CUNY Brooklyn College Financial Controlling Questions

‘Café Coimbra Internacional Lda.’ (CC) is the parent company of an international coffee growing and
trading group, registered in Coimbra, Portugal. Since going public in 2018 (CC’s corporate bonds
trade on Euronext Lisbon, the Portuguese stock exchange), the group managed to significantly
expand its cross-border activities.
As is usually the case, rapid corporate growth entails both opportunities and challenges.
Consequently, CC hires you as a consultant to provide substantiated advice on various legal, financial
management and reporting issues:
Legal issues
One of CC’s customers is ‘Kaffee Köln International GmbH’ (KK), registered in Cologne, Germany. KK
runs a coffee trading business and intends to resell the coffee beans (purchased from CC) to its
customers around the world, including the USA.
In February 2020, CC sold large quantities of coffee beans, produced in Ethiopia, to KK. The purchase
contract signed by CC and KK includes the following clause: “DAP Kaffee Köln International GmbH
(Incoterms 2010).” The contract does not say anything on the competent court or the applicable law.
In March 2020, it turns out that the coffee delivered under the contract had been infested with
bacteria so that it cannot be resold. Therefore, KK demands reimbursement of the purchase price
from CC.1
1 Note: Portugal and Germany are both member states of the European Union. Germany is also a
contracting state to the CISG, whilst Portugal is not.
Financial management issues
CC’s management has come to realize that international business involves many complexities it has
not really been dealing with so far. Accordingly, a top priority on the current agenda is to improve
the group’s international financial management, especially with a view to political risks that could be
significant when doing business on a global scale with multinational partners. Moreover, increased
volumes of international shipments have recently posed some challenges to CC’s import/ export
In addition, particular treasury challenges arise in connection with the recent establishment of a new
subsidiary in Switzerland; the first entity within the CC group, which operates in a currency other
than the Euro. The recently appointed treasurer of CC’s new Swiss subsidiary, Mr. Gruyère,
approached you with the following problem:
The Swiss entity has to pay CAD 2 million in 90 days to a supplier. For it is CC’s group policy to
protect against currency fluctuations, Mr. Gruyére asks for assistance in selecting an appropriate
financial instrument for hedging. Mr. Gruyère has already prepared two alternative hedging strategy
suggestions (along with some additional information):
• – The current spot exchange rate is CHF 1.3441 /CAD.
• – The first hedging strategy would be to buy CAD 2 million forward at the quoted forward
rate of CHF 1.3750 /CAD.
• – The second hedging strategy would be to buy a call option for CAD 2 million which would
be available with a strike price of CHF 1.3900 /CAD at a price of CHF 2,000 for the option
• – Mr. Gruyère strongly believes that the prevailing spot rate in 90 days from now will be CHF
1.3700 /CAD.
Finally yet importantly, CC’s newly founded corporate investment department announced
that it would get back to you with some questions on how to assess cross-border investment
alternatives and arbitrage opportunities.
Controlling issues
Company growth and increased controlling requirements often times go hand in hand. The
CFO of the CC group has had his troubles so far with setting up a professional performance
measurement in accordance with value based controlling requirements. He sometimes
wishes he could just go back to managing the company just using primarily Revenue, EBT
and Return on Investment (ROI), as the group always used to handle it before “going public”
in 2018.
In line with its new corporate strategy “Fast Forward 2050”, CC group recently made a
number of acquisitions it now wants to manage closely using an integrated performance
measurement system. Is also wants to track market share more closely and focus intensively
on innovation and new digital technologies.
Regarding International Financial Management issues, Questions.
o • Explain what political risk is and provide examples. Outline at least four different
measures in a detailed way to cope with political risk for CC. Please use desk
research on industry and countries beyond the information given in the case study.
o • Concerning the request of Mr. Gruyère (CC Switzerland’s new treasurer), explain
which instrument you would choose under his assumptions presented and what
would be the difference compared to just waiting and acquiring the CAD 2 million
spot in 90 days? What would you tell Mr. Gruýere?
For scenario analysis, alternatively, assume that the prevailing spot rate in 90 days
from now will actually be CHF 1.4200 /CAD. How would that change your
o • CC’s corporate investment department is able to realize an interest rate on
investments in USD of 1% and the interest rate for comparable investments in EUR is
3%. Suppose that the spot rate is EUR 0.7399 /USD and that the quoted one-year
forward rate by the bank is EUR 0.7455 /USD. CC’s investment board wants to know
the following:
o If covered interest rate holds, is there an arbitrage opportunity?
o If yes, how high is it if you were able to borrow USD one million at the above rates from a
US bank?
Please illustrate your decisions with graphs in addition to your calculation.
Regarding Corporate Controlling issues, Questions:
• Please develop the concept of a performance measurement system for CC, that is based on a
modern Business Intelligence (BI) software. The following questions need to answered:
1. Which KPIs would you suggest and how are theses KPIs defined. Please show all relevant
KPIs and the corresponding definitions on corporate level.
2. How would you consider the concepts of Value Based Management in this concept?
3. How can this performance measurement system be balanced and also take into account
forward looking KPIs to track innovation?
4. Are there different perspectives or categories of KPIs that need to be considered?
5. How would you integrate the different subsidiaries is this performance measurement
6. What would you suggest to embed and establish this newly developed performance
measurement system within the entire company and involve all employees?
7. What are the technical requirements for such a performance measurement system and
which Business Intelligence (BI) software would you suggest to implement this solution?
8. What are key success factors regarding the technical implementation?
9. Which procedural approach would you choose to communicate and implement the new
performance measurement system within CC?

