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Global marketing

Question Description

Final Project (25% of final grade) (case study attached below)
The final project is a case study using a formal case study method as the framework for the case analysis. It is in lieu of a final exam and will assess your abilities to identify, analyze, synthesize, and recommend marketing strategies based on a unique global marketing situation.
The due date is the last day of this class and is listed in the Course Calendar and in the Assignment. No work will be accepted after the last day of the class.
The Final Project Case Study for is McDonalds, and can be found in the Week 8 module in Course Content and at the following link:
Approach this Final Project Case Study as follows:

  • Read the case for the first time early in the semester.
  • Check out the student aid “How to Prepare a Case Study” in the Marketing Toolbox. Download the worksheets to help you with your analysis.
  • Post any questions you may have in the Final Project conference.
  • Read the case over a second time, minimally, prior to beginning your writing.
  • Conduct external research on the issues for relevance to support your opinions. Seek out counterarguments to ensure your opinions are well grounded or to modify your opinions.
  • Do not focus on the history of the company. Focus on the global marketing challenge and how to solve it.

Produce the Final Project case study as follows:

  • Create it in PowerPoint software.
  • Save it as a .PPT or .PPTX extension.
  • Adhere to the APA academic style. This is used in business.
  • Employ the use of external sources and case authors to defend arguments or provide counterarguments.
  • Generate at least the minimum number of slides as suggested below, but feel free to use as many slides as you feel appropriate to communicate your case study content.
  • Demonstrate professionally prepared slide presentation work, free of typos and grammatical errors. (See Microsoft PowerPoint Tips in the Marketing Toolbox, or other source for effectively communicating in the Power Point format).
  • Post it in your Assignments folder no later than 11:59 p.m. of the due date. Presentations will be graded in order of receipt.

Suggested Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation Outline
Prepare your slides following this suggested outlined. Use as many sides as you may need to effectively but efficiently cover the topic.

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  • Cover Slide: Name, section number, etc.
  • Title slide: Section 1— The Problem
  • Topic 1.a: Statement of the marketing challenge
  • Topic 1.b: Evidence in support of your statement of the marketing challenge
  • Title slide: Section 2—Analysis of the current situation
  • Topic 2.a: Macro-environmental factors affecting the case
  • Topic 2.b: Economic considerations
  • Topic 2.c: Political, regulatory considerations
  • Topic 2.d: Cultural/social considerations
  • Topic 2.e: Product review
  • Topic 2.f: Price review
  • Topic 2.g: Distribution review
  • Topic 2.h: Marketing communications review
  • Topic 2.i: Competitive analysis (focus on direct competitors)
  • Topic 2.j: Product/market analysis (country markets and/or consumer markets)
  • Topic 2.k: SWOT analysis
  • Topic 2.l: Conclusions regarding the current situation
  • Title slide: Section 3—Alternative strategic marketing solutions
  • Topic 3.a: Alternative 1 with pros and cons
  • Topic 3.b: Alternative 2 with pros and cons
  • Topic 3.c: Alternative 3 with pros and cons
  • Title slide: Section 4—Recommendation
  • Topic 4.a: Recommended marketing strategy from one of three alternatives
  • Topic 4.b: Product suggestions
  • Topic 4.c: Pricing suggestions
  • Topic 4.d: Distribution suggestions
  • Topic 4.e: Marketing communication suggestions
  • Topic 4.f: Any additional comments, if appropriate
  • Topic 4.g: Ongoing issues to monitor in the implementation
  • References
  • Exhibits

Additional details for each section are as follows:
Section 1—Statement of the marketing challenge
Read the case carefully, several times if needed, to determine the primary global marketing challenge. Once identified, provide evidence from the case as to why you believe this is the most important challenge facing marketing management of this company. Even though the case may discuss financial, operational, or other issues, be sure this statement is framed as a global marketing challenge. The other concerns will be important in your analysis, but not as the statement of the challenge. Do not summarize the case; only point out those case facts that support your opinion. Be sure your choice is strategic, not tactical.
Section 2—Analysis of the current situation
Think of this as a snapshot of the situation, or what is true at this point in time. Follow the outline above, which should conclude with a SWOT analysis and relevant conclusions. This sets the stage for your recommended strategies. Verify your findings as much as possible within the case or through your research. But, do not get bogged down if research cannot answer every question. Make educated guesses and note when they are approximations and when they are facts.
Section 3—Identification of at least three strategic alternative solutions
Based on your analysis, identify at least three possible marketing strategies that you would recommend for this unique global marketing situation. Each of your three alternative marketing strategies should include a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative marketing strategy. They should be strategic alternatives and include possible product/markets, mode of entry, country markets, pricing and distribution strategies, and a product/marketing communication strategy. Do not discuss marketing tactics; rather, conclude each alternative with an assessment of how that strategic alternative might solve the marketing challenge.
Section 4—Recommendation of a specific marketing strategy
From your list of strategic alternatives, select the one alternative you believe is best suited to the situation. Be sure to state your rationale for your choice and some approaches to implementing the marketing mix.
Your Final Project case study will be graded based on the following rubric:

Part 1
Case Study Content
A. Marketing challenge. Properly identifies and provides evidence of the marketing challenge. 0-1
Does not properly identify a marketing challenge.
Identifies a portion of the marketing challenge.
Fully under-stands the marketing
4 points maximum
B. Analysis of current situation. Uses case study facts and external sources to perform a SWOT analysis and draw conclusions regarding the current situation. 0-2
Does not under-
stand analysis of
current situation.
Performs a
analysis of current situation; may not draw appropriate conclusions.
Performs a thorough analysis of current situation and draws appropriate conclusions.
7 points maximum
C. Identification of strategic alternative solutions. Clearly outlines three distinct marketing strategies and various components that might be employed to solve the marketing challenge, including pros and cons of each alternative. 0-2
Does not outline three distinct marketing strategies to solve marketing challenge.
Outlines three alternative solutions, but may not be strategic or exclusive. May or may not include an appropriate
list of pros and cons for each.
Outlines three distinct marketing strategies that may solve the marketing challenge and provides pros and cons for each.
6 points maximum
D. Recommendation of specific strategy. Selected from one of the three alternatives, recommendation is defended based on analysis of best solution to marketing challenge and includes suggestions for marketing mix implementation. 0-1
Recommendation has no relationship to alternative solutions, or recommendation is not strategic.
Recommendation selected from alternatives but not defended sufficiently.
Recommendation is selected from alternatives and is well grounded as a solution to the marketing challenge. Appropriate marketing mix suggestions are included.
4 points
Readability, Style and Mechanics
A. Presentation has been proofread and edited and is free of overt grammatical and typographical errors. 0
Several major problems with grammar, composition, and typographical errors. Tone and style not appropriate for the audience.
For the most part, paper is free of grammar, composition, and typographical errors.
Paper is free of grammar, composition, and typographical errors. Tone and style are appropriate for the audience.
2 points maximum
B. Presentation complies with production requirements. 0-
Submission requirements barely met or not met.
Production requirements met for the most part. Tone and style appropriate for the audience for the most part.
Product requirements met, and tone and style are appropriate for the audience.
2 points maximum
TOTAL POINTS 25 points

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