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HNB4M: Fashion Production and Globalisation

Question Description

Fashion Production and Globalisation
Learning goals: Students will learn the who, what, where, when and how of fashion production and its impact on the world economy. They will implement this research and use their findings to create a new fashion product.
Success Criteria: Students will create a one page information sheet explaining what their product is and how it can be delivered to the public/market. They will also provide hand drawn images and articulate their designs to visually support their idea.
Info sheet will include:
– Explanation of your product ie. its name, purpose etc.
– Who product is meant for ie. used by only a few people or by everyone?
– What the product is used for ie. is it for work, school or recreational purposes?
– Where is it sold ie. can it be in stores, speciality online orders etc.?
– When is item most effective ie. time of year, climate, age group?
– How is product produced ie. is it a Custom (handmade, expensive item) or Mass production item (factory/cheaper item)?
One info page for your explanation and One/two pages to draw/visually communicate what your fashion item will look like.

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