MILH422: Contemporary Issues In Peacekeeping with Historical Context

Question Description

Each of you are to choose a specific question 1-10. You can choose your question and place it in the forum to hold your question.
When answering your question, please make sure you indicate which question you are answering in your post. Also, for full credit in participation, respond or follow-up at least three times on two separate days of the week – meaning, post your initial post on one day and then you may do all follow-ups on another day. Just don’t load everything up at once so we can have discussions. Thank you.
Choose one question:
2. Justify whether or not fact-finding missions should be used prior to the UN going into an area for peacekeeping?
3. Discuss whether “contracting out” for peacekeeping is an effective move for the UN? Do the positives outweigh the negatives?
7. We have spoken in great length about women in peacekeeping and many have been positive role models. Play devil’s advocate and discuss the negative view of women in peacekeeping roles.
8. Chapter 5 briefly discusses the Brahimi Report. What is the most important aspect of this report and why?
9. Discuss what can be done differently in an ongoing PKO in which you have some experience in the state or region.
Hint: Keep your eye on important historical factors in each of these questions and cite relevant journal articles and/or primary sources that support your arguments. Also, cite your required readings from this week as the conceptual basis of your answer.
Your initial post should be at least 350 words. Please respond with three follow-ups to other students. Responses should be a minimum of 150 words. The initial required post should be supported by course readings using parenthetical references. Click here for a copy of the discussion rubric.
Follow the Turabian Quick Guide style for author/date. Click on the tab in the middle of the page.
Initial Post Due: Thursday, by 11:55pm ET
Responses Due: Sunday, by 11:55pm ET

contemporary issues in accounting , accounting homework help

Question Description

Task 1 ( 400 words)
Environment accounting
Mazda is carefully assessing the costs and benefits of its environmental activities and is working constantly to improve their efficiency.Under the Mazda Global Environmental Charter, Mazda carries out a wide variety of environmental protection activities related to products and technologies; manufacturing, logistics, and office operations; and social contributions. The Company appropriately discloses information on each of these activities, and ensures opportunities for dialogue with the stakeholders concerned, thereby striving to respond promptly and appropriately to social problems.


1- identify the costs and benefits of Environmental Accounting for Mazda Motors and;
2- Introduce any two method of Environmental cost accounting suitable for Mazda Motor’s operation.
Task 2 ( 400 words)

Human resource accounting

Human resource accounting is the process of identifying and reporting investments made in the human resources of an organization that are presently unaccounted for in the conventional accounting practices. It is an extension of standard accounting principles. Measuring the value of human resources can assist organizations in accurately documenting their assets.

