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Current Issues in International Business and Management

Question Description

Identify and critically analyse TWO current issues that you think will influence the future of the global business environment. Your choice must include at least one issue from the topics covered in the lecture sessions. You may select your second issue from topics covered in the lectures or beyond. You need to explain the rationale for your choices, perform a critical analysis and draw conclusions (based on your analysis) on the challenges for global businesses and the global business environment.
Sources of references,it is important to engage with academic literature (journal articles, book chapters and monographs) in your assignment. You may need to refer to specialist journals depending on your topic choice.Some journals with an IBM focus include Journal of World Business,Journal of International Business Studies, Socio-economic Review,Economy and Society, Review of International Political Economy,Management International Review, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Organization Studies, Human Relations, Asia Pacific Business Review, Work, Employment and Society etc.
Reference Style like Harvard style (see the Learning Resources website:
The length of the essay is 2000 words (+/- 10%). The list of references is not included in the word-count of the paper.
The essay should be typed in double spacing on A4 sized paper with margins of 1.5cm on left, right, top and bottom. Font size for text must be 12 and all pages should be numbered.

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