SPHE379: Contemporary and Social Issues in Sport

Question Description

1) 8-10 pages (double-spaced). Title page, table of contents, reference page, and diagrams are not included in the 8-10 page minimum.
2) Choose a topic below here:

  • The Future of Sport Media
  • Creating a Program to Prevent Childhood Obesity
  • Improvements for Coaching Education
  • Status of Commercialization in Sports
  • Solutions for Paying College Athletes
  • Changes in Sport Cultures around the World
  • Social Issues and the Olympics
  • Sport Leadership Trends for Gender and Ethnicity
  • The Replacement of Religion with Sport
  • Political Decisions that Impact Sport in Society

3) Use at least five references outside of your textbook (you may use your textbook too, but are not required to).
4) In addition to the required number of pages for the assignment, you must also include a reference page, written in APA style and a title page.
5) You must provide an outline of your paper by the end of Week 4. Your outline must include citations to five references and a brief summary of at least five references that you will use in your paper.
6) Typewritten in double-spaced format with a readable style and font and submitted inside the electronic classroom.
7) 12-point font or Times New Roman styles.
8) Page margins Top, Bottom, Left Side and Right Side = 1 inch.
9) Your paper must be in your own words, representing original work. Paraphrases of others’ work must include attributions to the authors through citations (Miller, 2012). Limit quotations to an average of no more than 3-5 lines, and use quotations sparingly

Contemporary issues in Homeland Security, assignment help

uestion Description

The Homeland Security Act of 2002 is divided into 17 titles while bringing together under one umbrella more than 22 federal agencies. Select one such agency and describe their role and responsibilities in HLS. Which agencies do you believe they would work most closely with at an emergency response incident?
Paper Submission Requirements:

  • Your response should be 3-5 pages in length (double spaced).
  • Paper must include a “reference page” not included in the 3-5-page minimum.
  • Use APA format.

I need this paper till saturday night  9:00 PM

Methodology and Research Strategy, Analysis and Findings, section and the Conclusions/Recommendations

Question Description

Assignment Instructions

This assignment is the culmination of your crafting of a research paper on a homeland security issue. In Week Four you presented the first three sections of your paper. This week you add the final sections and present the full paper. Be sure to make any changes to your literature based on instructor feedback.
The three main sections you should add to the paper for this submission are the Methodology and Research StrategyAnalysis and Findings, section and theConclusions/Recommendations section.
Methodology and Research Strategy: This section provides the reader with a description of how you carried out your qualitative research project, and the variables you identified and analyzed. It describes any special considerations and defines any limitations and terms specific to this project, if necessary. This section can be brief or more complicated, depending on the project, written in 1-2 pages.
Analysis and findings are not the same as conclusions. In the analysis component of this section you identify how you analyzed the data. The second part is the finding you got from your analysis of the data. The findings are the facts that you developed, not your interpretation of the facts. That interpretation is conducted in the conclusions and recommendations section of the paper. Findings will come from the prior research you examined and your analysis of those prior findings to create new findings for your paper. While there may be some facts that are such that they will stand and translate to your paper, the intent is to create new knowledge, so you will normally analyze the data to create your own findings of what facts that data represents.
Conclusions and Recommendations is the section where you give your interpretation of the data. Here you tell the reader what the findings mean. Often the conclusions and recommendations sections will mirror the findings in construct as the researcher tells the reader what that researcher sees as the meaning of that data, their conclusions. Then, drawing on those conclusions, the researcher tells the reader what they believe needs to be done to solve/answer the research question. This section may include recognition of any needs for further research and then finishes with a traditional conclusion to the paper as a whole.
Remember, your paper should seek to answer a question that helps to solve the research puzzle you identified.
Scoring Rubric: A copy of the complete scoring rubric for this assignment is provided in the Writing Resources module within the course lessons. The following is a synopsis of that rubric.