The human resource accounting process was established to fulfill a number of objectives within the organisation. These include:

  1. To furnish cost value information for making proper and effective management decisions about acquiring, allocating, developing, and maintaining human resources in order to achieve cost effective organizational objectives.
  2. To monitor effectively the use of human resources by the management.
  3. To have an analysis of the Human Asset, i.e. whether such assets are conserved, depleted, or appreciated.
  4. To aid in the development of management principles and proper decision making for the future, by classifying financial consequences of various practices.

There are two approaches to HRA. Under the cost approach, also called the “human resource cost accounting method” or model, there is an acquisition cost model and a replacement cost model.
Under the value approach, there is a present value of future earnings method, a discounted future wage model, and a competitive bidding model under.
Select a company at your choice, and introduce the benefits of human resource accounting (HRA) and explain one method of HRA under cost based model and one method of HRA under the Economic value base model applicable for your company.
useful links :

Task 3 ( 400 words)
Social Responsibility Accounting

Over the years, the concept of Social Responsibility Accounting (SRA) is gaining recognition and sophistication. While providing management with key performance indicators in social, environmental and economic dimensions, accountants are deemed to provide integrated reporting that is reflective of the organization’s strategy and values, as well. Social Responsibility Accounting is used as a tool to evaluate the company’s performance through economic units in view of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
a study identifies the opportunities and challenges through the different approaches of Social Responsibility Accounting. The findings throw light on the fact that the best practice for Social Responsibility Accounting depends on the unique organizational strategies and values. The study illustrates the challenges with which Social Responsibility Accounting needs to be extended. The study also suggests that for each organization different diagnostic and interactive approaches are used through Social Responsibility Accounting as every firm perceives a different sense of responsibility towards the society.
1- Demonstrate benefits of social responsibility accounting (SRA) available for a company at your choice and;
2- Explain any two approaches for SRA applicable to your company
*constructions and format of the assignment :-

  • introduction ( 150 words )
  • tasks answers :
  1. Task 1 ( 400 words )
  2. Task 2 ( 400 words )
  3. task 3 ( 400 words )
  • Limitations ( 150 words )
  • conclusion ( 100 words )
  • references

* support your assignment with relevant graphs, charts, tables( quantitative data) if applicable
* the total of assignment = 1400 words

Contemporary business

Question Description


Note: While representative of possible situations faced by Target & Walmart, all scenarios in this assignment are fictional.
As you learned this week, understanding your competition and adjusting your own business accordingly is critical to a business’s success. A large discount retail store like Target competes not only with other discount retail store stores but also with those stores that offer just some of the products Target does, such as grocery stores. Keeping track of all these competitors is quite a task; that’s why large companies have a team of market researchers dedicated to managing that research.
This week, you’ll assume the role of a Market Research Manager at Target.

Market Research Managers are responsible for creating and improving processes for gathering information on various market conditions, competitors, and consumer trends in their companies’ industries. They are typically responsible for managing a team of researchers and reporting their findings to the head of the department. Teams across the company then use these findings to help improve products, guide marketing efforts, and more.

As a Market Research Manager, part of your role is to consistently analyze Target’s position relative to its competitors and report on these findings. As part of this process, you complete a SWOT analysis for each of Target’s main competitors each quarter. The quarter is coming to a close, and your boss has asked for the latest SWOT analysis for Walmart.
Search online and find 1-3 articles that discuss the competition between Target and Walmart. For each article:
• Identify Provide a link to the article.

Identify which aspects of the article will be helpful as you conduct your SWOT analysis.STEP 2STRENGTHS
Based on your own experiences shopping at Target and Walmart and the research you conducted:
• Identify 1-2 strengths Target has in comparison to Walmart. For each strength, explain your rationale.
Based on your own experiences shopping at Target and Walmart and the research you conducted:
• Identify 1-2 weaknesses Target has in comparison to Walmart. For each weakness, explain your rationale.
Based on your own experiences shopping at Target and Walmart and the research you conducted:
• Identify 1-2 possible opportunities Target has to be more competitive with Walmart. For each opportunity, explain your rationale.
Based on your own experiences shopping at Target and Walmart and the research you conducted:
• Identify 1-2 possible threats that might diminish Target’s competitiveness with Walmart. For each threat, explain your rationale
Based on your SWOT analysis, do think that Target or Walmart is better positioned over the long term to come out ahead? Why?
Conduct a SWOT analysis for your company and one of its biggest competitors using the methodology outlined in Steps 2-5.

