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MGMT330 Columbia College Using a Group to Make Decisions Questions

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***Chapter 1: Answer discussion Questions 1, 5, & 6 on p. 24.

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1.Identify and describe a great manager. What makes him or her stand out from the crowd?

5.Name a great organization. How do you think management contributes to making it great?

8.Describe your use of the four management functions in the management of your daily life.

***Chapter 2: Answer discussion Question 1 on p. 64, complete the 2.2 Corporate Culture Preference Scale exercise on pg. 65-66, and provide your personal value style as determined by the exercise along with a synopsis of your rating.

1.This chapter’s opening quote by Peter Drucker said, “The essence of a business is outside itself.” What do you think this means? Do you agree?


This self-assessment is designed to help you identify a corporate culture that fits most closely with your personal values and assumptions.


Read each pair of the statements in the Corporate Culture Preference Scale and circle the statement that describes the organization you would prefer to work in. This exercise is completed alone so students assess themselves honestly without concerns of social comparison. However, class discussion will focus on the importance of matching job applicants to the organization’s dominant values.

page 66

Corporate Culture Preference Scale

I would prefer to work in an organization:

1a. Where employees work well together in teams. OR 1b. That produces highly respected products or services.
2a. Where top management maintains a sense of order in the workplace. OR 2b. Where the organization listens to customers and responds quickly to their needs.
3a. Where employees are treated fairly. OR 3b. Where employees continuously search for ways to work more efficiently.
4a. Where employees adapt quickly to new work requirements. OR 4b. Where corporate leaders work hard to keep employees happy.
5a. Where senior executives receive special benefits not available to other employees. OR 5b. Where employees are proud when the organization achieves its performance goals.
6a. Where employees who perform the best get paid the most. OR 6b. Where senior executives are respected.
7a. Where everyone gets his or her job done like clockwork. OR 7b. That is on top of new innovations in the industry.
8a. Where employees receive assistance to overcome any personal problems. OR 8b. Where employees abide by company rules.
9a. That is always experimenting with new ideas in the marketplace. OR 9b. That expects everyone to put in 110 percent for peak performance.
10a. That quickly benefits from market opportunities. OR 10b. Where employees are always kept informed of what’s happening in the organization.
11a. That can quickly respond to competitive threats. OR 11b. Where most decisions are made by the top executives.
12a. Where management keeps everything under control. OR 12b. Where employees care for each other.

McShane, Steven L. and Von Glinow, Mary Ann, Organizational Behavior, 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005, p. 499. Copyright ©2005 McGraw-Hill Global Education Holdings LLC. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Scoring Key for the Corporate Culture Preference Scale

Scoring instructions: In each space, write in a “1” if you circled the statement and “0” if you did not. Then add up the scores for each subscale.

Control culture Images
Performance culture Images
Relationship culture Images
Responsive culture Images

Interpreting your score: These corporate cultures may be found in many organizations, but they represent only four of many possible organization cultures. Also, keep in mind none of these subscales is inherently good or bad. Each is effective in different situations. The four corporate cultures are defined here, along with the range of scores for high, medium, and low levels of each dimension based on a sample of MBA students:

Corporate Culture Dimension and Definition Score Interpretation
Control culture: This culture values the role of senior executives to lead the organization. Its goal is to keep everyone aligned and under control.

High: 3 to 6

Medium: 1 to 2

Low: 0

Performance culture: This culture values individual and organizational performance and strives for effectiveness and efficiency.

High: 5 to 6

Medium: 3 to 4

Low: 0 to 2page 67

Relationship culture: This culture values nurturing and well-being. It considers open communication, fairness, teamwork, and sharing a vital part of organizational life.

High: 6

Medium: 4 to 5

Low: 0 to 3

Responsive culture: This culture values its ability to keep in tune with the external environment, including being competitive and realizing new opportunities.

High: 6

Medium: 4 to 5

Low: 0 to 3

***Chapter 3: Answer discussion question 2 & 8 on p. 96

2.Identify some risky decisions you have made. Why did you take the risks? How did they work out? Looking back, what did you learn?

8.Discuss the potential advantages and disadvantages of using a group to make decisions. Give examples from your experience.

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