Contemporary Business, management homework help

Question Description

Provide a 175-word response for each of the following. Include references where appropriate.

  1. Describe the main components of contemporary business.
  2. Describe the focus of nonprofit organizations
  3. Explain the five elements in the business environment

UAEU Globalization and the Contemporary Issues in Business Paper

Question Description

I have written and assignment and shared draft with the faculty and received following feedback.
“it looks some how “dry” as you did not include any statistics to show the market size (public and private) or the major players, which I believe will help identify trends and gaps that can be converted into opportunities for the private sector.”
Can you please take a look at the final report and include statistics to show market size and the major players to identify trends and gaps as mentioned int he feedback. I think he wants to see diagrams/graphs of recent studies on the topic.
Attached is the written report.

Wk5cd: Contemporary Issues

Question Description

  •  400–600 words
  • Primary Discussion Response is due by Friday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Tuesday (11:59:59pm Central).Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.Research how data are used in the criminal justice system with regard to the issue of marijuana legalization. Your discussion should include the following:
    • The costs (time, wages, personnel allocation, logistics, and so forth) expended on processing suspected marijuana offenders through the court system.
    • The costs (time, wages, personnel allocation, logistics, and so forth) dedicated to the imprisonment of convicted marijuana offenders.
    • Investigate the crime rates in cities in which marijuana is legal. Compare that data with the crime rates in cities where marijuana remains illegal.
    • Include your opinion on whether or not marijuana should be legalized and decriminalized.

HIS381 Contemporary Global Issues

Question Description

Your initial post of three articles will have the following format:

  • APA References entry (the full entry that includes author, date, etc.)
  • Three-five sentence summary of the article (the main ideas and important details) with in-text citations
    • Remember that you need to pick up all of the main ideas and important details in your summary, so you need to pick an article that’s not too long to summarize in 3-5 sentences. The sweet spot for article length is between 800-1000words.
    • Do not pick editorials or anything that is clearly labeled as opinion only. You want articles that contain data.
    • Don’t use quotes unless the words cannot be changed or are notable. The reason is that you have to reduce the number of words while still capturing the important ideas. You can’t do that if you’re using quotes.
    • All information from the source needs to be cited whether you paraphrased or quoted. (Don’t quote – paraphrase.) You can cite every sentence or you can do a frame citation. (Please see the lexicon for examples of frame citations.)
  • Two-three sentence reaction to the article
    • This is where you examine your reaction to the information. You can comment on the quality of the data, the quality of the analysis, the questions left unanswered, the questions left unasked, or any number of other questions. What you can’t do is just tell me that you liked it or not.
    • When you discuss what you learned, offer specifics from the original source and cite them as you are reacting to them.

Contemporary Urban Issues

Question Description

pick one contemporary issue facing the city, summarise its history, and contextualise the current debate.
You should identify the various parties involved in the issue, summarise their arguments, and highlight what motivates their agenda(s).
Ultimately, you must pick a side and argue how you would resolve the problem and why your course of action is appropriate, while addressing the various stakeholders’ concerns.
The issue may be found locally in the Halifax area, somewhere else in Canada, or even at the global level. Provide both media coverage of the topic (including social media if present) along with peer-reviewed literature that situates the issue within the academic discourse

