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Buyers and sellers in government contracts have many statutes

Buyers and sellers in government contracts have many statutes and
regulations addressing acceptable conduct. We could spend the entire course just on the False Claims Act or Truth in Negotiations. While all of these restrictions are important, the two I would like to focus on for very practical reasons are the restrictions on access to data during the competitive process and post-employment restrictions for government employees. Briefly answer just one of the questions below and comment on one other posting.

Question #3: You are a proposal manager for a government contractor working on a huge new program. You have an interview with a former employee of your main competitor who wants you to hire him. He happens to mention that when he left his former employer, he still had the entire text of their proposal for the same program on his laptop. If you have this information, it will give you a huge advantage in the competition. What do you do? And why?

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