Area of Evaluation Maximum Points
Focus/Thesis 20
Content/Subject Knowledge 20
Critical Thinking Skills 20
Organization of Ideas/Format 20
Writing Conventions 20

Technical Requirements:
Length: 2-3 additional pages (in addition to your literature review) double spaced, 1″ margins, 12 pitch type in Times New Roman font left justified format.
Citations/References: You must use APA style for this assignment.

FINC 495 Contemporary Issues in Finance Practice

FINC 495 Contemporary Issues in Finance Practice
The Lotto Case
(Hitting the Jackpot)
Allen B. Atkins, Roxanne Stell, & Larry Watkins
Bob, Chad and Dylan had been dreaming of this day for the past six years; ever
since they first met in an introductory economics course in college. For several
years they had been pooling their money and buying Arizona Lottery tickets
dreaming that one day they would win big. They realized that the lottery was
considered by many to be a voluntary tax on the statistically challenged. But
miraculously they now sat at their favorite local “watering hole” holding the
winning ticket that meant they would split “The Pick” jackpot of $6 million.
What a great feeling! Now they just needed to decide if they wanted to take
their winnings as a lump sum now or to be paid over the next twenty in installments.
Bob had been a political science major in college but things hadn’t worked out as
he anticipated when he was a student. He had entered the job market at what
looked now to be the bottom of the economic downturn following the housing
crisis in the U.S. Bob believes he did not start his job search soon enough and
found suitable openings virtually nonexistent. He was currently working part-
time at an organic farm and still living at home which cramped his style consider-
ably. He has $150,000 in college related loans (7% interest rate) which he cannot
service based on his annual taxable income of $15,000. His share of the jackpot
would allow him to be debt free and change his life for the better without doubt.
Chad had been more fortunate than Bob. He had applied himself in college and
earned a master of accounting degree with an emphasis in taxation. After
graduation he immediately went to work for one of the international accounting firms and was now earning a taxable income of $100,000 in spite of the economic issues facing his friend Bob and the country as a whole. He too had debt but not from student loans. Chad had purchased a very nice home in Anthem, Arizona for approximately 50% of what it had sold for three years earlier when built. He had a $250,000 mortgage
on the home, at a 4% interest rate, which he saw little reason to pay off since he anticipated significant inflation in the near future.
Of the three friends Dylan was by far the most successful. Dylan had majored in finance and had excelled. When he graduated, although he had several attractive offers in the financial services industry, he decided to go into the family business. The company which his father and uncle had started nearly 50 years ago had done amazingly well in
the downturn and since he was the only child/nephew they were rewarding him
handsomely. He had been reluctant to tell Bob but he was on track to receive to-
tal compensation (including bonuses) that yielded a taxable income of $300,000
this year. Unlike his friend Bob, Dylan was frugal and had taken on zero debt.
He was pleased with the trio’s good fortune but he didn’t think the windfall would change his life all that much. A few days later when the euphoria of winning was subsiding the three friends met again at the same establishment. All four were obviously in good spirits and were looking forward to presenting their winning ticket to Arizona Lottery officials.
Chad started the conversation by telling Bob and Dylan that he had taken the initiative of doing some basic research on how “The Pick” worked and what the payout options were. Bob, proud of his forethought, produced an article he had saved years earlier from the Arizona Daily Star with the headline “Lump-sum Lotto Payout is Best, Experts Say.”
Bob excitedly told his buddies that the experts were local CPAs and that clearly the lump-sum payout was “the way to go.” Dylan said he wanted to hear what Chad had found out since he had gone to the effort of looking into the specifics. Chad (being a tax accountant) had prepared a summary of his research which
“A percentage of the proceeds from the sale of Lotto tickets are allocated to a prize pool. The size of the Jackpot that is prominently advertised, six million dollars in this instance, is actually only an estimate. The advertised amount is the sum of the estimated annuity1 payments, without consideration of the time value of money, which Lotto officials believe can be purchased from the prize pool. If the winner chooses the annuity payout multiple insurance companies submit bids. Officials award the bid to the insurance company that offers the largest annual payments in return for the prize pool amount. The insurance company with the best bid typically offers a rate that is near the long term U.S. Treasury Bonds rate (currently 3%). If the winner chooses the Lump Sum payout they simply receive the prize pool amount; the amount that would have been
used to buy the annuity.”
1.The term annuity is actually a misnomer. Since
the payments are made by the insurance company
at the beginning of each of twenty periods it
is an annuity due.
After reading the summary Bob said he didn’t see how this related to the decision that had to be made since he didn’t see anything that changed the preferred option being that the lump-sum payout is best. Chad acknowledged that Bob was probably correct but he still wanted to “run the numbers” and suggested that Bob and Dylan should do the same. Chad reminded them that they needed to consider the tax consequences of the payout schema and then provided the following schedule of federal income tax
rates and reminded them that the state tax rate was an additional 5%.Bob rolled his eyes but said he would get right on it. Dylan thanked Chad for the information and they agreed to meet again tomorrow to decide on the best course of action.

