Smuggling and Organized Crime with 250 Words and Two Responses with 150 Words

Question Description

Please respond to the Forum questions listed below. You are expected to give complete answers referring to what you have read in the “Lessons”(reading & resources). Reference to, or the use of critical thinking, analysis, what you have learned in previous courses, the media, and in your professional lives is also expected. Define the subject; make references to what you have read, what you have learned elsewhere, and then form a response.
Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 350 words. Please respond to a least 2 other students. Response should be a minimum of 150 words and include direct questions. When addressing the topic questions, you are to state the question followed by your response. Do this for each question posed.
1) What is smuggling? What is smuggled and why is it smuggled? Who benefits from smuggling and who is hurt by smuggling and how? Besides smuggling, what other border violations threaten the facilitation of legitimate trade?
2. What is the globalization of organized crime and how serious is the threat?

Culture, Diversity, and Multiculturalism

Question Description

Culture, Diversity, and Multiculturalism

The very nature of global business requires leaders to develop cultural intelligence and understand the importance of multiculturalism and diversity in a global business environment.


For this assessment, you will define the concepts of cultural intelligence, multiculturalism, and diversity, and analyze how they contribute to effective global leadership. Search the Capella library and the Internet for recent, relevant articles on the topics of cultural intelligence, multiculturalism and diversity in global organizations. You will need at least 3 resources to support your work in this assignment.
Organize this assessment logically, using headings and sub-headings appropriately. Include a title page and reference page, and follow APA guidelines for all citations and references.


Within your assessment, complete the following:

  • Explain the meaning of the terms cultural intelligencemulticulturalism, and diversity from a global leadership perspective.
  • Analyze the importance of these concepts or competencies in effective global leadership.
    • Compare the ways different countries and cultures conduct business. (Please keep this limited to 3–4 countries or cultures, including the United States.)
    • Describe the demographics of today’s workforce.
    • Provide examples (at least two) of situations in which misunderstandings related to culture could occur.
  • Describe strategies for improving cultural intelligence and expanding comprehension of multiculturalism and diversity.


Current Issues in International Business and Management

Question Description

Identify and critically analyse TWO current issues that you think will influence the future of the global business environment. Your choice must include at least one issue from the topics covered in the lecture sessions. You may select your second issue from topics covered in the lectures or beyond. You need to explain the rationale for your choices, perform a critical analysis and draw conclusions (based on your analysis) on the challenges for global businesses and the global business environment.
Sources of references,it is important to engage with academic literature (journal articles, book chapters and monographs) in your assignment. You may need to refer to specialist journals depending on your topic choice.Some journals with an IBM focus include Journal of World Business,Journal of International Business Studies, Socio-economic Review,Economy and Society, Review of International Political Economy,Management International Review, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Organization Studies, Human Relations, Asia Pacific Business Review, Work, Employment and Society etc.
Reference Style like Harvard style (see the Learning Resources website:
The length of the essay is 2000 words (+/- 10%). The list of references is not included in the word-count of the paper.
The essay should be typed in double spacing on A4 sized paper with margins of 1.5cm on left, right, top and bottom. Font size for text must be 12 and all pages should be numbered.

Making Decisions to Manage Risk, Government, and Alliances

Question Description

Your assignment this week will focus on the case study Tata “Nano”: The People’s Car. We move to the country of India, home to 1.35 billion people and local car manufacturer Tata Motors. The Tata Group, a local Indian conglomerate, is important to the social fabric of India with companies in media, telecom, retail, and real estate, among other local industries. Tata Motors saw a need for an inexpensive automobile that could be built with a family in mind and came up with the Nano, dubbed “The People’s Car”.Reflecting on this week’s content focusing on ethical leadership; develop an essay making decisions for the following questions.

Colorado Technical Homeland Security Cross Domain Strategies Paper

Question Description

Key Assignment Draft
Section 7: Cross-Domain Strategies
Examine the potential for public or private partnerships and interagency efficiencies in addressing All-Domain Awareness (ADA) challenges and coordinated efforts in the land, air, maritime, and cyber domains in the unique homeland security environment of the Southwest border (SWB).
Although this strategy has a counternarcotics focus, the SWB represents a multithreat, multidomain, multiagency challenge that poses significant challenges for homeland security planners because of the asymmetric and interconnected nature of regional crime networks and cross-border violence. For this assignment, complete the following:

  • Prepare a 1-page quad chart and a 1-page supporting document that explains the planning variables associated with cross-domain strategies.
  • Draw heavily from the relevant chapters of the NSWBCN Strategy, leveraging the substantive work that has been done by policymakers at the national level.

