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ART 367: History of Design

Final Project: Design at the Intersection of Science, Technology, and Society Assignment Guidelines

This assignment requires you to think about science, technology, and society in relation to design, and write a paper that uses 2-5 external sources and evidence-based method of argumentation. The minimum length of the paper is 1,250 words (approximately 3 pages). That word count does not include bibliography or footnotes.

The final project is completed in three stages. All of them will be submitted via Turnitin on Canvas.

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  1. Locate and read the article “Introduction of The Utrecht Manifesto” by Max Bruinsma, in the academic journal Design Issues, vol. 32, no. 2 (Spring 2016), 37-42. The topic of the article is socially responsible design. It is available as a full-text PDF through the database Academic Search Premiere, accessible via the OSU Libraries website.
  2. Choose an object of design that we have covered or will cover in the course. Browse the textbook; feel free to pick a recent object as well. However, cell phones are excluded (you may not choose a cell phone as the object of design to write about).
  3. Choose an aspect of science or technology that pertains to the production of that object of design, for example materials (or their development), tools, methods of production, distribution, or technology used in the object (for example, personal electronics, except the cell phone). If you have questions, please consult the instructor.
  4. Return to the “Introduction of The Utrecht Manifesto” and pick one of the ten points about socially responsible design discussed in the article. Think of what might be applicable in terms of the designed object that you have chosen to write about.
  5. Write a one-paragraph proposal for your paper and submit it via Canvas by the deadline. Identify the designed object, the relevant principle of socially responsible design, and an aspect of science and/or technology in your proposal.
    1. You will receive a grade and feedback, using the rubric below.
  6. Research your designed object using additional external sources (other than the course textbook), paying special attention to the role of science and technology in its development as well as subsequent production and consumption.

This is where the rest of those 1-4 sources come in.

            If you use academic sources, such as peer-reviewed articles or scholarly books, you will need to use and discuss one more source in addition to the “Introduction of The Utrecht Manifesto.” Your course textbook features suggestions for further reading (pp. 413-416) – that’s a great place to start looking.

            If your other sources are popular (for example, news articles), you will need to include four separate sources in addition to the “Introduction of The Utrecht Manifesto.”

            Whether academic or popular, your sources will need to represent at least two different disciplinary approaches and points of view.

            Regardless of whether they are academic or popular, your sources should be credible and you will need to approach them with critical thinking: weigh the information against your other sources, what you otherwise know, and consider whether the conclusions reached by your sources are credible. Consider how the author’s point of view or possible agenda (for example, the type of publication) might affect the conclusions reached.

            Be informed by your sources, but evaluate them and think for yourself!

  • Revise your proposal according to the feedback and your research, and attach a list of relevant sources to your revised proposal. Submit your revised proposal and sources by the deadline.
    • You will receive a grade and feedback, using the rubric below.
  • Write your paper. First, relate your object of design to one of the ten points of social responsibility discussed in the “Introduction of The Utrecht Manifesto,” focusing on the period when the object of design was first designed and produced. For example, if you are writing about the early sewing machine, think about the late nineteenth century. Discuss this question: Did this object fit into, or manifest, one of those ten points of social responsibility during the time period when it was first designed and used? Second, discuss this question: What difference have aspects of science and technology made in that object? Conclude with a discussion of design, science, technology, and society, using your example as a case study to think about the role of design at the intersection of science, technology, and society. Does design make a difference? If so, how does it do it? Can it do something different, or more?  

                        Make sure to address the following questions in your paper:

  • What object of design are you analysing, and what cultural and historical context is it associated with?
  • What is socially responsible design, according to the “Introduction of The Utrecht Manifesto”?
  • How has science and/or technology contributed to this designed object?
  • What difference does science and technology make (or has made) in this object, and in the world?
  • Did any of the points about socially responsible design apply to this object when it was first designed and made?
  • Finally, in your informed opinion, are the goals of socially responsible design compatible with continued scientific and technological advancement as they are associated with this designed object?
  • Submit your paper via Canvas.

Format of the final paper:

Make sure to format your citations using one of the standards citation styles. The Art History standard is the Chicago Manual of Style, footnote style. Here is a link to an online quick guide to Chicago Manual of Style.


  • Final Paper Proposal due at the end of Week 4 (Sunday at 11:59 p.m.). Submit via Canvas (Turnitin).
  • Revised Final Paper Proposal with Sources due at the end of Week 6 (Sunday at 11:59 p.m.). Submit via Canvas (Turnitin).
  • Final Paper due at the end of Week 10 (Sunday at 11:59 p.m.). Submit via Canvas (Turnitin).

