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mircoeconomics question The labor market

Question Description

The Labor Market

  1. Discuss two factors that would increase demand for labor.
  2. If the market price of the good or service that a firm produces increases, what happen to the demand of labor? Explain.
  3. Suppose that some government-sanctioned licensing requirements are lifted (removed) in a particular industry. What would happen to the wage in this market? Explain.
  4. Do some research on your own. In general, do you think the government should intervene in the labor market? (Be sure to cite your references.)
  5. Suppose you are the manager of the firm. What advice would you give the owners to raise the productivity of its labor? Be specific in your proposal.
  6. Several cities across the United States have passed legislation to raise the living wage. How would this policy affect your firm?
  7. Use the readings from the background page. Make an argument for or against living wages in your city. (Note: the living wage calculator is a useful tool to determine the cost of living where you live).

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