Contemporary business

Question Description

Find a recent article or video describing the competition between two or more businesses. Post a link to the article or video in the discussion thread and answer the following questions:

  1. What are the competing businesses and what products do they sell?
  2. Which company do you believe is winning the competition? Why?

Contemporary Business Worksheet

Contemporary Business Worksheet
Your response to each question should be no less than 175-word. In your response, support your main points with information from the course chapter and include APA formatted in-text citations and full references. The reference(s) should be listed at the bottom of the page.

  1. Revenue, profit/loss, risk, standard of living, and quality of life are the main components of business. Which one do you believe is the most important and why?


  1. Select one nonprofit organization and describe its goals and the community it serves.


  1. The five elements in the business environment are business, economic, legal, technological, competitive, social, and global. Which element would greatly impact your business or the industry that you work in and why?

Expansion into a new national market 1,500 – 1,700 words

Question Description

Paper of 1,500 – 1,700 words with citations and references
paper attached for reference.
You represent a large U.S. corporation that manufactures rubber tires, and you want to begin manufacturing and distribution in another country. Choose a country that you think you would want to start a manufacturing plant in. Answer the following questions about your company and its chosen new market. Organize your paper into four sets of concerns: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. Select 2-3 bullet points from each perspective listed below and respond with cited research.

  • Discuss the macro environment of the country.
  • What is the company strategy there?
  • How will you be socially and economically responsible?
  • What would be the role of management?
  • What is the mode of entry you are going to use, and why?
  • What do you think would motivate the workers to bring about collaboration?
  • How would you design the right culturally appropriate program?
  • What kind of leadership would work in this country?


  • What are the political, cultural, environmental, and economic risks of doing business there?
  • If you do decide to do business there, how would you staff the operation?
  • What type of concerns would you have?
  • What do you need to consider when you recruit, evaluate, train, and deal with labor relations issues?
  • How would you select the manager?
  • What if it does not work out?


  • What are some of the legal issues you would have to deal with as a company if you decide to expand there?
  • What are some of the opportunities and strengths of doing business there?
  • What are some of the cross-cultural issues you are going to have to deal with particular to engaging a team?
  • What are some of the protocols and etiquette issues you must incorporate into your business behavior?
  • How are you going to deal with management issues such as assertiveness, conflict resolution, and team building?


  • What are some of the foreign trade issues you will have to deal with?
  • What are the determinants to foreign entry there, and how would you enter there?
  • What are the 5 stages of negotiation, and how are you going to prepare for them at this international level?
  • What would be some of the political, legal, economic, and ideological issues that may come up?
  • How would you manage conflict if it should come up in the negotiations?

contemporary Business

Question Description

Using the WileyPlus resources, go to the Interactive Case Study “The Pepsi Refresh Project: Viral Marketing” example located in Chapter 11.  To access the entire textbook, use the WileyPLUS Read, Study & Practice link located in the Student Center.
Write an eight to ten 6 to 8 page paper in which you:

  1. Evaluate the reasons Social Media Marketing has become exceedingly popular among businesses of all sizes.
  2. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of Social Media Marketing for business entrepreneurs.
  3. Assess how Social Media Marketing is helping Pepsi gain more customer insight than it would have otherwise.
  4. Research two (2) other businesses that have used Social Media Marketing to their advantage. Discuss how each of these businesses has utilized Social Media Marketing and provide examples with your discussion.
  5. Speculate what impact Social Media will have business over the next decade and identify what skills you need to improve to take advantage of the changes.
  6. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Apply the core marketing concepts and marketing orientation to develop viable marketing strategies that fit a variety of market environments, domestic and international.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in contemporary business.
  • Write clearly and concisely about contemporary business using proper writing mechanics.

