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MILH422: Contemporary Issues In Peacekeeping with Historical Context

Question Description

Each of you are to choose a specific question 1-10. You can choose your question and place it in the forum to hold your question.
When answering your question, please make sure you indicate which question you are answering in your post. Also, for full credit in participation, respond or follow-up at least three times on two separate days of the week – meaning, post your initial post on one day and then you may do all follow-ups on another day. Just don’t load everything up at once so we can have discussions. Thank you.
Choose one question:
2. Justify whether or not fact-finding missions should be used prior to the UN going into an area for peacekeeping?
3. Discuss whether “contracting out” for peacekeeping is an effective move for the UN? Do the positives outweigh the negatives?
7. We have spoken in great length about women in peacekeeping and many have been positive role models. Play devil’s advocate and discuss the negative view of women in peacekeeping roles.
8. Chapter 5 briefly discusses the Brahimi Report. What is the most important aspect of this report and why?
9. Discuss what can be done differently in an ongoing PKO in which you have some experience in the state or region.
Hint: Keep your eye on important historical factors in each of these questions and cite relevant journal articles and/or primary sources that support your arguments. Also, cite your required readings from this week as the conceptual basis of your answer.
Your initial post should be at least 350 words. Please respond with three follow-ups to other students. Responses should be a minimum of 150 words. The initial required post should be supported by course readings using parenthetical references. Click here for a copy of the discussion rubric.
Follow the Turabian Quick Guide style for author/date. Click on the tab in the middle of the page.
Initial Post Due: Thursday, by 11:55pm ET
Responses Due: Sunday, by 11:55pm ET

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