Multinational strategies and structures

Question Description

Utilizing the Multinational Strategies and Structures: The Integration-Responsive Framework, Figure 10.1, (Peng, 2014, p.298) Identify, and discuss in detail, four MNEs that apply each of these four  strategies. How, when and why do they apply these specific, and respective strategies. 1-2 pages; 1-2 references,  APA.

Multinational Companies, assignment help

Question Description

Please choose one (1) of the following industries:

  • Jewelry
  • Fashion / Apparel
  • Chemicals
  • Consumer electronics, electronic components
  • Medical supplies or equipment
  • Bins, totes, crates, material handling
  • Food products
  • Drug products
  • Children’s products, clothing, toys, etc.

Write a eight (8) page paper in which you:

  1. Design a comprehensive best practices policy list that includes policies on the following:
    1. Sanitation (e.g., hand washing, toilet facilities, etc.)
    2. Eating and / or drinking (e.g., at desks, on the company grounds, inside in the manufacturing area at designated tables / areas, etc.)
    3. Conflict resolution (e.g., settling disputes, mediation and / or arbitration with designated mediator on staff, etc.)
    4. In-house teams (e.g., minimum meeting times, scribes, appointed leaders, etc.)
    5. Online team (e.g., 24-hour coverage on phone due to time differences, etc.)
    6. Security (e.g., leaving doors open, locks, key return policy for departing workers, etc.)
    7. Emergency evacuation procedures
  2. Determine the key benefits of creating such policies. Provide a rationale for your response.
  3. Speculate on the major ramifications if such policies are not created. Provide a rationale for your response.
  4. Predict the significant ways in which the best practices policy that you created will contribute towards the long-term sustainability of the company. Provide a rationale for your response.
  5. Determine whether or not your best practices policy would provide a competitive advantage over other international companies. Provide one (1) example of a company using a best practices policy to support your response.
  6. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Multinational Companies

Question Description

Question 1.
Discuss the various macroeconomic factors that affect exchange rates. Minimum 400 words. Use in text citations that match peer reviewed references minimum two.
Question 2
Discuss the various derivatives contracts (futures, forwards and options). Minimum 400 words. Use in text citations that match peer reviewed references minimum two.
Question 3
Pick a US-based Multinational Corporation (examples: Apple, Inc., the General Motors Company, the Boeing Company, and so forth). Introduce the company’s products/services and management team.
Pick a foreign market in which the MNC operates. Discuss the reasons why you selected this foreign market. Introduce the foreign country (geographical location, regulations on international investors) and it’s Balance of Payment (BOP). How does the BOP affect the local currency?
Use minimum five in text citation that must match peer reviewed references. Work should be done in 4-6pages not including title and reference page. Should have introduction, findings, conclusion and reference page.

Multinational marketing strategies

Question Description

You are tasked with launching a product and accompanying marketing campaign in the international market of your choice. You will select a specific international market in the world, excluding the United States, and a specific product, and then assess the marketing conditions in the international market in several important areas. You should select a country (Ireland) that you were always interested in that might be your “dream” country to work in one day
Please find more information attached. The country is Ireland and you can choose the product of your choice

HR’s Role in Mergers and Acquisitions

Question Description

HR’s Role in Mergers and Acquisitions


Create 8–10 PowerPoint presentation slides (with speaker notes) to address the role of human resources in mergers and acquisitions. Include the following:

  • Explain key practices HR should include to successfully integrate two merged companies.
  • Explain key principles of an integration process for merging companies. Include three principles.
  • Explain what metrics can be used to measure the impact of a merger.
  • Analyze perspectives concerning HR professionals’ roles relative to mergers and acquisitions.
  • Describe recommendations for including and maximizing HR’s contribution to successful mergers and acquisitions. Describe 2–3 recommendations and consider sharing professional experiences.

Your PowerPoint slides and speaker notes should be written coherently to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a business professional.


To discuss globalization in the 21st Century.

Question Description

Assignment: Create a new thread and write a two paragraph or longer response to the following question – Is Globalization in Decline or Not? What is the proper role for US based companies in their globalization efforts? Can US based companies afford to retreat from global markets? While competition in global markets has increased, and profitability has become difficult to maintain, can US based companies afford to retreat from their global footprint? Do you have any direct experience with this issue in your workplace that you could bring to the discussion?
Your response will hopefully be informed not only by Chapter Seven in the textbook but also articles from Harvard Business Review and the Washington Post. Your task will be to take a position on globalization and the competitive response of US based corporations to the challenges of competing in global markets. The key issue for debate: Should US based companies retreat? Can US based companies retreat? What are the difficulties that US based companies face when competing in global markets? How should US based corporations respond?
Then, read and post a reply to two of your classmates regarding their analysis of these questions. Specific issues to address include: Do you concur with your classmates’ analysis of the current state of globalization? Do you have any thoughts on your classmates’ analysis of the challenges facing US based companies in global markets?
Rule: Post one (1) original thread and two (2) replies to other threads for a total of three (3) posts on the discussion board. Your original thread must be unique to you and must be at least roughly focused on the topic of globalization.
This assignment will be due by 11pm CDT on Sunday.

The social problem of “inequality”

Question Description

The social problem of “inequality” has been called one of the defining
issues of our times. In your view, which one of the classical
sociological theorists’ ideas that we covered in lecture (Marx, Weber,
Durkheim, Simmel) is most useful for understanding the persistence of
social inequality? Apply and discuss at least one of the theorists’
concepts to illustrate your argument.
This essay must be between 700-800 words.