FIN-Multinational Finance exam question

Fundamentals of Multinational Finance Sixth Edition Chapter 18 Multinational Capital Budgeting and Cross-Border Acquisitions Copyright © 2018, 2015, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved Learning Objectives • Extend the domestic capital budgeting analysis to evaluate a greenfield foreign project • Distinguish between the project viewpoint and the parent viewpoint when analyzing a potential foreign investment • Adjust the capital budgeting analysis of a foreign project for risk • Introduce the use of real option analysis as a complement to DCF analysis • Examine the use of project finance to fund and evaluate large global projects • Introduce the principles of cross-border mergers and acquisitions Multinational Capital Budgeting • Although the original decision to undertake an investment in a particular foreign country may be determined by a mix of strategic, behavioral, and economic decisions – as well as reinvestment decisions – it should be justified by traditional financial analysis. • As domestic capital budgeting, focuses on the cash inflows and outflows associated with the investment projects • Follows same framework as domestic budgeting – Identify initial capital invested – Estimate cash inflows, including a terminal value or salvage value of investment – Identify appropriate discount rate for PV calculation – Apply traditional NPV or IRR analysis Complexities of Budgeting for a Foreign Project • Several factors make budgeting for a foreign project more complex – Parent cash flows must be distinguished from project – Parent cash flows often depend on the form of financing – Consider externalities on other subsidiaries – Parent must recognize remittances from foreign investment because of differing tax systems, legal and political constraints – Cash flows to parent in form of licensing fees, royalty payments, etc. – Anticipate differing rates of national inflation – Segmented national capital markets may create opportunity for financial gain or additional costs – Host government subsidies complicates capital structure and parent’s ability to determine appropriate WACC – Evaluate political risk – Terminal value is more difficult to estimate Project versus Parent Valuation • Most firms evaluate foreign projects from both parent and project viewpoints • Parent’s viewpoint – closer to traditional NPV analysis – Analyzes investment’s cash flows as operating cash flows instead of financing due to remittance of royalty or licensing fees and interest payments • Project viewpoint provides closer approximation of effect on consolidated EPS Illustrative Case: Cemex Enters Indonesia • Cementos Mexicanos (Cemex) is considering construction of plant in Indonesia (Semen Indonesia) as a wholly owned greenfield project • Cemex is listed on both US and Mexican markets but most of its capital is US dollar denominated so evaluation of project is in US dollars Exhibit 18.1: Multination Capital Budgeting: Project and Parent Viewpoints Copyright © 2018, 2015, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved Illustrative Case: Cemex Enters Indonesia • Financial assumptions –Capital Investment – cost to build plant estimated at $150/tonne but Cemex believes it can build the plant at a cost of $110/tonne ▪ Assuming exchange rate of Rp10,000/$ and a 20 year life, cost is estimated at Rp22 trillion as Cemex wants 20 mln/ton/yr plant capacity. This cost includes Rp 17.6 trillion investment in PP&E ▪ Straight line 10-year depreciation on equipment value of Rp17.6 trillion will be 1.76 trillion/year –Financing – plant would be financed with 50% equity (all from Cemex) and 50% debt ▪ Debt is broken down, with Cemex providing 75% and a bank consortium providing the remaining 25% ▪ Cemex’s WACC (in US dollars) is 11.98% ▪ For the local project (in rupiah) the WACC is 33.257% Exhibit 18.2: Investment and Financing of the Semen Indonesia Project (in 000s unless o.w. noted) Copyright © 2018, 2015, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved Illustrative Case: Cemex Enters Indonesia • Financial assumptions – Revenues – plant will operate at 40% capacity producing 8 million tonnes/year sold at $58/tonne (keeping same price overtime) – Costs –Cost per ton/yr is estimated at Rp115,000 or $11.5 (production, materials, power) (rising at the annual rate of Rp inflation of 30%) –Addition production costs at Rp20,000 per ton/yr (also rising with inflation of 30%) –Loading costs of $2.00/tonne; shipping costs of $10/tonne (governed by international contracts; denominated in $; rising with U.S inflation of 3%) Exhibit 18.3 Semen Indonesia’s Debt Service Schedules and Foreign Exchange Gains/Losses Exhibit 18.4 Semen Indonesia’s Pro Forma Income Statement (millions of rupiah) Note: license fees are 2% of sales; SGA expense is 8% of sales and rising 1%/yr Illustrative Case: Cemex Enters Indonesia • Project Viewpoint Capital Budget – Semen Indonesia’s free cash flows are found by looking at EBIT, not EBT, and adding DA after tax is subtracted (as DA is