Prison Law CJRS435: Prisons and Contemporary Issues

Question Description

There are many contemporary issues in corrections relating to prisoners’ rights that are topics of ongoing debates in fields of penology, criminology, and corrections administration. Some of the cases regarding these issues have made it to the Supreme Court, whereas others have not. In this assignment, the members of your group will research the following issues in corrections today and provide information on the viewpoints from the different sides of the debate. The issues are as follows: •Organ transplants •Four-point restraints •Sweat lodges •Three-way calls •Legal materials in the library Your task is to choose one of the above-listed topics, and develop a PowerPoint Presentation of at least 7 slides that discusses your chosen topic. •For your chosen contemporary corrections issue, answer the following questions: ◦What court cases involved this issue? ◦What were the decisions of the lower courts? ◦Did any of the cases make it to the Supreme Court? ◾If so, what was the Supreme Court decision? ◾If not, is the case still active? Explain. ◦What is the general opinion that society seems to have with regard to this issue? ◦Have any organizations opposed to the court decisions made progress with regard to prisoners’ rights? ◦How do you foresee the outcome of the debate regarding the issue? •Address each issue by answering the following: ◦What steps can corrections officials take to resolve the issue? ◦What are the responsibilities of corrections officials? ◦If there is no clear resolution, what precautions can corrections officials take to avoid violating prisoners’ constitutional rights? •The final presentation should contain the following elements: ◦7–10 PowerPoint slides with 100–150 words of speaker notes per slide ◦A reference slide that contains all of the references used from each of the group members Title and reference slides do not count as part of the assignment slide totals.

Cross-Cultural Management – Controversial Bio-ethical Issues

Cross-Cultural Management – Controversial Bio-ethical Issues

Question Description

CF 1 – Country Holidays and Celebrations (3-5)
Each country/culture has its own set of major and important holidays. These holidays can point and teach us about the history, heritage, and the important values of a country. Moreover, from a practical perspective you need to know what you can do or not do during such a holiday. Thus, it is very important for an international business person to be aware of these holidays from a business and social perspective.
Research and create a list of the major holidays and celebrations in your country project. Provide a short summary of each holiday
– origin and why it is being celebrated,
– rituals
– religious based or not,
– dates and length of holiday
– business open or not
Now pick 3 holidays you believe are the most important and significant and provide more detail description about them.
*Be sure to include Cultural Intelligence Elements (motivation, strategy, etc.)*
Below are 2 sites that might help you get started (but you should use others).

Contemporary Issues Correction Discussion

Question Description


  • What Works in Corrections, Chapter 1
  • Working with Involuntary, Chapter 1

Answer the following:

  1. Explain the differences between an involuntary client and a client, and discuss your thoughts on what, if anything, works with involuntary clients.
  2. Explain the different types of correctional philosophies and the changes in the United States correctional philosophy since the 1960s.

Discuss your thoughts on the information that has been posted. Discuss its relevance and implications to the field of Criminal Justice. Your remarks can be opinion, but it must be based on your experience, research, and/or prior learning. Use this exercise to converse with your fellow colleagues about issues that are important to the field of Criminal Justice. Of interest is a dialogue of opinions, thoughts, and comments. Be sure to discuss both sides of the issue as noted in the actual question posting. Must be no less than 500 words APA format. Effective for the Spring 1 2020 term, APA has a new edition. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (2020). 7th Edition, Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association. I have attached the chapters and the books for cite and reference.
MacKenzie, D. L. (2006). What works in corrections: Reducing the criminal activities of offenders and delinquents. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-0-521-00120-5
Trotter, C. (2015). Working with involuntary clients: a guide to practice (3rd Ed.) Los Angeles, CA: Corwin Press. ISBN: 978-0-415-71565-2
American Psychological Association. (2019). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. ISBN-13: 978-1-4338-3216-1.

Contemporary Issues Presentation

Question Description

“1 slide on any potential challenges in treatment options on changes to family structure. 2 slides each on any potential changes you foresee occurring with both the issues we choose.

  • Ethics in drug treatments
  • Changes to family structure

Include speaker notes with your presentation. Each slide to have citations in speaker notes
Incorporate information from at least 2 peer-reviewed publications.
Cite each outside source on a slide titled References.
Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.
add to the attached presentation

How can global leadership be developed?

Question Description

topic:How can global leadership be developed?Through course material covered to date and other research, please identify some key elements of a global leadership development strategy. Please include some specific implications of this strategy from a global HR perspective.
Page: 5 pages (not included reference and cover)
Course Materials:
International Human Resource Management: Policies & Practices for Multinational Enterprises, Fifth Edition (2016.) By Ibraiz Tarique, Dennis Briscoe, and Randall Schuler. Routledge Publishing. ISBN 978-0-415-71053-4
Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management, Sixth Edition (2017.) B. Sebastian

Contemporary Issues and Trends

Question Description

In this written assignment, identify one specific contemporary issue or trend that you are interested in learning more about. Choose from the categories below. For example you might want to learn more about why it is more difficult for some groups to receive care than others, which would fall under Client Access to Care. Or, you might want to compare nursing practice in the U.S. with how nurses practice in Japan, which would fall under the category of Global Healthcare and Nursing.