Contemporary global issues project

Question Description

My topic for this project is HUMAN TRAFFICKING
Here is an example of a topic for this week and how you can relate this to my topic I am choosing:
“For my research project, I propose to consider the question of whether restored diplomatic relations with Cuba will introduce elements of capitalism in the economy, causing the island nation to move away from communism.”
Some other examples:
“Right now relations between the Philippines and the U.S. are strained and I would like to consider the question of what is going to happen to U.S.-Philippines relations.”
“Social media has empowered the masses and I am particularly interested in how open access and online sharing is shaping civil unrest and wars. So to focus my research a little more, I will take up the question: how is social media altering the nature of war in the 21st century?”
“Our text argued that the ‘new population bomb’ was one of four megatrends that were changing the world. I would like to dig into that subject a little more with the perspective of how shifting demographic trends are changing global relations. To focus my work, I will take up the question of how 21st-century demographics are changing international relations
week 1. In this assignment, you will pick your first three sources that you will be using to produce your Final Project. By this time, you will have selected your topic
For this annotated bibliography, you will first put in a References page entry that is APA 6th ed. formatted. (You will be able to reuse this for your final project.)
Next, summarize your source in a short paragraph. This summary should not be your opinion at all. It should only be the information in the article or source. Please use the graphic organizer to organize the information and then use that to write your summary. (Don’t directly summarize from the article itself – that’s how people plagiarize [accidentally or on purpose].)
The final short paragraph is your reaction to the source. This is where you get to express your opinion of the piece as well as how this resource will fit into your argument.
week 2. In this assignment, you will pick your next three sources that you will be using to produce your Final Project.
For this annotated bibliography, you will first put in a References page entry that is APA 6th ed. formatted. (You will be able to reuse this for your final project.)
Next, summarize your source in a short paragraph. This summary should not be your opinion at all. It should only be the information in the article or source. Please use the graphic organizer to organize the information and then use that to write your summary. (Don’t directly summarize from the article itself – that’s how people plagiarize [accidentally or on purpose].)
The final short paragraph is your reaction to the source. This is where you get to express your opinion of the piece as well as how this resource will fit into your argument.
week 3. For this week, you will pick five informational graphics. For your final product you will have a graphic element for every every slide in your presentation, but, for this week, you will need to find five graphics that have information that supports your argument.
To start, list the web address where you got your graphic (You will reuse this entry for your Global Issue Final Project.)
Then include the graphic.
Then include an explanation of the graph and how it will support your argument.
week 4.Complete your Final Project and submit here to check SafeAssig- I WILL SUBMIT
You will have a slide show of 12-15 slides not including the title slide and the references page.
Make sure that any/all information that is from other sources is cited using APA style.
Be sure all of your graphics are cited with a URL directly underneath. (These citations go in the slides, but not on the References page. This is true ONLY for graphic elements.)
You will use the SafeAssign Originality report to revise your presentation.
week 5. Part of this assignment is to seek tutoring in person at the Student Success Center or using SmarThinking (online tutoring). Here is a link that give you information about using face to face tutoring or online tutoring. So that is one attachment — either a picture of your slip from the Student Success Center or the report that you get back from SmarThinking.
If you are using SmarThinking, you have to strip out the text from your presentation. Here are directions for doing that:
1.) Open the PPT file.
2.) Hit the “View” tab at the top.
3.) Hit “Outline View,” which is second choice from the left within the “View” tab.
4.) This gives you all of your text from the PPT, running down the left-hand side of the screen. You can then highlight and scroll to copy everything and then paste the text into a Word doc for submission to the essay center. Or, you can paste the copied text directly into the essay submission form in Smarthinking.
The Writing Resources website is also available for help.
You also have to provide a Revision Plan. Look at this revision checklist from Roane State and make sure that your presentation has these features. In addition, look back at the project and the rubric: a clear argument, quality, academic resources, multimedia resources, graphics that add to your argument and in-text citations as well as References slides.
Your revision plan will be five concrete steps that you plan to take to improve your presentation (you will incorporate the feedback you got from both SafeAssign and tutoring) before you complete your revision, complete your voiceover and present your finished product to the class and the instructor.
This is the second document that you will submit this week for your milestone.
I am attaching the rubric and the project requirements. PLEASE COMPLETE THE WHOLE PROJECT. The above descipitions are to help you brain storm different ideas. I was planning on doing HUMAN TRAFFICKING. PLEASE ALSO COMPLETE EACH STEP THAT I NUMBERED AND SEND BACK TO ME IN DIFFERENT FILES NUMBERED WITH EACH WEEK.

