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easy lab writing

Follow these guidelines to help you pass this assignment. Choose ONE of the two ways below to complete this lab:

Group A. If you do not enjoy working in the virtual lab environment, if you are having technical difficulties staying connected to the internet or if you are having browser issues, then:

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  1. Complete this lab worksheet for this assignment that does not require virtual lab access: Group A 3.06 Human Digestion Alternate Assignment 2019 Word.docx or Group A 3.06 Human Digestion Alternate Assignment 2019 PDF.pdf
  2. Watch this review to help you complete the alternate assignment: 5-16-19 3.06 Human Digestion Lab Alternate Assignment Completion Help (prerecorded)
  3. After you have completed answering all of your questions submit your completed assignment to: 3.06 Lab: Human Digestion Instructions/Dropbox

OR (you are only choosing ONE)

Group B. If you enjoy working in the virtual lab environment:

Please note: This lab will be performed over two days. You will need to start on one day and be able to check your virtual lab results in 48 hours after you complete part 1.

1. Open this lab report: Group B 3.06 Human Digestion Virtual Lab Report 2019 Word.docx orGroup B 3.06 Human Digestion Virtual Lab Report 2019 PDF.pdf

2. Open this virtual lab link to complete Day 1 of this assignment. Use the same link to complete day 2 of the assignment 48 hours later. Note: You may need to switch browsers to open the virtual lab link. I was unable to open the virtual lab in Firefox but can open the site in Google:

Group B 3.06 Human Digestion Virtual Lab Link

3. Watch the help videos to complete your lab: Group B #1 5-14-19 3.06 Human Digestion and Choosing 3.06 Lab and Group B #2 Coming soon (but you can read the directions and work on lab without it.)

4. Complete:

  • Data tables on Page 8
  • Questions on Page 9

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