Colorado Technical University Strategic Management in Dynamic Environments Discussion

Question Description

You talk with Mike and Tiffany at lunch. “You’ve done some great research and brought up some good ideas to implement in the presentation,” you say. “There is one element that we are missing.”
“One of the most important aspects of the strategy: our competitors,” Tiffany states.
“I’ve already done some analysis, and there are many in the global market. It seems like there are several office furniture companies thriving, but not as many custom furniture manufacturers,” Mike elaborates.
“Well, we need to provide the board with some solid competitors. I’ll work on finding our top two,” you say. Complete the following:

  • Who are your top 2 global competitors in the market?
  • Provide a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis for each competitor.
  • Why are they direct competitors?
  • What is their competitive advantage?
  • Could you form a cooperative strategy with any of the competitors?
    • If so, how?
    • If not, why?
  • What strategies could you use to build a competitive market profile?
  • What is balanced scorecard?

600-800 words, APA Format, use attahced for reference

Global marketing

Question Description

Final Project (25% of final grade) (case study attached below)
The final project is a case study using a formal case study method as the framework for the case analysis. It is in lieu of a final exam and will assess your abilities to identify, analyze, synthesize, and recommend marketing strategies based on a unique global marketing situation.
The due date is the last day of this class and is listed in the Course Calendar and in the Assignment. No work will be accepted after the last day of the class.
The Final Project Case Study for is McDonalds, and can be found in the Week 8 module in Course Content and at the following link:
Approach this Final Project Case Study as follows:

  • Read the case for the first time early in the semester.
  • Check out the student aid “How to Prepare a Case Study” in the Marketing Toolbox. Download the worksheets to help you with your analysis.
  • Post any questions you may have in the Final Project conference.
  • Read the case over a second time, minimally, prior to beginning your writing.
  • Conduct external research on the issues for relevance to support your opinions. Seek out counterarguments to ensure your opinions are well grounded or to modify your opinions.
  • Do not focus on the history of the company. Focus on the global marketing challenge and how to solve it.

Produce the Final Project case study as follows:

  • Create it in PowerPoint software.
  • Save it as a .PPT or .PPTX extension.
  • Adhere to the APA academic style. This is used in business.
  • Employ the use of external sources and case authors to defend arguments or provide counterarguments.
  • Generate at least the minimum number of slides as suggested below, but feel free to use as many slides as you feel appropriate to communicate your case study content.
  • Demonstrate professionally prepared slide presentation work, free of typos and grammatical errors. (See Microsoft PowerPoint Tips in the Marketing Toolbox, or other source for effectively communicating in the Power Point format).
  • Post it in your Assignments folder no later than 11:59 p.m. of the due date. Presentations will be graded in order of receipt.

Suggested Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation Outline
Prepare your slides following this suggested outlined. Use as many sides as you may need to effectively but efficiently cover the topic.

  • Cover Slide: Name, section number, etc.
  • Title slide: Section 1— The Problem
  • Topic 1.a: Statement of the marketing challenge
  • Topic 1.b: Evidence in support of your statement of the marketing challenge
  • Title slide: Section 2—Analysis of the current situation
  • Topic 2.a: Macro-environmental factors affecting the case
  • Topic 2.b: Economic considerations
  • Topic 2.c: Political, regulatory considerations
  • Topic 2.d: Cultural/social considerations
  • Topic 2.e: Product review
  • Topic 2.f: Price review
  • Topic 2.g: Distribution review
  • Topic 2.h: Marketing communications review
  • Topic 2.i: Competitive analysis (focus on direct competitors)
  • Topic 2.j: Product/market analysis (country markets and/or consumer markets)
  • Topic 2.k: SWOT analysis
  • Topic 2.l: Conclusions regarding the current situation
  • Title slide: Section 3—Alternative strategic marketing solutions
  • Topic 3.a: Alternative 1 with pros and cons
  • Topic 3.b: Alternative 2 with pros and cons
  • Topic 3.c: Alternative 3 with pros and cons
  • Title slide: Section 4—Recommendation
  • Topic 4.a: Recommended marketing strategy from one of three alternatives
  • Topic 4.b: Product suggestions
  • Topic 4.c: Pricing suggestions
  • Topic 4.d: Distribution suggestions
  • Topic 4.e: Marketing communication suggestions
  • Topic 4.f: Any additional comments, if appropriate
  • Topic 4.g: Ongoing issues to monitor in the implementation
  • References
  • Exhibits

