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This assessment includes five sections that consist in essay questions
See below specific instructions
In-text references and bibliography: Harvard referencing system.
Submission: Week 8 – Via Moodle (Turnitin)
Weight: This task is a 60 % of your total grade for this subject.
This evaluation assesses the following learning outcomes:
• Outcome 1: implement strategies that create a competitive advantage for culturally diverse teams
• Outcome 2: identify and evaluate the attitudes which are necessary to work effectively in multi-cultural settings
Evaluation specific instructions
Word count: 2000-2500 words excluding bibliography.
Format: Business Report: neutral tone, spell/grammar checked
Title: Choose an NGO/Real Estate developer/Sports Facility/B2C business that is considering international expansion. This organisation is wishing to
expand internationally and needs to determine and analyse factors that will favour (or not) expanding to this region. The organization is diverse in
nature. Create a business report that includes the following 5 sections in which you answer what factors should be considered in the organisation’s
decision about whether to carry out this international expansion or note.
Part a: Executive Summary (max 1 page)
Part b: Background
In this section you should provide an introduction that describes the layout of the report and the factors that will be addressed. You will need to
briefly introduce the organisation you have chosen and present the organisation’s policy and strategy, vision and mission, ethical values, human
resources (HR) management, marketing management and finance policies/objectives.
In this section you should also choose a country that would be an option for the organisation to carry out its expansion in to.
Part c: Your country
Here in this section, for your country there will be a 3 to 4 page report determining the cross-cultural issues the organization could face if it decided
to locate/expand there. Reference should be made to organisation’s policy and strategy, vision and mission, ethics, human resources (HR)
management, marketing management and finance issues relating to the choice to locate in this country.
You should also address the social, technological, economic, environmental, political, legal, ethical, and security issues that the organisation may
face by choosing to locate in the country you have chosen to write about.
You will need to provide credible and correctly referenced data (Harvard style) in support of your arguments.
Part d: Discussion, Conclusions and recommendations
In this section you need to make recommendations for whether the organisation should go ahead with the proposed expansion in to your chosen
country or not. You should include a discussion of the attitudes which favour working multiculturally, strategies that create a competitive
advantage for international expansion and the advantages of culturally diverse teams in this section.
Part e: Bibliography minimum six references must be provided using the Harvard referencing system.
Rubric: Whilst completing this assignment you should refer to the rubric for this assignment, which will show you how marks will be allocated by
your professor when he marks your work. This rubric is attached below.
Exceptional 90-100 Good 80-89 Fair 70-79 Marginal fail 60-69
Knowledge &
Student demonstrates
excellent understanding of
key concepts and uses
vocabulary in an entirely
appropriate manner.
Student demonstrates
good understanding of the
task and mentions some
relevant concepts and
demonstrates use of the
relevant vocabulary.
Student understands the
task and provides minimum
theory and/or some use of
Student understands the task
and attempts to answer the
question but does not
mention key concepts or uses
minimum amount of relevant
Application (30%) Student applies fully
relevant knowledge from
the topics delivered in class
and provides relevant
Student applies mostly
relevant knowledge from
the topics delivered in class
and provides relevant,
mostly business-related
Student applies some
relevant knowledge from
the topics delivered in class
and provides relevant
examples, but not always
Misunderstanding may be
Student applies little relevant
knowledge from the topics
delivered in class and
provides few or no
relevant, business-related
Misunderstanding is evident.
Critical Thinking
Student critically assesses
in excellent ways, drawing
outstanding conclusions
from relevant authors.
Student critically assesses
in good ways, drawing
conclusions from relevant
authors and references.
Student provides some
insights but stays on the
surface of the topic.
References may not be
Student makes little or none
critical thinking insights, does
not quote appropriate
authors, and does not
provide valid sources.
Student communicates
their ideas extremely
clearly and concisely,
respecting word count,
grammar and spellcheck
Student communicates
their ideas clearly and
concisely, respecting word
count, grammar and
Student communicates
their ideas with some
clarity and concision. It
may be slightly over or
under the wordcount limit.
Some misspelling errors
may be evident.
Student communicates their
ideas in a somewhat unclear
and unconcise way. Does not
reach or does exceed
wordcount excessively and
misspelling errors are

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