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modernism and postmodernism: Lenski’s Power and Privilege in the study of inequalities. Sociological Theory, so

Question Description

Tickamyer, A. (2004). Between modernism and postmodernism: Lenski’s Power and Privilege in the study of inequalities. Sociological Theory, 22(2), 247-257.
In a .doc (Word) document of about 300-400 words, using APA format and citations (hint: any references cited throughout the course are in APA format!), write a report answering the following questions:

  • What are the essential concepts, ideas, insights presented by the author of the article? (NO quotations! If you do want to use specific information, paraphrase and cite your source.)
  • What connection can you make to any concepts and ideas presented in your chapter readings or the video(s) for this week? (NO quotations! If you do want to use specific information, paraphrase and cite your source.)
  • What did you like least about the article? What did you like most?

Make sure that you revisit the course readings, lectures, and/or videos. You must include at least one course reading (besides the required supplemental reading) in your analysis.

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