Additional details for each section are as follows:
Section 1—Statement of the marketing challenge
Read the case carefully, several times if needed, to determine the primary global marketing challenge. Once identified, provide evidence from the case as to why you believe this is the most important challenge facing marketing management of this company. Even though the case may discuss financial, operational, or other issues, be sure this statement is framed as a global marketing challenge. The other concerns will be important in your analysis, but not as the statement of the challenge. Do not summarize the case; only point out those case facts that support your opinion. Be sure your choice is strategic, not tactical.
Section 2—Analysis of the current situation
Think of this as a snapshot of the situation, or what is true at this point in time. Follow the outline above, which should conclude with a SWOT analysis and relevant conclusions. This sets the stage for your recommended strategies. Verify your findings as much as possible within the case or through your research. But, do not get bogged down if research cannot answer every question. Make educated guesses and note when they are approximations and when they are facts.
Section 3—Identification of at least three strategic alternative solutions
Based on your analysis, identify at least three possible marketing strategies that you would recommend for this unique global marketing situation. Each of your three alternative marketing strategies should include a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative marketing strategy. They should be strategic alternatives and include possible product/markets, mode of entry, country markets, pricing and distribution strategies, and a product/marketing communication strategy. Do not discuss marketing tactics; rather, conclude each alternative with an assessment of how that strategic alternative might solve the marketing challenge.
Section 4—Recommendation of a specific marketing strategy
From your list of strategic alternatives, select the one alternative you believe is best suited to the situation. Be sure to state your rationale for your choice and some approaches to implementing the marketing mix.
Your Final Project case study will be graded based on the following rubric:

Part 1
Case Study Content
A. Marketing challenge. Properly identifies and provides evidence of the marketing challenge. 0-1
Does not properly identify a marketing challenge.
Identifies a portion of the marketing challenge.
Fully under-stands the marketing
4 points maximum
B. Analysis of current situation. Uses case study facts and external sources to perform a SWOT analysis and draw conclusions regarding the current situation. 0-2
Does not under-
stand analysis of
current situation.
Performs a
analysis of current situation; may not draw appropriate conclusions.
Performs a thorough analysis of current situation and draws appropriate conclusions.
7 points maximum
C. Identification of strategic alternative solutions. Clearly outlines three distinct marketing strategies and various components that might be employed to solve the marketing challenge, including pros and cons of each alternative. 0-2
Does not outline three distinct marketing strategies to solve marketing challenge.
Outlines three alternative solutions, but may not be strategic or exclusive. May or may not include an appropriate
list of pros and cons for each.
Outlines three distinct marketing strategies that may solve the marketing challenge and provides pros and cons for each.
6 points maximum
D. Recommendation of specific strategy. Selected from one of the three alternatives, recommendation is defended based on analysis of best solution to marketing challenge and includes suggestions for marketing mix implementation. 0-1
Recommendation has no relationship to alternative solutions, or recommendation is not strategic.
Recommendation selected from alternatives but not defended sufficiently.
Recommendation is selected from alternatives and is well grounded as a solution to the marketing challenge. Appropriate marketing mix suggestions are included.
4 points
Readability, Style and Mechanics
A. Presentation has been proofread and edited and is free of overt grammatical and typographical errors. 0
Several major problems with grammar, composition, and typographical errors. Tone and style not appropriate for the audience.
For the most part, paper is free of grammar, composition, and typographical errors.
Paper is free of grammar, composition, and typographical errors. Tone and style are appropriate for the audience.
2 points maximum
B. Presentation complies with production requirements. 0-
Submission requirements barely met or not met.
Production requirements met for the most part. Tone and style appropriate for the audience for the most part.
Product requirements met, and tone and style are appropriate for the audience.
2 points maximum
TOTAL POINTS 25 points

Colorado College Country from The List of US Free Trade Agreement Partners and Examine the Information Discussion

Question Description

Part 1

  • select a country from the list of U.S. free trade agreement partners and examine the information. Then select two (2) potential drawbacks from the trade agreement you selected, explain your rationale, then provide a recommendation to address each of these drawbacks.
  • Imagine that your goal is to be a next-generation multinational manager. Suggest three (3) key traits or characteristics that this type of manager should possess. Determine the related characteristic(s) that you already possess, and propose strategies for developing the remaining characteristic(s) through education and / or experience. If you believe that you possess all of the traits or characteristics that you have suggested, explain whether or not you obtained them through education and / or experience.