  1. Is there necessarily one best decision for the group regarding the

payout options? If so what is it and why?

  1. What might be the reason(s) that Chad does not want to pay off his

debt? Do you concur?

  1. Prepare a personal analysis of the payout options for Bob, Chad and

Dylan. Designate the preferred option for each individual and explain why.

  1. What non-financial factors might enter into the decision for the winners?

Taxable Income Bracket* Marginal Federal Tax Rate

$0 $8,500 10%
$8,501 $34,500 12%
$34,501 $83,600 25%
$86,601 $173,400 28%
$173,401 $379,150 33%
$379,151 Or over 25%

*Assumes individual filing status
Atkins, Allen B. and Edward A. Dyl, “The LOTTO Jackpot: Should You Take
the Lump Sum or the Annuity?” Financial Practice and Education , Vol. 5, No. 2,
Fall/Winter, 1995, 107-111.
Allen B. Atkins, Ph.D., Professor of Finance, Northern Arizona University, al-
Roxanne Stell, Ph.D., Professor of Marketing, Northern Arizona University,
Larry Watkins, Ph.D., CPA, Professor of Accounting, Northern Arizona University, larry.watkins@nau.edu

Written Assignment on Contemporary Issues in Contracts

Must be original work – Written Assignment will be screened through TurnitIn
Written Assignment on “Contemporary Issues in Contracts”
• Report Topic Assignment
Write your own paper regarding the “Contemporary Issues in Contracts” as set forth below.
Discuss the enforceability of oral versus written contract. Which form of contract
is more attractive and practical for the business community? Why?
• Guidance
a. Must use footnotes
b. Each paper must be a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of three
(3) pages, double spaced
c. Written in 12-point Arial font
d. Each paper must include a Bibliography setting forth a minimum of two
(2) and a maximum of four (4) resources (other than the text) utilized in
the drafting of the paper.
• Grading Criteria for Written Assignment
o Understanding of Subject Matter- How effectively and
comprehensively the student demonstrates their understanding of the
subject matter, its relationship to the business community, issues
posed, and her analysis of those issues.
o Effectiveness of Research – As evidenced by the Bibliography of
sources utilized to draft the paper. Your paper should be three (3) to
four(4) pages long, 12 point Arial, with footnotes, and a complete Bibliography.
o Evaluation of all Interest-Have you considered the problem from
all perspectives?
o Addressing the Scope of the Solution- Have you considered as
many of the intended and unintended consequences as possible?
o Articulation- Have you said what you mean in a clear and concise
manner? You are writing this “memo” either as the ultimate policymaker
or as guidance to the ultimate decision-maker so make it clear, concise,
well- reasoned, supportable, and, ultimately, effective.

ED-5001 Contemporary Issues in Education

Question Description

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contemporary issues in accounting, homework help

Question Description

Assignment tasks :- 
Task 1: 
The following are the key initiatives that the FASB has undertaken to further the goal of international convergence .