Adolescence: Contemporary Issues and Resources

Adolescence: Contemporary Issues and Resources

Question Description

Adolescence: Contemporary Issues and ResourcesResearch the range of contemporary issues teenagers face today. In a 500-750-word paper, choose one issue (besides teen pregnancy) and discuss its effect on adolescent behavior and overall well-being. Include the following in your submission:

  1. Describe the contemporary issue and explain what external stressors are associated with this issue.
  2. Outline assessment strategies to screen for this issue and external stressors during an assessment for an adolescent patient. Describe what additional assessment questions you would need to ask and define the ethical parameters regarding what you can and cannot share with the parent or guardian.
  3. Discuss support options for adolescents encountering external stressors. Include specific support options for the contemporary issue you presented.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Jacksonville University Mondelez International Case Analysis

Question Description

please Read Case 21 Mondelez International and connect with chapter 7&8 , answer the following questions:

  1. What is Mondelez International’s corporate strategy? How has its corporate strategy evolved since its independence in 2007?
  2. What is your assessment of the long-term attractiveness of the industries represented in Mondelez International’s business portfolio?
  3. What is your assessment of the competitive strength of Mondelez International’s different business units?
  4. Does Mondelez International’s portfolio exhibit good strategic fit? What value-chain match-ups do you see? What opportunities for skills transfer, cost sharing, or brand sharing do you see?
  5. What is your overall evaluation of Mondelez International’s corporate strategy and restructuring since 2012? What evidence and/or reasons support a conclusion that Mondelez International’s shareholders have benefited from the spinoff of the company’s North American grocery business?

case 21 and related material is on the files

Jefferson College of Health Sciences Disaster Crisis Planing Discussion

Question Description

Given what we have discussed this semester and this week’s reading, discuss your thoughts on the evolving causes of crises. How do you see the described changes impacting humanitarian aid? How would you prepare and respond to this changing landscape?


Planning from the Future
example from one of my classmate paper below:
This week’s reading was rather harrowing. It exposed the apparent futility and inefficiencies of managing complex conflict-driven humanitarian crises. One statement from an NGO that stuck out to me was “What are we doing? We provide food baskets so that when Syrians are killed by barrel bombs, they aren’t hungry” (Howe, 2016). The current state of international humanitarian aid is reminiscent of the Greek story of King Sisyphus, who was condemned to push a boulder up a hill only for it to roll back to the bottom as it neared the top. The conflict in Syria has been bloody, with 75% of deaths attributed to civilians not directly involved in the conflict, including 20,000 children (Howe, 2016). The incidence of violence surrounding many recent crises has become a hallmark of disasters.
I predict that the complexities involved with conflict will begin to affect the way we approach humanitarian disasters. Specifically, I think that we will start to see an increase in the incidence of armed/militarized humanitarian response. Without adequate protection for responders, the provision of aid is a difficult sell in areas wrapped with conflict. Although they are somewhat unrelated topics, we are seeing a similar shift in schools where it is becoming more common to have an armed School Resource Officer or armed administrators and teachers to deal with potential assaults. As aspiring emergency management professionals, we should engage in discourse regarding security and aid in conflict to address these realities proactively. Although Howe (2016) stated that humanitarians feel as though it is not their job nor place to actively address violence or local politics, the feelings might change to address the sources of crisis instead of alleviating the symptoms. The international community could be a powerful incentivizing force, even if it does not engage directly in conflict.
As climate change and other human-caused ecological conditions morph, there will be more natural disasters and people affected by them, which we discussed in class. In addition to the conflict in Syria, there are ongoing humanitarian crises in Yemen, Iraq, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Sudan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Palestine, Sudan, Myanmar, Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Chad, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, Mali, and Venezuela (SIDA, 2019). Keep in mind that those countries are just the high-profile incidents – other areas fall below the radar of large-scale intervention. Last year, only 60% of the world’s humanitarian needs were addressed by the international community (SIDA, 2019). Instead of focusing primarily on response to these events, humanitarian organizations should concentrate on developing preparedness and mitigation strategies in vulnerable areas to supplement government work. For example, my final paper discussed the earthquake and tsunami in Sulawesi. The warning systems failed to alert citizens adequately and were in disrepair (Singhvi, Saget, & Lee, 2018). If an NGO had identified these issues before the disaster and worked to educate citizens on actions to take in response to earthquakes in a coastal region or had donated funds to repair the detection buoys, many lives could have been saved.
If the world can only address 60% of needs, then maybe capacity isn’t the issue; perhaps it’s the approach we are using. There is a disproportionate amount of effort directed at the response phase of a disaster or humanitarian crisis. The mindset leaves little space for the implementation of effective mitigation and long-term recovery strategies.Once this is recognized and addressed, I think that that it could reduce the incidence of conflict and improve societal stability following a disaster. If I go into international response, I will encourage more NGOs to develop branches that focus on those two aspects, which will, in turn, reduce strain during the response phase.
Howe, K. (2016, January). No End in Sight: A Case Study of Humanitarian Action and the Syria Conflict [PDF]. Retrieved from
Singhvi, A., Saget, B., & Lee, J. C. (2018, October 3). What Went Wrong With Indonesia’s Tsunami Early Warning System. Retrieved from
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). (2019, March 20). Ongoing humanitarian crises. Retrieved from