Part 2

  • assuming you are currently a store manager at Walmart and due to your fluency in the Japanese language, the company has assigned you to manage one of their Seiyu-brand stores in Japan. Determine the skills, strengths, or qualities that you possess, relative to the seven (7) dimensions of the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) Model, that would help you successfully manage your store. Predict two (2) cultural differences that may challenge your current management style, and suggest the key actions that could help you address them.
  • Imagine that your friend Teresa have worked in several capacities in different departments within her present company. This week, her company has promoted her from department manager to CEO, just as it begins to participate in international business. Devise at least five (5) rules that address conflict of interest for Teresa within this new context. Provide a rationale for your response.

Part 3

  • Determine the key reasons why economic freedom is so critical to multinational companies (MNCs). Provide one (1) example from the information that you learned about China versus India to support your response.
  • Recommend two (2) ways in which multinational managers could apply the overarching principles from the four (4) major religions of the world in order to contribute positively to the business culture of a society. Provide a rationale for your response.

Part 4

  • Assuming you are the new director of the South Asia region for Dunkin Donuts (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bhutan, Afghanistan and Maldives). Select two countries from this list and recommend donut flavors that would resonate with the group. Provide rationale to support your reasoning.
  • examine two (2) instances when multinational companies have used offensive or defensive competitive strategies. Determine the major advantages that global companies would have over domestic competitors in sustaining competitive advantage as a result of using offensive or defensive competitive strategies.

Part 5
Select one (1) global industry, such as the automobile or cell phone industry. Next, use the Internet to research three (3) major international competitors within the chosen industry. Take note of manner in which the popular international business press (e.g., newspapers, magazines, e-zines, press releases, etc.) depicts the selected companies.
Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:

  • Compare and contrast the three (3) models of culture. Next, select one (1) of the researched international competitors, and ascertain the model of culture that is most appropriate for the selected international competitor. Provide a rationale for your response.
  • Recommend the type of economic system that best relates to each of the researched international competitors. Predict three (3) potential effects of such an economic system on the societies in which the system is involved. Provide a rationale for your response.
  • Speculate on the major reasons why certain countries have lagged behind other countries in economic development. Recommend three (3) generic actions that the three (3) researched major competitors could take in order to encourage economic progress within these countries. Provide a rationale for your response.
  • Imagine that you have been given the opportunity to lead one (1) of the three (3) researched international competitors. Select one (1) company in which you are interested in leading, and provide a rationale for your choice. Propose the necessary major steps—including education, social development, community activities, bargaining skills, language skills, conflict management skills, etc.—that you would need to take in order to propel you from where you are today to a global leadership / management position at your chosen company.
  • Suggest two (2) global changes in expansion, technology, marketing, products, services, human resources, and customer service, etc., that you would make as CEO of the selected international organization from Question 4. Provide a rationale for your response.
  • Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Part 6

  • Imagine that you work for a small manufacturing company that uses an innovative, low-cost production method for making laser disks. A Malaysian firm approaches your CEO in order to license the technology. Outline the major potential risks and benefits of the prospective deal for your CEO. Provide two (2) suggestions for the CEO that would help him / her decide to either accept or decline the offer.
  • analyze two (2) major political risks of operating a business within the selected emerging country. Propose two (2) actions that a multinational company could take in order to manage political risk in that country. Justify your response.

Keys to Success in Multinational Companies, marketing homework help

Question Description

Imagine that you are a Vice President of a food product company that is ramping up to go global.
Write a seven page paper in which you;
1.  Design a comprehensive best practices policy list that includes policies on the following:
a.  Sanitation (e.g., hand washing, toilet facilities, etc.)
b.  Eating and / or drinking (e.g., at desks, on the company grounds, inside in the manufacturing area at designated tables / areas, etc.)
c.  Conflict resolution (e.g., settling disputes, mediation and / or arbitration with designated mediator on staff, etc.)
d.  In-house teams (e.g., minimum meeting times, scribes, appointed leaders, etc.)
e.  Online team (e.g., 24-hour coverage on phone due to time differences, etc.)
f.  Security (e.g., leaving doors open, locks, key return policy for departing workers, etc.)
g.  Emergency evacuation procedures
2.  Determine the key benefits of creating such policies. Provide a rationale for your response.
3.  Speculate on the major ramifications if such policies are not created. Provide a rationale for your response.
4.  Predict the significant ways in which the best practices policy that you created will contribute towards the long-term sustainability of the company. Provide a rationale for your response.
5.  Determine whether or not your best practices policy would provide a competitive advantage over other international companies. Provide one (1) example of a company using a best practices policy to support your response.

