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BUSI 620: Outsourcing and its effects on the economy

Research or Interview Paper Instructions

Choose 1 of the following 2 options for your Research or Interview Paper. Your paper will be at least 7 and at most 9 double-spaced pages for the main content (not including the cover page and reference page). Your choices include:

  1. A research paper

Steps for writing the research paper:

  1. Choose a topic in managerial economics.
  2. Submit the topic and the outline of the paper to the instructor anytime for approval.
  3. A minimum of 3 references besides the textbook are required. Liberty University library has excellent resources for your search for journals.


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  1. An interview paper

Steps for writing the interview paper:

  1. Choose a topic in managerial economics.
  2. Design at least 5 questions according to the topic.
  3. Submit your questions to the instructor for approval.
  4. Contact a local or non-local company for an interview with a manager or executive.
  5. Conduct the interview for answers to your questions.
  6. The paper must have 3 parts:
    • The description of the company;
    • Interview questions and answers; and
    • Your comments.

All citations must be properly cited in current APA format.
*The research paper is to be done individually, not as a group.
**Do not wait until the last module/week to work on the paper. Do it as early as possible.
***A paper that was written for other courses will not be accepted for grading.
Use the SafeAssign link in the Assignments folder in Module/Week 7 to verify that your paper consists of original material.  A paper with more than 20% from SafeAssign would not be accepted.
Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday.

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