Contemporary Economic Issues

uestion Description

Deliverable Length:  800–1,000 words
The financial crisis of 2008 caused macroeconomists to rethink monetary and fiscal policies. Economists, financial experts, and government policy makers are victims of what former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan called a “once in a century credit tsunami”.
Since then, there have been various legislative and policy strategies considered and implemented to ‘fix’ the problems that allowed the crisis. The true question is whether we are headed down the same path, and if the ‘victims’ of the 2008 crisis have done anything to shift the tide. Review this clip, and review your own additional research, then share your thoughts on what caused the financial crisis and whether the United States is going in the right or wrong direction with its current policies. In explaining your position, be sure to include cited research that supports your consideration, recommendations for safeguards going forward, and what role, if any, government should play.
Your discussion should include reflections on both monetary and fiscal policies, clearly noting which caused/remedied the crisis. Make sure you include the following concepts in your analysis:

  • Interest rates
  • The financial services industries (CDOs, CMOs, the stock market, credit flows, money markets, etc.)
  • Tax rebates
  • Stimulus
  • TARP
  • Government debt and deficit
  • Inflation
  • Unemployment
  • Immigration
  • GDP

RE: Contemporary Issues Presentation

Question Description

Contemporary Issues Presentation
Selected Issues: Ethics in drug treatments and Internet counseling or therapy.
Prepare a 12- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you explored the contemporary issues from Week Three. Include the following in your presentation: Pick two issues to discuss.
·  Introduction
·  Definitions of the issues 
·  Populations most affected by the issues 
·  Effects the issues have on the field of psychology
·  Any potential challenges in treatment options
·  Any potential changes you foresee occurring with these issues
·  Conclusion
Include speaker notes with your presentation.
Incorporate information from at least five peer-reviewed publications.
Cite each outside source on a slide titled References and cite pictures on slide
Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.
We are going to need roughly 3 slides for each highlighted bullet-point on the presentation, so please keep that in mind and 1 slide for introduction, conclusion and reference page.  The title/reference pages do not usually count.
I enclosed her comments from week 2 assignment so you can see her comments

NRS434VN: Contemporary issues and resources

Question Description

Research the range of contemporary issues teenagers face today. In a 500-750-word paper, choose one issue (besides teen pregnancy) and discuss its effect on adolescent behavior and overall well-being. Include the following in your submission:

  1. Describe the contemporary issue and explain what external stressors are associated with this issue.
  2. Outline assessment strategies to screen for this issue and external stressors during an assessment for an adolescent patient. Describe what additional assessment questions you would need to ask and define the ethical parameters regarding what you can and cannot share with the parent or guardian.
  3. Discuss support options for adolescents encountering external stressors. Include specific support options for the contemporary issue you presented.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Contemporary Criminal Justice Issues

Question Description

You are a captain in charge of operations within your police department. As part of your responsibilities, you supervise the human resources department. It has been brought to your attention that a complaint has been filed by one of the department’s female officers alleging instances of sexual harassment by her supervisor. In reviewing the department’s sexual harassment policy, you find that it was written by the previous administration and is not in compliance with the sexual harassment policy guidelines as handed down by recent Supreme Court decisions. You bring this to the attention of your chief, and he has instructed you to do the following:
Key Assignment Guidelines
Complete the following:

  • Address the following in 1,500–2,000 words:
    • Provide a draft sexual harassment policy that is in compliance with the latest Supreme Court decisions.
      • How you would implement a training program for all of the employees related to the revised sexual harassment policy?
      • What challenges exist to this policy-making process and training implementation? Explain.
    • Contrast and compare at least 2 established sexual harassment policies.
      • Choose 1 from your local police department and 1 from your state law enforcement agency.
      • How are they similar?
      • How are they different?
      • Explain in detail.
    • Do you think that sexual harassment is a common experience among women in law enforcement? Why or why not? Use external research to fully justify your argument.
  • Be sure to reference all of your sources using APA style.