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Successful Research Process Skills and Strategies Paper

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Minimum of 2 scholarly sources – the PDF ATTACHED

Part 1: Research & Review

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Review the two short articles on the pros and cons of revision and peer review listed in Required Resources. As you read, think about your own experience writing and revising essays in this course (and other courses).

Part 2: Application
Address the following:

  • How did you go about selecting topics for the position papers?
  • Reflect upon the research skills you have developed throughout this class. What key takeaways have you learned regarding research strategies?
  • Compare your experiences with revision and feedback to those detailed in the Stewart (2016) and Teller (2016) articles. Which stance do you lean towards and why? Did you incorporate changes into your final essay based on your peers’ feedback? If so, please describe the types of changes you made and why you made them. If you did not incorporate changes, please explain why.

Note: Final essay was the pro-con position on legalizing Marijuana. I did not incorporate changes based on peer’s feedback

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