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ADM 3318 International Business

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  1. The Alberta Pipeline, Green and Development Issues: Recent coverage on the Global Climate Strike drew attention back on an issue that had gone to the backburner. Greta Thunberg appearing along with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during a march brought the relevance back to the foreground.  The trans-mountain oil pipeline from Alberta to British Columbia – After many fits and starts, the oil pipeline which supposedly changes the economic fortunes of the provinces is now expected to get going. The federal government has stakes in it and this is partly economic and political as well. Given the scenario, Canadians while wanting to do something positive about climate change are also concerned about the immediate effects that may include costs, jobs, profits etc. Albertans are rooting for the pipeline.

From your point of view, in the context of climate change issues and business, is going ahead with the trans-mountain pipeline an appropriate solution for the problem(s) being faced by the federal government? What are the problems/issues that have guided the movement towards the trans-mountain pipeline. Why did the federal government/provincial government exercise approval of the pipeline as a means to solve its problems? Judge the suitability and appropriateness of the trans-mountain pipeline and whether or not the the federal government/ provincial government is likely to succeed in achieving its purpose. Are there any lessons for other provincial governments and other projects in the context of environmental impact? Provide specific information and/or facts or examples that illustrate any argument.
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  1. The Brexit Story and Global Impact: The landmark date in Brexit story was March 29, 2017 when the british voters voted for the United Kingdom to ‘leave’ the European Union. It was long discussed, yet when it happened, it was like a shock. Companies huddled into board rooms. Administrators were confused. EU also appeared shocked in some sense. The government of the day resigned.

More than 24 months down the road, the EU and the United Kingdom are finally in the last leg of a formalised exit. An agreement on the terms of engagement still needs a proper closure. EU and the United Kingdom represent good business opportunities for each other.
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●     Britain’s Financial Services Industry Post-Brexit

Theorists have been arguing that free trade and integration is good for business and the economy. In your view, is Brexit an appropriate solution for the problems being faced by UK? What are the problems that have caused the movement towards Brexit. Why did the UK choose Brexit as a means to solve its problems? Judge the suitability and appropriateness of a Brexit with or without a deal with the EU and whether or whether not the United Kingdom is likely to succeed in achieving its purpose through either process. Are there any lessons for other countries/EU? Provide specific information and/or facts or examples that illustrate any argument.

  1. Huawei, Trade, Technology and Country Strategic Issues: In one of the more dramatic events in the last one year, Huawei’s CFO based in Canada was detained. Apparently, the CFO was detained at the behest of the US. Currently, the US has imposed or threatened to impose very strong tariffs on major chinese exports into the US. Connected with this is the introduction of 5G technology by Huawei in North America. The US has disallowed Huawei 5G. Canada and North America had projected 5G technology as the next revolutionary upgrade in telecommunications with attendant benefits to business and economy. Recent reports have suggested that Canada (federal government) is disallowing or intending to disallow Huawei 5G.

From your point of view, is disallowing Huawei and its 5G technology an appropriate strategic solution for the problem(s) being faced by Canada? What are the problems/issues that have led the push towards Canada disallowing Huawei 5G technology? Judge the suitability and appropriateness of the decision and whether or not the federal government/ provincial government is likely to succeed in achieving its purpose and related implications for trade. Are there any lessons for the federal government in managing or controlling high technology? Give specific information, facts or examples to illustrate any argument?
Look through these links to get some understanding:


  • Use the essay format given
  • Adopt standard 1-inch margins. Use 12 points, Times Roman, with single line spacing.
  • Number the pages, except the Cover Sheet and the Statement of Ethics
  • Limit – 1800 content words. Page count excludes the Cover Sheet, Statement of Ethics and Annexure (if any).
  • References must be relevant. Points will be taken away for improper referencing. Follow APA guidelines.
  • Use of high-quality references is strongly encouraged (Bloomberg, FT, Research journals)
  • Do a proper spell check, context check, format properly, make intelligent use of headings and paragraphs.


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