Huawei Company Growth Strategy Discussion

Question Description

Please make sure to listen to the webinar about Huawei on 11.30a.m. June 28, 2019 and read the article.
Using the information in the webinar
Explain what recommendations were made and whether Huawei should follow a growth, retrenchment or stability strategy
might can use the attached file.
Webinar about Huawei:

  • 3 paragraphs, each at least 5 sentences. around 750 words.
  • In-text citation, and references.
  • simple words and sentences.

MKT571: Pricing and Distribution

Pricing and Distribution

Question Description

This assignment is designed to help students analyze and understand how price setting and go to market (distribution) are interrelated and affects the profitability and growth of the business. It has been designed to be a short overview on purpose: the concepts of pricing and distribution are complex and a general understanding is what should be absorbed in one week of study.
Assignment Steps
Construct a minimum 700-word plan for setting price and a distribution model (place/distribution) in Microsoft® Word. This plan should address at least three elements (from the Price and Place/Distribution list below) of the Price and Place/Distribution section of the marketing plan.

  • Price and Place/Distribution:
    • Distribution Strategies
    • Channels, Mass, Selective, Exclusive
    • Positioning within channels
    • Dynamic/Static Pricing Strategies
    • Channel tactics (Pricing)
    • Daily pricing, promotion pricing, List pricing

Note: Charts/graphs/tables do not count toward the word count.
The plan will be a continuation of your global or multi-regional business you chose in Week 1. This will be incorporated into your overall marketing plan for Week 6.
Cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed references.
Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.
* It would be better to focus on a product that Walmart sells.

multinational (multidomestic) strategy, writing homework help

Question Description

Some international companies choose to follow a multinational (multidomestic) strategy—a strategy of adapting products and their marketing strategies in each national market to suit local preferences. A multinational strategy is just what its name implies—a separate strategy for each of the multiple nations in which a company markets its products. To implement a multinational strategy, companies often establish largely independent, self-contained units (or subsidiaries) in each national market. Each subsidiary typically undertakes its own product research and development, production, and marketing. In many ways, each unit functions largely as an independent company. Multinational strategies are often appropriate for companies in industries in which buyer preferences do not converge across national borders, such as certain food products and some print media.
Respond to the following:

• Discuss how international strategies can be applied to save consumers’ money but keep them contented, based on the quality of product they are buying or using. For example, look at the Flying High with Low Fares article and discuss why or why not Ryanair has a good mindset and strategy skills in order to attract customers and keep a good, stable business.

HRM Problems and Multinational Companies

Question Description

Determine two (2) HRM problems that typically arise with expatriate assignments. Propose two (2) precautionary steps that HR can take in order to avoid encountering these problems. Support your response with examples of such precautionary steps in action.
Examine the concepts of core ethical values and guidelines in HRM. Suggest two (2) ways that these concepts may be applied to HRM problems that occur during expatriate assignments. Provide support with examples of the application of these concepts to HRM problems that occur during expatriate assignments.
Recommend two (2) actions that multinational enterprises can take to reduce risks related to terrorism. Suggest what HRM’s role might be in reducing these risks. Justify your response.
Determine one (1) set of corporate risk-assessment categories that would be a starting point for a multinational enterprise as it relates to audits, emergencies, and disaster preparedness. Analyze the importance of a company having a disaster recovery plan. Support your analysis with one (1) example of a company that did or did not have a disaster recovery plan.

Multinational Management Strategies

Question Description

“Multinational Management Strategies” Please respond to the following:

  • Imagine that you work for a small manufacturing company that uses an innovative, low-cost production method for making laser disks. A Malaysian firm approaches your CEO in order to license the technology. Outline the major potential risks and benefits of the prospective deal for your CEO. Provide two (2) suggestions for the CEO that would help him / her decide to either accept or decline the offer.
  • From the e-Activity, analyze two (2) major political risks of operating a business within the selected emerging country. Propose two (2) actions that a multinational company could take in order to manage political risk in that country. Justify your response.

