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Contemporary Issues in Accounting – UG024

B.Sc. in Accounting, Auditing and Finance
Weightage: 20 %
Group Work

Student Name 1.
Semester – 7 Year 2020 Spring 2020

Assignment Title

Contemporary Issues in Accounting – UG024



Contemporary Issues in Accounting Assessor:
Dr.Labeeb Mohammed Zeeshan
Start Date: 15th March, 2020 Internal Verifier Ms. Mariam Hassen
Due  Date: 30th April, 2020    


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Required Work, Format and Grading
You must submit the following by the assignment due date:

  • Completed answers to each task, making sure that you fully address each of the outcome criteria.

§  Answer all questions separately.
§  Assignments without TURNITIN report will not be accepted.

You need to demonstrate a confident application of the theories to the assignment task. The theoretical underpinning of your observations and deliberations should also demonstrate a good understanding of the subject by the way that your analysis is structured.
You can access the Internet to research about the topic. You should demonstrate good academic practice by the appropriate use of academic texts and journals that are properly referenced.
Guidelines and further information about assignment:
Assignment must be submitted with the “Turnitin” report. If the report generated indicates a similarity index percentage of 20% or more, a review of your assignment is necessary to ensure the same is reduced to less than 20%.  

Student declaration:
I certify that the work contained in this assignment was researched and prepared by me:

Signature: ___________________________            Date: ___________________


Grades given are subjected to External Verification. No grades are Final

The user ID and Password for submitting the soft copy of the report through TURNITIN is as follows:
Class ID:        24230029                            Enrolment Password:    finance
Submission time and date
You should submit the assignment by the time and date mentioned otherwise a ‘NA’ will be awarded. Fill in the form cover and staple it with your assignment. Make sure that all the relevant details are complete. Assignments must be submitted by the due date. You may include diagrams, figures etc without word penalty.
Plagiarism Writing

  1. Plagiarism occurs if you use somebody else’s work in an assignment or exam answer, but fail to state where you got the material from. You need to be also very careful about the amount of words you are using from somebody else’s work.
  2. It can happen in any type of assessment where you are given the questions or tasks in advance.
  3. If another student uses your work in his/her answer(s), both you and he/she will be punished when caught.
  4. Punishments for committing plagiarism can be very severe.

Plagiarism is a form of cheating in which students use the work of others and present it as their own. It may include all or any one of the following –

  1. Copy extensively from the work of others (from sources such as books, magazines, journal, web-sites etc) and submit the work as your own.
  1. Copy another students’ work and submit it for assessment under your own name.
  2. Allow another student to copy your work and then submit it for assessment under their own name.

What happens if you get caught?
The examining body of CBFS may punish offending students in any manner that they deem fit. Typical punishments may range from reduction in grades, making students re-sit modules and even failing students on a module or an entire award. The college considers this form of cheating as a serious offence. Therefore be forewarned!
Oman bans single-use plastic bags
March 15, 2020 | 10:06 AM
by Times News Service
Representative image
Muscat: The Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs (MECA) has announced a ban on single-use plastic bags with fines of up to OMR 2,000 for violations from next year.
In its Ministerial Resolution No. 23/2020, the MECA says, “Companies and institutions are prohibited from using single-use plastic shopping bags to preserve the Omani environment.” Article 2 of the resolution says, “Without prejudice to more severe penalties listed in the Environmental Protection and Pollution Prevention Law, a fine of no less than one OMR 100 and no more than OMR 2000 shall be imposed on anyone who violates the provisions of this decision and doubled in the event of a repeat of the violation.”
This decision shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall be enforced from January 1, 2021.
Oman’s national initiative to reduce use of plastic bags
October 15, 2018 | 9:25 PM
by Times News Service
Oman has introduced a national initiative to reduce the use of plastic bags in the country, the Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs said on Monday.
The initiative, called “The Sustainable Lifestyle”, is aimed at educating the community to preserve the environment, as well as its natural resources.
In a statement, the ministry said, “The National Initiative for Sustainable Lifestyle was inaugurated by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs under the patronage of Minister of Environment and Climate Affairs Mohammed bin Salem Al Tobi.”
It added, “The move aims at educating the community to preserve the environment, as well as its natural resources. Through this initiative, the Ministry will consolidate efforts and expand partnership and cooperation between governmental institutions, the private sector and civil society organisations in the Sultanate to preserve the environment to achieve sustainable lifestyles and reach the goals of the Global Plan for Sustainable Development 2030.”
Moreover, the ministry has announced a national competition to design the logo of the national initiative and sort out the business and will choose the winner of the slogan of the national initiative, which focuses on recycling and reducing the use of plastic bags.
The aim of this national initiative is to spread awareness among all segments of the society towards changing life patterns across many environmental issues and achieve environmental sustainability, including reducing the use of plastic bags and minimizing the environmental impacts resulting from them. It also aims at reducing the use of plastic bags and at promoting reusing and recycling culture programs for bags made from local environment raw materials for shopping.
“After studying the market and the types of bags, the decision will see the light of day soon after the final approval from the specifications and standards committee at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry,” said a Ministry official.
Earlier, the Minister of Environment and Climate Affairs told the Shura Council, “We have completed the regulation on the use of plastic bags to limit their hazards to the environment and human health, as well as the sustainability of the ecological system and biodiversity. We are waiting for the regulations from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.”

  1. Critically evaluate the common environmental problems that businesses need to address to ensure sustainability and long-term financial viability.

 (Hint:  Reference to the Sector/industry/company is required)
(Word limit – 1000 words)

  1. Identify and analyze various measures taken by the stakeholders ( mention how it will effect individually) to minimize the use of plastic in order to contain and sustainable in the present world                                     (World limit – 1000 words)

Title Page

  • Contents
    • Introduction (2 Marks)
    • Task 1                                                 (8 Marks)
    • Task 2                                                                 (8 Marks)
  • References                 (2 Marks))
  • Support your assignments with relevant graphs, charts, tables(quantitative data) if

Maximum 2000 words  (+ / – 10% margin )
Subject – Contemporary Issues in Accounting – UG024
Semester- 7 (SPRING 2020 )
Group Work Assignment- Guidelines and Agreement: 
We hereby agree to form a group of a maximum 03 members to complete assignment.
We, the group members, agree to abide by all the rules and regulations set for group work by the College as well as rules and guidelines set by the course Lecturer. They are as following:

  • Maximum group size: 3 Students
  • Non participation results in NA, for one or all students of the group.
  • Assignment grading for individual group members will depend upon the overall assignment quality and participation of the individual group member.
  • Lecturer must be satisfied that the work submitted is the work of the students and was done by ALL the group members.
  • TURNITIN report is to be submitted with assignment.
  • Group members cannot be changed during duration of assignment.

We, all group members, agree to all of the above set of rules of Group Work Assignment.

  Student Name Student Signature

Signature of Group Leader:     _______________________________
Lecturer Approval:                   _______________________________

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