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As we move into the last phase of our course, please gather your thoughts about the value of philosophical thinking concerning issues in the 21st century. Can you articulate three major contributions the philosophers we have read can make to understanding ideas and issues of the 21st century?
Please formulate your response in 1-3 paragraphs, referring frequently to our philosophers.
You are welcome to refer to other philosophers if you wish.
Please quote two philosophers in your response.
Respond thoughtfully to three students by asking them questions.

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respond to two students.
(Student one) Throughout this course, the first theme that has been coming to mind is complacency. It was Plato’s Cave and Kant that really hit the nail on the head for me. I look to Plato when I think of our experiences good or bad directly affecting how we think and react to situations. The fact that our reality can be constructed for us by others. That’s a pretty scary thought to think about and evaluate in your own life. Are people really affecting me to the point of my reality being changed because of them? How are my children affected by this? It’s almost as if my duty is to help them navigate through all of this since I now have the knowledge of this from this course.
Secondly, Socrates said “God orders me to fulfil the philosopher’s mission of searching into myself and other men…” in Plato’s “Apology”. It’s not an easy task to be continuously searching within to seek a better understand of self. Applying what we’ve learned from all the reading during this course certainly makes us more aware but it’s still hard to do. Again, I go back to complacency being able to wiggle its way into this aspect of our lives. The philosopher’s mission is really something we should all strive for throughout our lives in my opinion. Something that’s always stuck with me since I joined the Marine Corps is “Know self and seek self-improvement”. This is a leadership principle within the Marine Corps that was emphasized throughout the second week’s reading.
Lastly, I will continue to rely on Kant when he said, “Tutelage s man’s inability to make use of his understanding without direction from another. Self-incurred is this tutelage when its cause lies not in lack of reason but in lack of resolution and courage to use it without direction from another.” We must learn to gain a basic understanding of all the aspects of living this life. We take too many things for granted as if we don’t need to know how to complete basic tasks because someone else will do them for us. This is a very hard feat to accomplish and it’s not easy to balance forcing independence early in our children’s lives but also not stunting their individual growth.
I have really enjoyed interacting with all of you this semester and I hope the feeling is mutual. I have learned a tremendous about myself and how the philosophers we read about impacted our world in the time they lived. Thanks for reading all my rambles throughout the course! Like always, I hope that this finds you in great health and high spirits! Take care y’all!

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(student two) Over the last eight weeks of this course I have learned so much about myself. I have also learned about the imperative threats that the 21st century is under, such as climate change, and nuclear war. I have also learned more about globalization and technology and its effect on the plaent as well. Going all the way back to Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, reading through that just made me want to learn more about the world around me. I was raised in a small town in Alabama, (we didn’t even have traffic light) and I was brought up to believe that the Earth was created in six days and that everyone who doesn’t accept Jesus Christ as their lord and savior will be burning for all eternity in a place called hell. In school I remember where the biology techer was only aloud to go as far as teaching us the Punnett square of human biology. When I joined the military it felt like I had left “the cave” of my town. I learned about other peoples backgrounds and other faiths, and religions. I went to all of the Smithsonians in D.C. and my eyes were opened to so much knowledge that I had missed out on growing up. I think Plato had it right, we can’t blame the people for not knowing about something, we must try to get them out of there cave of illusions in order for everyone to have the opportunity to learn more about the world in which we all share. “How could they see anything but the shadows if they were never allowed to move their heads?” (Plato n.d.) I think this is a vital quote to remember when people have various controversies. Its important to understand where someone is coming from, and also try and see things from their point of view.
I also think Plato’s Apology taught, at least western civilization, NOT to put people to death for simply thinking and wondering about the universe. For me personally, I learned to not only think about whats going on in my daily life, but to also think about the world and what the future holds. Socrates said in the Apology, “My plainness of speech makes them hate me, and what is their hatred but a proof that I am speaking the truth.” Socrates taught us all a lesson in the apology, that it is wiser to not know all of the answers to lifes questions, than it is to claim to know all of the answers.
I try to make a difference in my own life as well as others. I don’t belive in an objective morality and that religion gets its morality from humans and not the other way around. Another philosopher I enjoyed reading was Immauel Kant he famously said “Morality is not property the doctrine of how we may make oueselves happy, but how we make our selves worthy of happiness.” (Kant) I think anybody who is interested in good human behavior is going to try and examine what makes people do the right thing in an unsettling situation.

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