  • Liaison IASB member on site at the FASB offices
  • Policies and procedures for FASB monitoring of IASB projects
  • The Short-Term Convergence Project
  • Other joint projects being conducted with the IASB
  • Explicit consideration of convergence potential in all board agenda decisions

As a result of these and other initiatives, the FASB expects to make significant progress toward international convergence in the next few years. However, because of the volume of differences and the complex nature of some issues, the FASB anticipates that many differences between U.S. and international standards will persist well beyond 2005.
Required: Differentiate principally between IASB and FASB focusing on convergence and harmonization . 
Task 2 : 
“A successful environmental management system should have a method for accounting for full carbon equivalent costs and should integrate private carbon equivalent costs into capital budgeting, cost allocation, process/product design and other forward-looking decisions…….Most corporate information and decision systems do not currently support such proactive and prospective decision-making.” ( EPA, 1995a)
Environmental accounting is a term with a variety of meanings. In many contexts, environmental accounting is taken to mean the identification and reporting of environment specific costs, such as liability costs or waste disposal costs. For the purposes of this analysis, a much more general definition is used. “Environmental accounting” is more than accounting for environmental benefits and costs. It is accounting for any costs and benefits that arise from changes to a firm’s products or processes, where the change also involves a change in environmental impacts. As will be shown, improved accounting for non-environmental costs and benefits — input prices, consumer demand, etc. — can lead to changes in decision-making that have environmental consequences. Thus, we will de-emphasize any clear demarcation between “environmental” accounting and accounting generally.
Environmental accounting information need not be the product of accountants, nor need it be used by accountants. Instead, it is any information with either explicit or implicit financial content that is used as an input to a firm’s decision-making. Product designers, financial analysts, and facility managers are equally likely to be the users of environmental accounting data. Almost any type of information collected and analyzed by firms will qualify. Examples include input prices, technical and scientific studies that relate production processes to physical outputs, and legal, marketing, and financial analysis.
Required : deliberate and substantiate (prove) how best the environmental accounting measures the shareholder’s wealth and corporate world . 
Task 3 : 
The American Association of Accountants (AAA) defines HRA as follows: ‘HRA is a process of identifying and measuring data about human resources and communicating this information to interested parties’.
Human resources are considered as important assets and are different from the physical assets. Physi­cal assets do not have feelings and emotions, whereas human assets are subjected to various types of feelings and emotions. In the same way, unlike physical assets human assets never gets depreciated.
Therefore, the valuations of human resources along with other assets are also required in order to find out the total cost of an organization. In 1960s, Rensis Likert along with other social researchers made an attempt to define the concept of human resource accounting (HRA).
Required : How best you can justify that human resource accounting is significant in the today’s world . Arguments in favor and in against should be equally reflected in your discussion and presentation . ( Hint: References to Sector/industry/company/product/service is equally required )
*constructions and format of the assignment  :- 

  • introduction ( 150 – 200 words )
  • tasks answers :
  1. Task 1 ( 400 words )
  2. Task 2 ( 400 words )
  3. task 3 ( 400 words )
  • Limitations ( 200 words )
  • conclusion ( 200 words )
  • references

* support your assignment with relevant graphs, charts, tables( quantitative data) if applicable* the total of assignment =  1800 words 

contemporary issues in accounting, assignment help

Question Description

Case Study:
In early 2013, the remuneration committee of Boom Co (a listed company) met to determine the rewards for the executive directors. It was the practice of the committee to meet annually to decide on executive rewards for the forthcoming financial year. In line with best practice, the committee was made up entirely of non-executive directors.
When the remuneration committee met, its chairman, Sarah Umm, reminded those present that the committee should comply with the guidance of the relevant code of corporate governance. She read out the section that she believed was most relevant to their discussions.
‘A significant proportion of executive directors’ remuneration should be structured so as to link rewards to corporate and individual performance. The remuneration committee should judge where to position their company relative to other companies. But they should use such comparisons with caution in view of the risk of an upward movement of remuneration levels with no corresponding improvement in performance. Remuneration for non-executive directors should not include share options or other performance-related elements.’
She explained that the committee should balance several concerns when setting rewards: the link with performance, market rates and the company’s overall strategy. The strategic priority in the next few years, she explained, was to incentivise medium to long-term growth whilst retaining the existing executive board in place as long as possible.
At the end of the meeting, a new member of the committee, Sam South, asked whether there were any performance-related elements of non-executive directors’ rewards. Sarah Umm explained that these were only available to executive members of the board in line with the terms of the corporate governance code.
Required : Task (1) Distinguish between the concepts of Social Responsibility Accounting (SRA ) andCorporate Governance (CG)
Task (2) Explain what is meant by a ‘code of corporate governance’ and discuss the general purposes of such a code in listed companies such as Boom Co.
Task (3) Propose how the components of a reward package might be balanced to ‘incentivise medium to long-term growth whilst retaining the existing executive board in place as long as possible.’
Task (4) Briefly explain the general roles of non-executive directors in a listed company such as Boom Co, and discuss why non-executive directors should not receive performance-related elements in their rewards as Sam South enquired.
*constructions and format of the assignment  :- 