Multinational Business Strategies Project

Part (1)

  1. Research Proposal:

Your proposal should be 2–3 p ages in length. APA style must be followed.
This project entails developing a full strategic analysis on a publicly held multinational enterprise (MNE). It must be public because of the depth and transparency of data you will need to adequately complete the project. This MNE may be in any industry, based in any international location, and held in any public market. A number of MNEs in less developed economies are publicly listed in foreign equity markets. It is strongly suggested that highly diversified MNEs (conglomerates) be avoided due to the added complexity in completing your project. The research proposal should present a concise and rigorous case for studying your proposed firm in light of global strategic management. It should consider the following:

  • Corporate overview (basic description of MNE, its operations, market position, leadership, etc.)
  • Financial performance overview (briefly review revenues, net income, profit ratios, balance sheet, equity trends)
  • Business segments (divisions or SBUs [strategic business units] with performance contributions)
  • Subsidiary/parent-child structure (corporate hierarchy with performance contributions)
  • Geographic segmentation (current with performance contribution)
  • Recent strategic initiatives/stated strategic objective
  • Important negative events or challenges
  • Domestic/foreign industry summary (includes industry name and the primary and secondary NAICS and SIC codes)
  • Brief key competitors overview (minimum two domestic and two foreign, using salient aspects listed above)
  • Reason for your interest in the MNE


  1. Current Research Summary and Annotated Bibliography

You will submit your current research summary and annotated bibliography. Your summary should be 1–2 paragraphs in length, detailing the research involved to date. The annotated bibliography should be an annotated list of the major sources you intend to use or consult for your final paper.
Part (2)

  1. MNE Overview and Key Strategic Background
    • Characterize the chosen firm (e.g., firm’s scale, strategic business units, scope of products and markets, diversification type, current financial and strategic performance trends (5-year max) with a brief comparison to industry trends, market shares, etc.)
    • Describe the current international operations of the firm (e.g., geographic distribution of operations and their contributions to firm performance)
    • What are the recent strategic initiatives (and their motivations) of the firm?
    • Briefly analyze the MNE’s domestic and international rivals (a representative top challenger for each is fine)


  1. Strategy Tripod Part One: Industry Conditions (Opportunities and Threats)
    • What are the top five foreign markets for the MNE’s industry?
    • Compare and contrast the five forces affecting the MNE’s industry. Note critical factors to each and critical differences in the MNE’s domestic and foreign markets.
    • Which functions in the industry value chain are key to competitiveness for your MNE? How well do they address the industry’s key success factors and key drivers of change?
    • Assess the strategic fit of the MNE’s generic competitive strategy with industry conditions.


  1. Strategy Tripod Part Two: Internal Resources and Capabilities (Strengths and Weaknesses)
    • Analyze the value, rarity, imitability, and organizational (VRIO) aspects of the firm’s core resources and capabilities within its value chain functions. Do any competencies reach the “core” or “distinctive” level over rivals?
    • How well do these capabilities and resources support the MNE’s generic strategy choice?
    • What resources and capabilities should the firm augment or develop to improve its future global competitiveness?
    • Should the firm acquire, outsource, or build these resources internally?


  1. Strategy Tripod Part Three: Institutional and Cultural Conditions
    • How are formal and informal institutions setting the “rules of the game” for the MNE’s direct and indirect international operations?
    • Using Hofstede’s five dimensions of national culture, how will the MNE’s domestic cultural norms compare to those of its foreign partners or subsidiaries?
    • Which is currently a greater concern—cultural or institutional distance?
    • What are your recommendations for the firm’s future IBS to leverage its exposure to these various “rules of the game”?


  1. Entrepreneurship and Internationalizing the Firm
    • How effectively has the firm managed the five “entrepreneurial strategies” in its growth?
    • Are there institutional or industry-based conditions affecting entrepreneurship opportunities?


  1. Internationalization: Where, When, Why, and How
    • From the institution-based and resource-based views, does the firm possess “overwhelming resources and capabilities to offset its liability of foreignness”?
    • How do the firm’s strategic goals align with the location-specific advantages of its global footprint?
    • Assess the advantages and disadvantages of management’s entry mode choices and entry timing.
    • Which diversification strategies have been used? Have they contributed to performance?
    • Has performance benefited from international acquisitions or collaborative strategies?
    • What are your recommendations for the MNE to pursue future complementary strategic options?


  1. Internationalization: Strategy, Structure, and Learning
    • Which of the four strategy/structure configurations is used?
    • Considering the three legs of the strategy tripod, evaluate the “strategic fit” of the MNE’s strategy/structure configuration to its IBS goals.
    • Does this approach offer any innovation or learning advantages over the approaches of the MNE’s top rivals?
    • Has the firm internalized any knowledge management or learning capabilities that maybe leveraged between developed and emerging economies?


  1. Strategizing Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
    • Has the MNE developed firm-specific capabilities to differentiate on corporate governance dimensions?
    • From the stakeholder-based view, what is a CSR initiative that will directly impact the competitiveness of the MNE?