non-cash expense and contributes positively to CFs) – Therefore, taxes are re-calculated based on EBIT – Terminal value is calculated as a perpetual net operating cash flow after year 5 Terminal Value = NOCF5 (1 + g) 7,075,059(1 + 0) = = Rp21,274,1 02 102 k WACC − g 0.33257 − 0 Exhibit 18.5 Semen Indonesia Capital Budget: Project Viewpoint (millions of rupiah) Exhibit 18.6 Semen Indonesia’s Remittance of Income to Parent Company (millions of rupiah and US$) Note: dividends are charged 15% tax 10% on interest payments 5% license fees Copyright © 2018, 2015, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved Illustrative Case: Cemex Enters Indonesia • Parent Viewpoint Capital Budget – Cash flows constructed from parent’s viewpoint – Use Cemex cost of capital (11.98%) and not the project’s – However, Cemex requires an additional 6% for international projects, thus the discount rate will be 17.98% – This yields an NPV of -$903.9 million (IRR –1.12%) which is unacceptable from the parent’s viewpoint Illustrative Case: Cemex Enters Indonesia Sensitivity Analysis Project Viewpoint Measurement – Political risk – biggest risk is blocked funds or expropriation ▪ Analysis should build in these scenarios and answer questions such as how, when, how much, etc. – Foreign exchange risk ▪ Analysis should also consider appreciation or depreciation of the US dollar Parent Viewpoint Measurement – The additional risk that stems from its “foreign” location can be measured in at least two ways ▪ Adjusting the discount rates ▪ Adjusting the cash flows Illustrative Case: Cemex Enters Indonesia • Adjusting discount rates – To reflect the greater foreign exchange risk, political risk, agency costs, asymmetric information and other uncertainties – Does not penalize NPV in proportion either to the actual amount at risk or to possible variations in the nature of that risk over time • Adjusting cash flows – Incorporates foreign risks in adjustments to forecasted project CFs – The discount rate for the foreign project is risk-adjusted only for overall business and financial risk, similarly as for domestic projects – Forecasting cash flows is extremely subjective • Shortcomings – often, neither is optimal ▪ Political uncertainties are a threat to the entire investment, not just CFs ▪ MNEs worry that taking on foreign projects may increase the firm’s overall cost of capital due to investor’s perceptions of foreign risk Illustrative Case: Cemex Enters Indonesia Real Option Analysis – DCF analysis cannot capture the value of the strategic options – Real option analysis includes the valuation of the project with future choices such as ▪ The option to defer ▪ The option to abandon ▪ The option to alter capacity ▪ The option to start up or shut down (switching) – Treats cash flows in terms of future value in a positive sense whereas DCF treats future cash flows negatively (on a discounted basis) – Acknowledges the way in
formation is gathered over time (active and passive) to improve decisions – The valuation of real options is similar to equity options Project Financing • Project finance is the arrangement of financing for long-term capital projects, large in scale, long in life, and generally high in risk. • The following four basic properties are critical to the success of project financing: – 1. Separability of a project from its investors – 2. Long-lived and capital-intensive singular projects – 3. Cash flow predictability from third party commitments – 4. Finite projects with finite lives Exhibit 18.7: Driving Forces Behind Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions Copyright © 2018, 2015, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions M&A vs. Greenfield Investments Advantages – M&A is quicker – Acquisition may be a cost-effective way of gaining competitive advantages – technology, brand names valued in the target market, logistical/distribution advantages, while simultaneously eliminating a local competitor – Market imperfections, allowing target firms to be undervalued Disadvantages – Paying too much – Melding corporate cultures can be traumatic – Downsizing to gain economies of scale and scope in overhead functions may have nonproductive impacts on the firm – Host government intervention Exhibit 18.8: the Cross-Border Acquisition Process Copyright © 2018, 2015, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions: Stages • 1a. Identification – First the target market followed by the target firm • 1b. Valuation – DCF analysis; Multiples; Industry-specific measures • 2. Execution – may be very time-consuming, requiring approval from management, target ownership, regulatory bodies, and final determination of methods of compensation – Friendly takeover – Hostile takeover – Regulatory bodies in each country may have different requirements – Compensation usually via stock and/or cash • 3. Post-acquisition management – the most critical step of the M&A process – determines if investors view it as (un)successful Currency Risks in Cross-Border Acquisitions • Currency Risks vary with timing of the