  • introduction ( 100 words )
  • tasks answers :
  1. Task 1 ( Maximum 150 words )
  2. Task 2 ( Maximum 150 words )
  3. task 3 ( Maximum 150 words )
  4. task 4 ( Maximum 150 words )
  • Limitations ( 100 words )
  • conclusion ( 100  words )
  • references

* support your assignment with relevant graphs, charts, tables( quantitative data) if applicable* Maximum  words of assignment =  850 words 
Notes :- in the case of task (1), you should draw a table to distinguish between (SRA ) and (CG) . However , the answer of Task (2,3,4 ) is provided and just paraphrase and summarize them to 150 words .

  • Answer of Task (2) 

Codes of corporate governance
A code (of corporate governance) is a document that specifies certain standards, principles, norms of behaviour or specific instructions over matters of corporate governance.
Some have evolved over time as different previous reports were written for different aspects of governance, which were then brought together in combined codes. Others have borrowed from existing codes, perhaps amended slightly to account for national differences.
Codes of corporate governance are issued by regulatory authorities (such as stock exchanges, governments or semi-autonomous government bodies) and are statements of general principles and detailed guidelines on many matters of corporate governance. They can be implemented either as listing rules (in principles-based jurisdictions) or in law (in rules-based jurisdictions).
They typically cover all relevant aspects of corporate governance including the roles of the board, risk management, internal controls, executive remuneration and contracts, reporting issues and similar relevant themes. The purpose is to ensure that companies are well-run and in line with shareholders’ interests.
The purposes of such codes are as follows:
First, they guide and specify behaviour in matters of governance, internal control and risk management with the objective that by complying with the code, corporate governance will be improved and enhanced.
Second, they aim to encourage best practice and to improve management performance by preventing practice that might reduce value added or shareholder value.
Third, codes aim to underpin investor confidence in that high levels of compliance tend to be appreciated by shareholders and poor levels of compliance are sometimes punished. It enables boards to demonstrate the value they place upon the agency relationship and to more adequately discharge the agency responsibilities placed upon them.
Fourth, codes aim to reduce fraud, waste or inefficiency. One of the main causes of the development of codes (for example in the UK and in the USA) was in response to high-profile frauds, and it was hoped at the time that codes would address this.
Fifth, in principles-based jurisdictions, the implementation of codes is thought to be a way of reducing the chances of governmental legislation being implemented. Governments are more likely to legislate where other regulatory failure is evident and so an effective code applied as listing rules should (many hope and believe) reduce the likelihood of having inflexible laws applied.

