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Consulting services companies.

Founded in 1992, Innovative Software provides search software, Web site accessibility testing/repair software, and usability testing/repair software. All serve as part of its desktop and enterprise content management solutions for government, corporate, educational, and consume markets. The company’s solutions are used by Web site publishers, digital media publishers, content managers, document managers, business users, consumers, software companies, and consulting services companies. Innovative Software solutions help organizations develop long-term strategies to achieve Web content accessibility, enhance usability, and comply with U.S. and international accessibility and search standards.

Innovative Software has a 10-year history of approximately 1 percent in turnover a year and its focus has always been on customer service. With the informal motto of “Grow big, but stay small,” it takes pride in 100 percent callbacks in customer care, knowing that its personal service has been one thing that makes it outstanding.

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Innovative Software has experienced rapid growth to six times its original customer-base size and is force to deal with difficult questions for the first time, such as, “How do we serve this many customers? How do we keep our soul—that part of us that honestly cares very much about our customers? How will we know that someone else will care as much and do as good a job as we have done?” In addition, you have just received an e-mail from the company CIO, Sue Downs, that the number of phone calls from customers having problems with on of your newer applications is on the increase.

As customer service manager for Innovative Software, your overriding goal is to maintain the company’s reputation for excellent customer service, and outsourcing may offer an efficient means of keeping u with expanding call volume. Innovative Software is reviewing a similar scenario, that of e-BANK, which outsourced its customer service in order to handle a large projected number of customers through several customer interaction channels. Although e-BANK had excellent people, it felt that its competencies were primarily in finance, rather than in customer service and that it needed to have the expertise that a customer-service-focused company could offer, e-BANK also discovered that it was cost effective to outsource its customer service center.

Additionally, the outsourcing approach was relatively hassle-free, since e-BANK did not have to set up its own call center.

Some Particulars You Should Know

  1. Create a weekly analysis from the data provided in the attached document. You can choose your software for this assignment.
  2. The price of the products, the actual product type, and any warranty information is irrelevant.
  3. Develop a growth, trend, and forecast analysis. You should use a three-day moving average: a shorter moving average might not display the trend well and a much longer moving average would shorten the trend too much.
  4. Upon completing your analysis, please provide concise yet detailed and thorough documentation that justifies your recommendations.

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