the need for further research in the area. Write a clear overarching (central) research question. An overarching or central research question is a broad question that asks for the exploration of the central phenomenon or concept in a study. In future modules we will discuss your research question and what the best approach would be to answer your question.

Use of Theory: Qualitative Design

State your research question and present a qualitative approach to answer your question. Include the following items in your response (adapted from the research tips by Creswell, 2009).

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  1. Are you going to use theory in your project?
  2. If not, please offer your rationale.
  3. If yes, please identify how the theory will be used. For example, as an up-front explanation, as an end point, or as an advocacy lens. Locate the theory in the literature review you had written in W7000 and your literature map from Module 1 and examine if it was used consistently.
  4. What are the potential strengths and weaknesses in using this approach to answer your question?

Use of Theory: Mixed-method Design

State your research question and present a mixed-method approach to answer your question. Include the following items in your response (adapted from Creswell, 2009)

  1. Are you going to use a theory?
  2. If no, please provide your rationale.
  3. If yes, please identify if its use is in accordance with the quantitative or qualitative approaches.
  4. What are the potential strengths and weaknesses in using this approach to answer your question?

By the due date assigned, post a brief literature review or outline including 5 brief points (and thus citations) that logically support the need for and lead to your clearly stated overarching research question. Provide feedback to at least two peers through the end of the module. Continue to revise your research question based on feedback provided throughout the week. For this assignment consider your literature review from W7000 and the examples of rese

Module 2 Overview (1 of 2)

Provides the learning outcomes on which the readings and assignments for this module are based.
  • Examine the purpose of a study, research methodology, and data collection methods.
  • Compare and contrast the characteristics of different research questions and possible methodologies.
  • Apply ethical decision making related to cultural diversity in participant selection and recruiting, data collection, and analysis.

Designing Research

In Module 2 we will examine the role of theory in conducting research. The use of theory often times is different for quantitative and qualitative designs.

  • In quantitative dissertations, a section in Chapter 1 may be entirely devoted to the theoretical foundation of the study that is used as an explanation for answers to the research questions or the framework in which the research questions are formed. For example, much of the research on academic success has been theoretically grounded in a prominent social psychological theory of self-efficacy. The theory allows researchers to predict relationships between the types of educational interventions and the likelihood of changes in self-efficacy, which leads to academic success.
  • In qualitative dissertations, the theory may be the final product or outcome of the study and placed at the end of the document (such as in grounded theory design), or it may serve as the framework or lens through which the questions are asked (such as in ethnographical research) (Creswell, 2009).

The assignments in this module will allow you to explore the application of theory in both quantitative and qualitative studies and to consider your research topic from each perspective. As you continue to refine your research questions, you will formulate for peer review a purpose statement appropriate to your selected research method. It will be important for you to be specific on the constructs/variables you want to examine in your research topic and formulate testable research question(s), whether quantitatively or qualitatively.

Module 2 Overview (2 of 2)

Designing Research

Keep in mind some of these thoughts as you continue with your studies and your work:

On refining your research questions (Heppner & Heppner, 2004)

  1. Testability: To what extent can the variables in your research questions be assessed or measured? From existing literatures, find out if these variables have been studied previously and if psychometrically strong instruments are available to measure these variables (in quantitative designs). If most of the variables have not been thoroughly studied or assessed, examine if similar variables have been studied and how those constructs have been assessed.
  2. Feasibility: Consider how feasible it is to conduct a study on your research topic or research questions. Consider how much time, energy, money, and other types of support this study will require, and whether it is feasible for you to conduct as a dissertation study given your work, family, and personal needs and environment. If it requires more resources then you can afford, consider examining one particular component of this research topic or research question.
  3. Significance: Consider how useful your research question is to the professional and to the real world. Does the research question address an important and significant need in society or in a particular organizational, business, or educational environment? Does the research question have the potential to result in a significant contribution to the existing literature?
  4. Reflect on the words of Abraham Lincoln:
    Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. Point out to them how the nominal winner is often a real loser in fees, expenses and a waste of time.”

We are moving forward rapidly in our pursuit of understanding the essential components of designing research. Your understanding of developing a clear purpose statement with testable research questions is the foundation for your final project for this course: a mini-methods section that demonstrates your ability to design a sound study to answer a significant and testable research question.


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