Section 8: International Factors
This week, you will identify and detail the potential international players, including the role of the Department of State, President Obama’s SWB Security Bill, the Merida Initiative, and support by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), along with counterparts in Mexico.
Your boss is attending a planning conference in Mexico City where ideas are being requested to improve cooperation with Mexico. Prepare a 2-page thought piece to help her prepare her remarks. In this piece, address the following:

  • What diplomatic, informational, military, and economic variables will enable improved theater security cooperation (TSC), building partner capacity (BPC) and international engagement?
  • Incorporate relevant information from the case study, empirical data regarding SWB security statistics, and useful material from the NSWBCN Strategy document.
  • Include useful and appropriate bibliographic references.

Review the Key Assignment description in the Week 1 Individual Project.
For assistance, listen to the Cross-Domain Strategies Webinar that is available in this Phase’s MUSE.
Section 9: Interagency Process
This week, you will outline the potential for improved whole-of-government, interagency coordination among domestic and international partners. In this section of your Key Assignment, you will identify the framework for a possible policy planning effort that would serve as a catalyst for improved multiagency, cross-governmental cooperation and collaboration at the SWB.
Draft a 2-page road map, similar to the plan of action and milestones (POA&M) or concept of operations (CONOPS). Be sure to include the following:

  • Propose steps to significantly raise the level of coordination among the constellation of interagency players at the SWB.
  • Draw from your case study, NSWBCN Strategy, and the Patriot Act to formulate a plan of action that leverages existing capabilities and introduces new ideas.
  • Identify at least 3 specific examples of potential for improvement versus transformation. For example, there are several coordination centers with overlapping missions that are colocated at the SWB that appear redundant.
  • Include useful and appropriate bibliographic references.

Review the Key Assignment description in the Week 1 Individual Project.
Key Assignment Draft Requirements
Update your previous assignment formats to create a cohesive case study analysis and include all appropriate bibliographic references.
Your Key Assignment Draft and case study analysis should include the following:

  • You should have an introduction to the project that highlights the strategic purpose for the NSWBCN Strategy and outlines your case study on the threat of WMD being smuggled across the Southwest Border.
  • You should highlight the all-threat environment that exists on the SWB for the key stakeholders of the Interagency Police Committee (ICP) within the interagency.
  • You should include a graphic diagram of the rules and policies that apply to the region, along with a list of overarching themes that summarize the challenges.
  • You should write a point paper that emphasizes the need for better multiagency coordination on the SWB.
  • You must include an executive outline of the specific chapters of the NSWBCN Strategy, and describe how they might support the state-level objectives of governors of the border states with homeland security equities on the SWB.
  • You should write a policy proposal, explaining how SWB-related critical infrastructure protection (CIP), response, and resilience imperatives should be fully integrated into future versions of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) strategies and policies, with general recommendations that would be appropriate for DHS planners to consider.
  • You should include a quad chart with supporting information that explains the planning variables associated with cross-domain strategies.
  • You should write a thought piece on improving cooperation with Mexico.
  • You will create a road map with proposed steps to significantly raise the level of coordination among the constellation of interagency players

report of a current event in international business.

Question Description

I need help writing one page report of a current event in international business.
Please try to relate the event to the material from chapter 7(attached) or chapters from previous assignments.
The one page should:
1- Summarize the article
2-Evaluate its significant.
The current event’s articles must be selected from one of the following: The Economist, Forbes, The New York Tims, The Wall Street Journal, and The Financial Times

Identify Cross Cultural Issues Assignment

Question Description

Oxford dictionary defines culture as “The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.” Each society, country, and culture have numerous nuances that can be difficult for the others to understand.
Managers in today’s multicultural global environment constantly encounter cultural differences, which may create barriers in communication and eventually lead to business failures. To become a successful global manager, you need to equip yourself with necessary knowledge to develop your culture competence.
For years, scholars have been studying country cultures. Several theories were developed, such as Geert Hofstede’s culture dimensions ( and Edward T. Hall’s cross-culture theory (’s_Cross-Cult…).
Your task is to utilize Hofstede’s website at to first identify the scores for the six cultural dimensions of your home country. Then, choose another foreign country of your interest and compare the cultural dimensions of your select country to those of your home country.
My home country is China!!! So you must compare China with another foreign country. Thank you~ If you have any questions, please let me know.