  • Answer of Task (3) 

Components of reward package
Sarah Umm told the remuneration committee that the rewards should be linked strongly with the company’s strategy and that these strategic priorities were to ‘incentivise medium to long-term growth whilst retaining the existing executive board as long as possible.’
The retention of the existing board will be aided by providing a basic salary that meets market rate with in-kind benefits commensurate with the role. This is to ensure that the director is satisfied, and believes himself or herself to be fairly rewarded, regardless of performance in the role.
Retention can be helped by the payment of one or more loyalty bonuses for staying more than an agreed time period. Again, these would be regardless of performance and intended solely to reward loyalty.
These may not necessarily be monetary rewards. It may be, for example, that a director receives a car upgrade or additional days paid holiday after the agreed time period.
The incentivisation of medium to long-term performance will require the use of reward components such as performance bonuses and share options. Performance bonuses can be included for achieving certain targets in alignment with strategy.
The dates on which these are paid can reflect the time-element of the incentivisation. Sarah Umm wants to incentivise medium to long-term performance, so this is likely to refer to years rather than months.
In addition, the package could include share options which can be exercised after a number of years. These enable directors to benefit directly from increases in share value and because this is often a longer-term effect, share options may be designed to come into effect after, say, three years.

  • Answer of Task (4) 

General roles of non-executive directors (NEDs)
The four general roles of NEDs are: the strategy role, scrutinising role, risk role and the people role. In the strategy role, NEDs may challenge any aspect of strategy they see fit and offer advice or input to help to develop successful strategy. The scrutinising or performance role is where the NEDs’ independence is perhaps the most important.
NEDs are required to hold executive colleagues to account for decisions taken and company performance. In this respect, they are required to represent the shareholders’ interests against any vested interests or short-term executive pressures.
The risk role involves NEDs ensuring the company has an adequate system of internal controls and systems of risk management in place.
Finally, in the people role, NEDs oversee a range of responsibilities with regard to the management of the executive members of the board. This typically involves issues concerning appointments and remuneration, but might also involve contractual or disciplinary issues, and succession planning.
NEDs and performance-related elements
The main reason why NEDs are usually not allowed to receive share options or other performance-related elements as part of their reward packages (as Sam South asked) is because it could threaten their independence and hence their usefulness to the company’s shareholders.
Whereas executive directors may, for example, be incentivised to take excessive risks to maximise their own rewards, a non-executive, without the performance-related element, will have no such incentive and will be likely to take a more objective view of the strategy being discussed.
In order to be effective in their roles, NEDs need to be motivated in different ways to their executive colleagues and too much similarity can mean that the scrutiny role is weakened. If both executive and non-executive directors are similarly motivated, there will be less scrutiny of proposed strategies for wider impacts, risks, complications and stakeholder impacts, because there will be no-one incentivised to exercise effective scrutiny.
If they received a similar mix of rewards to executives, they would be motivated to act in similar ways and this might involve favouring short-term measures at variance with longer-term strategic perspectives.
A concern over short-term share price movements, for example, might take the NEDs’ focus away from longer-term strategic issues and make them more concerned with maximising market value in the short term.
Because non-executives comprise the remuneration committee, it would be inappropriate for them to decide on their own rewards. It would be an abuse of the responsibility and trust invested in them by shareholders were NEDs to reward themselves too much or incentivise themselves in an inappropriate way.
Accordingly, it is usual for NEDs to be paid a fair rate based on external comparison figures (often a daily rate or similar) so that there is no question of it being seen as excessive. A NED’s pay is usually a small fraction of that for executive colleagues.

Last note : please do not use external source to solve Tasks (2,3,4) and just use the answer that is provided and paraphrase and summarize , but in task (1) solve it by yourself 

contemporary business

Question Description

Think about how human resources are handled at the company you work for, or one you have worked for in the past. In the discussion thread, comment on the following questions:
Question1. What steps of the human resources cycle does the company handle well? Why?
Question2. What steps of the human resources cycle are handled poorly? Why?
Question3. How is culture impacted by the human resources department?

Contemporary Business

Question Description

Read this article, “In Sneaker Wars, It’s Also Curry (Under Armour) vs. James (Nike)” (you can also view the PDF here), on the use of celebrity endorsements in the competition between Nike and Under Armour.
Think about a time when a celebrity endorsement influenced you to buy a product in the last five years. In the discussion thread, describe the following:
1. The product and the celebrity endorsing it
2. How the endorsement influenced your decision to buy the product
In the discussion thread, comment on whether or not you think celebrity endorsements are an effective marketing tool and why.