takeover process and with amount of available information • A contingent foreign currency exposure is created with the initial bid, thus hedging is usually part of the process • Once the bid is accepted the exposure evolves into a transaction exposure Summary of Learning Objectives • The proposed greenfield investment in Indonesia by Cemex was analyzed within the traditional capital budgeting framework (base case) • The foreign complications were introduced to the analysis, including foreign exchange and political risks • Parent cash flows must be distinguished from project cash flows. Each of these two types of flows contributes to a different view of value Summary of Learning Objectives • Parent cash flows often depend on the form of financing. Thus, cash flows cannot be clearly separated from financing decisions, as in domestic capital budgeting • Remittance of funds must be explicitly recognized because of differing tax systems, legal and political constraints on the movement of funds, local business norms, and differences in how financial markets and institutions function Summary of Learning Objectives • Cash flows from subsidiaries to parent can include payment of license fees etc. • From the project’s point of view, risk analysis focuses on the use of sensitivities, considering foreign exchange and political risks associated with the project’s execution over time • From the parent’s point of view, the additional risk from the “foreign” location can be measured adjusting the discount rates or adjusting the cash flows Summary of Learning Objectives • Real option analysis, a different way of thinking, is a cross between decision-tree analysis and pure optionbased valuation – It allows us to evaluate the option to defer, the option to abandon, the option to alter size or capacity, and the option to start up or shut down a project • Project finance is used widely today in the development of large-scale infrastructure projects in many emerging markets. Although each individual project has unique characteristics, most are highly leveraged transactions, with debt making up more than 60% of the total financing Summary of Learning Objectives • The process of acquiring an enterprise anywhere in the world has three common elements: – Identification and valuation of the target; – Execution (the tender); and – Management of the post-acquisition transition • The settlement stage of a cross-border M&A requires gaining the approval and cooperation of management, shareholders, and eventually regulatory authorities • Cross-border M&A and strategic alliances, all face similar challenges: They must value the target enterprise on the basis of its projected performance in its market. This process combines elements of strategy, management, and finance Fundamentals of Multinational Finance Sixth Edition Chapter 14 Funding the Multinational Firm Copyright © 2018, 2015, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved Learning Objectives • Design a strategy to source equity and debt globally • Analyze the motivations and goals of a firm for – cross-listing its shares on foreign equity markets –issuing new equity shares on foreign equity markets • Understand the many barriers to penetrate effectively foreign equity markets • Examine the various financial instruments which can be used to source equity in the global equity markets Designing a Strategy to Source Capital Globally • To gain access to global capital markets a firm must begin by designing a strategy that will ultimately attract international investors • It would require – restructuring of the firm – improving the quality and level of its disclosure – making its accounting/reporting standards more transparent to potential foreign investors • Management must agree upon a long-run financial objective and then choose among various alternative paths to get there • Investment bankers can help navigate the various institutional requirements and barriers that must be satisfied to source equity globally Designing a Strategy to Source Capital Globally • Most firms raise capital in their own domestic market • However, most firms that have only raised capital in their domestic market are not well known enough to attract foreign investors. • Incremental steps to bridge this gap include – conducting an international bond offering and/or – cross-listing equity shares on more highly liquid foreign stock exchanges. Exhibit 14.1: Alternative Paths to Globalize the Cost and Availability of Capital Copyright © 2018, 2015, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved Optimal Financial Structure • A firm’s optimal financial structure is a mix of debt and equity that minimizes the firm’s cost of capital for a given level of business risk • If the business risk of new projects differs from the risk of existing projects, a new optimal mix would recognize tradeoffs between business and financial risks Exhibit 14.2: the Cost of Capital and Financial Structure Copyright © 2018, 2015, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved Optimal Financial Structure & The MNE • The domestic theory of optimal capital structure is modified by four additional variables in order to accommodate the MNE – 1. – 2. – 3. – 4. Availability of capital International diversification of cash flows Foreign exchange risk Expectation of international portfolio investors Optimal Financial Structure & The MNE • 1. Availability of capital – Lowers the cost of capital – Permits MNEs to maintain a desired debt ratio – Allows MNEs to operate competitively even if their domestic market is illiquid and segmented • 2. International diversification of cash flows – Reduces risk – Lowers volatility of cash flows among differing subsidiaries and foreign exchange rates Optimal Financial Structure & The MNE •