Contemporary Issues In Events, Festivals And Destination Management

Question Description


Prepare a 2-3 page written review of an industry publication or journal article dealing with some aspect of special event management and current trends. (5%) Create a PowerPoint presentation to accompany the report that you will present to the class (5 minute minimum – 10 minute maximum) about the trend (5%)

Meal Management Contemporary Issues in Food and Nutrition Assignment

Issues Assignment


Students will research, evaluate, and present contemporary issues in food and nutrition as they relate to meal management.
The Issues Assignment is a group project.  Topics must be approved by the instructor.
The Issues Assignment is worth up to 75 points per student.  Due April 30th, 2019.


Introduction = 10

  • Clearly state the purpose of the report, ensuring that the relationship to meal management is also clearly stated.
    • Considering the breadth of meal management, choose an angle to explore in greater detail.
    • In addition to the purpose statement, consider including a statement of the problem (if applicable). Often, the problem statement provides a roadmap for the purpose statement and organization of the report.
    • You may (or may not) consider elaborating on the Critical Thinking activity at the end of each article in the Annual Editions: Nutrition
  • Conduct a literature search (a condensed version of a literature review) of the scholarly articles related to your topic.

Body = 10

  • What do you want your reader to know about the topic of interest and its relationship to meal management? How will you frame your discussion?
    • Will you compare and contrast your findings?
    • Will you critically evaluate the benefits or risks of ______?
    • Will you present the present state of knowledge with the goal of identifying and discussing the gaps in knowledge related to your topic?
    • Will you discuss the policy environment and how it influences to your topic?
    • The above are just a few suggestions to consider, give yourself space and time to develop the questions you want to answer with this assignment.
      • You may (or may not) choose to elaborate on the Critical Thinking activities (in Annual Editions: Nutrition).
    • Pay attention to transition sentences. Ensure each paragraph communicates an idea or message that supports the purpose of your report.
    • Discuss your findings. Pay attention to the organization and structure of your report.
      • Consider using headings and subheadings.

Conclusion = 10

  • Brief summary of key findings from the scholarly articles reviewed, remembering to maintain a narrative that is consistent with the purpose as stated in your introduction.
    • What are the implications of your findings and discussion to meal management?
    • What are your recommendations to address the issues presented as they relate to meal management?
      • Be mindful of maintaining consistency between your discussion in the body and your recommendations. You want to make sure your narrative flows and is logical.
    • Style and Logistics = 10



  • You must use PowerPoint (or other presentation software) and all group members must be involved in the presentation.
  • The Oral Report should be at least 20 but not more 30 minutes in length.
    • A question and answer period is required and must be incorporated into the maximum time allowed.
  • Your group will be evaluated on the criteria:
    • Audience participation and involvement
    • Creativity
    • Effective use of slides, images and media
    • Flow of the presentation
    • Adherence to time limits
  • Your instructor and peers (classmates) will evaluate your Oral Report.



Working in groups and fostering a team approach to problem solving and strategic planning is an essential part of all organizations.  This is your opportunity to continue to hone those skills. Your group’s members will evaluate you on the following criteria:

  • Contribution to the research on the topic (literature search) = 2 points
  • Contribution to the writing of the written report = 2 points
  • Contribution to the preparation of the oral report = 1 point
  • Submission of quality work = 2 points
  • Timely submission of work (met group deadlines) = 1 point
  • Professional communication skills = 2 points


business finance management issues

Question Description

Stock Reports
There are many databases available through the library and unless you use them you will not become familiar with what is available. Often you will find access to information you did not know was available while you are looking for information.
Within the databases available is one that provides stock reports for individual firms. View the example stock report Preview the document View in a new window (the firm used as theexample cannot be used as your firm).Select a firm in the aviation/ aerospace industry and post the stock report on the discussion board. Provide a three to four sentence summary of the recommendation made on the stock (i.e. Buy/Sell/Hold and the major reasons why). After your short summary (in the same post), post the current stock price and the 12-month target stock price.This is a first come first served discussion meaning if someone posts about their selected firm first they get to post it and you will need to select a new firm.