  • Global Healthcare and Nursing
  • Healthcare Reform
  • U.S. Healthcare Financing
  • Nursing’s Role in the U.S. Healthcare System
  • Integrative Healthcare
  • Nursing Leadership and Management
  • Nursing Education
  • Nursing Practice
  • Nursing Professionalism
  • Advancing Nursing as a Profession
  • Client Access to Care
  • Delivering Client Care
  • Interdisciplinary Teamwork and Collaboration
  • Ethical Practices in Healthcare
  • Quality and Safety in Healthcare Delivery
  • Health/Nursing Informatics

Once the issue or trend is identified, find five important/significant facts about it, substantiated by an evidence-based article or reference. Include the article or references in your submission

Management in contemporary organizations

Question Description

chose an organization where you can consider your self a customer with them and write an academic report about the company
this is an intro of the assignment all the details in the attached the report is 2500 word
and this the company i chose

Identify Cross-Cultural Issues

Question Description

Oxford dictionary defines culture as “The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.” Each society, country, and culture have numerous nuances that can be difficult for the others to understand.
Managers in today’s multicultural global environment constantly encounter cultural differences, which may create barriers in communication and eventually lead to business failures. To become a successful global manager, you need to equip yourself with necessary knowledge to develop your culture competence.
For years, scholars have been studying country cultures. Several theories were developed, such as Geert Hofstede’s culture dimensions ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.) and Edward T. Hall’s cross-culture theory (’s_Cross-Cultural_Theory_Wiki (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.). Besides the websites mentioned above, you can get yourself further familiarized with those theories by checking out the following video clips:

  • Hofstede’s culture dimensions

Hofstede Cultural Dimensions

Hofstede Cultural Dimensions

  • Hall’s low-context and high-context theory

Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal Communication
Your task is to utilize Hofstede’s website at… (Links to an external site.)Links to an external first identify the scores for the six cultural dimensions of your home country. Then, choose another foreign country of your interest and compare the cultural dimensions of your select country to those of your home country. (home country) United State to Israel

Cross-Cultural Issues Assignment

Question Description

Oxford dictionary defines culture as “The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.” Each society, country, and culture have numerous nuances that can be difficult for the others to understand.
Managers in today’s multicultural global environment constantly encounter cultural differences, which may create barriers in communication and eventually lead to business failures. To become a successful global manager, you need to equip yourself with necessary knowledge to develop your culture competence.
For years, scholars have been studying country cultures. Several theories were developed, such as Geert Hofstede’s culture dimensions ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.) and Edward T. Hall’s cross-culture theory (’s_Cross-Cultural_Theory_Wiki (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.). Besides the websites mentioned above, you can get yourself further familiarized with those theories by checking out the following video clips:

    • Hofstede’s culture dimensions
    • Hall’s low-context and high-context theory

Interpersonal Communication
Your task is to utilize Hofstede’s website at (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to first identify the scores for the six cultural dimensions of your home country. Then, choose another foreign country of your interest and compare the cultural dimensions of your select country to those of your home country

Cross listing issues research

What Challenges Associated With Listing in China Stock Exchange? (Cross listing)
In 2014, Alibaba Group, a Chinese-based e-commerce corporation, made its initial public offering (IPO) on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Alibaba first planned to list on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (SEHK). After comparing the listing requirements in Hong Kong and in the United States, Alibaba eventually decided to list on the NYSE.
Part 1- Introduction (2 pages double space)
Thesis Statement:

  • Alibaba Group decided to list in the United States to gain global brand recognition.


  • Service they provide
  • Why not list in China

Purpose of Study:

  • To discuss why a foreign corporation, especially a Chinese corporation, would want to be listed on the U.S. stock market.

Part 2- Research Context (1-2 page each)

  1. Difference in listing requirements between NYSE and SEHK
    1. NYSE allows Jack Ma to maintain control of the company
  1. Foreign companies listed on U.S. exchanges
  • . Reasons
  1. Challenges: converting language, currency.
  1. Foreign companies listed in China.
  • . The Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) plans to launch an international board
  1. U.S companies listed on SEHK: Samsonite, Coach
  • . Reasons: why would a U.S. company want to list on foreign stock market
  1. U.S companies that operate in China but not listed on SSE or SEHK: Yum Brands (KFC), Starbucks.
  • . Reasons
  1. Challenges

Future Research Questions

  1. How will the international board benefit foreign investors in China?
  2. With the new listing requirements of SEHK, will Alibaba consider listing in Hong Kong again?