3. Foreign exchange risk & cost of debt – When a firm issues foreign currency denominated debt, its effective cost equals the after-tax cost of repayment in terms of the firm’s own currency – This cost is the result of the combined cost of debt and the percentage change in the foreign currency’s value ( k = 1+ k $ d Sfr d ) x (1 + s)− 1 Where kd$ = Cost of borrowing for US firm in home country kdSfr = Cost of borrowing for US firm in Swiss francs s = Percentage change in spot rate Optimal Financial Structure & The MNE • 4. Expectations of International Portfolio Investors – The key to gaining a global cost and availability of capital is attracting and retaining international portfolio investors – If firms want to attract and maintain international portfolio investors, they must follow the norms of financial structures Raising Equity Globally • Initial Public Offering (IPO) – the first public issue of a firm’s equity shares. – First a prospectus is published – The IPO typically represents 15% to 25% of ownership – Later issues by the firm are considered “seasoned offerings” – With public issuance of shares comes greater public disclosure • Euroequity Issue – an IPO on multiple exchanges in multiple countries at the same time. – The “Euro” market – international securities issues originating and being sold anywhere in the world – The euroequity seeks to raise more capital in its issuance by reaching as many different investors as possible Raising Equity Globally • Directed public share issue is one that is targeted at investors in a single country and underwritten in whole or in part by investment institutions from that country – Might not be denominated in the currency of the target market – Shares might be cross-listed in the target market • Depositary receipts – negotiable certificates issued by a bank to represent the underlying shares of stock, which are held in trust at a foreign custodian bank – Global Depositary Receipts (GDRs) – outside the US – American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) – traded in the U.S. and denominated in USD – each ADR represents a multiple of the underlying foreign share Raising Equity Globally • Private Placement Under SEC Rule 144A – Sale of securities to a small set of qualified institutional buyers (QIB), traditionally insurance companies and investment companies – Investors typically follow “buy and hold” strategy – Rule 144A allows QIB to trade privately placed securities without holding period restrictions and without SEC registration • Private Equity Funds – Limited partnerships of institutional and wealthy individual investors that raise their capital in the most liquid capital markets – Then invest these funds in mature, family-owned firms located in emerging markets • Strategic Alliances – Normally followed by firms that expect to gain synergies from one or more joint efforts Foreign Equity Listing & Issuance • Objectives of cross-listing and selling on foreign stock exchanges: – – – – Improve the liquidity of its existing and new shares Overcome mispricing in a segmented and illiquid home market Increase visibility and political acceptance Establish a secondary market for shares used for acquisitions or to compensate local management and employees in foreign subsidiaries Raising Debt Globally • These markets offer a variety of – maturities – repayment structures – currencies of denomination – sources of funding – pri …

Contemporary Business Issues in GCC (Gulf Corporate Council)

Question Description

Review the healthcare market in the GCC (Gulf Corporate Council) highlighting the recent trends.
What are the growth drivers, challenges and opportunities?
Draw conclusion and implication for policy and research.
Assignment should start with a theoretical background and discuss across GCC in general.
Then choose a specific GCC country, I have chosen the United Arab Emirates, and discuss in depth using PESTLE/SWOT analysis.
Choose a scenario, such as “what if professional licensing was unified across all 7 emirates, what will the impact be?
I have also attached the research paper guidelines and rubic, for your kind reference.
Please ensure there is an abundant amount of articles referenced, articles from top journals (reference style APA).
Word count 2,500
Please let me know if you have any other enquiries.