ART 367 Paper Proposal Grading Rubric

  Needs Work Competent Sophisticated Points
Length and Presentation Proposal is shorter than 4 full sentences; only addresses the assignment peripherally (0-1 pts) Proposal is shorter than 4 full sentences; doesn’t use full sentences or paragraph format (2 pts) Proposal is one full paragraph long (at least 4 sentences), written in full sentences (3 pts)       Max 3 points
Issue Identification and Focus Proposal is unclear; doesn’t name one object of design, doesn’t identify a relevant aspect of socially responsible design; doesn’t identify a relevant aspect of science and/or technology (0-2 pts) Proposal is clear but doesn’t address all aspects of the assignment (doesn’t name one object of design or identify a relevant aspect of socially responsible design or a relevant aspect of science and/or technology) (3-4 pts) Proposal is clear; addresses all aspects of the assignment: names an object of design, identifies a relevant aspect of socially responsible design; and identifies a relevant aspect of science and/or technology (6-7 pts)             Max 7 points

Proposal: Max 10 points

ART 367 Revised Proposal and Sources Grading Rubric

  Needs Work Competent Sophisticated Points
Evidence of Revision Based on Instructor Feedback Proposal text is not revised at all; instructor requests for revision, if those were given, not addressed (0 pts) Proposal language is revised slightly; instructor requests for revision, if those were given, only superficially addressed (1-2 pts) Proposal language is revised, even if instructor feedback didn’t require revision; if instructor feedback requested revision, those requests are thoughtfully considered and implemented (3 pts)         Max 3 points
Issue Identification and Focus Proposal is unclear; doesn’t name one object of design, doesn’t identify a relevant aspect of socially responsible design; doesn’t identify a relevant aspect of science and/or technology (0 pts) Proposal is clear but doesn’t address all aspects of the assignment (doesn’t name one object of design or identify a relevant aspect of socially responsible design or a relevant aspect of science and/or technology) (1 pt) Proposal is clear; addresses all aspects of the assignment: names an object of design, identifies a relevant aspect of socially responsible design; and identifies a relevant aspect of science and/or technology (2 pts)           Max 2 points
Sources and Evidence Number of sources significantly short of assignment requirements; sources are not applicable to assignment or chosen design object (0-1 pts) Number of sources or type of sources doesn’t meet assignment requirements; sources somewhat relevant to assignment; some of the sources address the impact of science and technology (2-3 pts) Required number of appropriate type of sources listed; sources relevant to assignment; some of the sources address the impact of science and technology (4-5 pts)           Max 5 points

Revised Proposal and Sources: Max 10 points

ART 367 Final Paper Grading Rubric

  Needs Work Competent Sophisticated Points
Presentation Length, grammar/spelling, structure, formatting, citation system Paper is below 1,000 words; poorly organized and lacks clarity; there are several spelling and/or grammatical errors; doesn’t use a citation system (0-1 pts) Paper falls between 1,000 and 1,250 words; is generally well organized and mostly clear; there are only a few minor spelling or grammatical errors; citation system is used but with errors (2-3 pts) Paper is coherently organized, clear, and concise; there are no spelling or grammatical errors; citation system is used proficiently (4 pts)       Max 4 points
Accuracy   Description of the designed object and sources contains major inaccuracies (0-1 pts) Description of the designed object and sources is accurate but contains only a few details (2-3 pts) Description of the designed object and the sources is accurate and includes relevant details (4 pts)   Max 4 points
Sources and Evidence Required sources:“Introduction of The Utrecht Manifesto” AND 1 other academic source or 4 popular sources Less than 50% of the sources included in the paper; sources are not integrated meaningfully in relation to assignment topic (0-1 pts) Approximately half of the sources are included and discussed; sources discussed in relation to assignment topic (2-3 pts) All of the sources included and discussed in the paper; sources integrated meaningfully in relation to assignment topic (4 pts)     Max 4 points
Diverse Perspectives Doesn’t discuss multiple viewpoints or perspectives; takes sources entirely at face value without reflecting on their points of view (0 pts) Includes multiple viewpoints on at least one aspect of the paper (such as the effects of science and technology) (1 pt) Includes diverse relevant perspectives (2 pts)     Max 2 points
Argument Viewpoints, if present, not connected to sources; argument irrelevant to major questions posed by the assignment; most questions listed on this assignment sheet are not addressed (0-2 pts) Some evidence of reasoning; only some of questions listed on this assignment sheet are addressed; questions and themes of science, technology, and socially responsible design only peripherally connected to the design object (3-4 pts) Clear evidence of reasoning; paper justifies or advances an original perspective or viewpoint; questions and themes of science, technology, and socially responsible design are connected to the design object (5-6 pts)         Max 6 points

Final Paper: Max 20 points

Note that the three parts of the final project are graded separately and you will get separate grades, weighed individually, for each part.


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