Cross-Cultural Issues

Oxford dictionary defines culture as “The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.” Each society, country, and culture have numerous nuances that can be difficult for the others to understand.
Managers in today’s multicultural global environment constantly encounter cultural differences, which may create barriers in communication and eventually lead to business failures. To become a successful global manager, you need to equip yourself with necessary knowledge to develop your culture competence.
For years, scholars have been studying country cultures. Several theories were developed, such as Geert Hofstede’s culture dimensions ( and Edward T. Hall’s cross-culture theory (’s_Cross-Cultural_Theory_Wiki). Besides the websites mentioned above, you can get yourself further familiarized with those theories by checking out the following video clips:
Hofstede’s culture dimensions
Hall’s low-context and high-context theory
Your task is to utilize Hofstede’s website at to first identify the scores for the six cultural dimensions of your home country. Then, choose another foreign country of your interest and compare the cultural dimensions of your select country to those of your home country.
You’ll choose Viet Nam and USA, Please

a reflection on this article + comparing it with the this chapter uploaded here.

Question Description

Prepare by writing a reflection on the assigned article and Chapter 4 in the textbook.
Include two questions that you wish to discuss during the meeting.
1- so what you need to do is to make an introduction to the article that is not more than 150 word
2- and then start to write a reflection on the article by connecting it to this CHAPTER of the book im going to include it here
3- Include two questions that you wish to discuss during the meeting
4- 600 – 750 word only.

Contemporary Issues in Language Teaching

Question Description

Explore two key issues(there is a table under the paragraph) in contemporary second/ foreign language teaching(2,000 words).
See the Table below for the list of topics to choose from.《I prefer to use TBL(Task-Based Language Learning)and CLT(Communicative Language Teaching)》

  1. Synthesise your knowledge and understanding by drawing on the second language research literature (800 words);
  2. Explore the pedagogical implications by linking theory to practice(800 words)
    1. How can different theoretical frameworks be applied toclassroom practices?
    2. Provide a focussed and detailed discussion to justify yourarguments.
  3. Propose an eclectic and pluralistic approach to language teachingwhich suits their future teaching context (400 words)
    1. Based on the critical discussion presented above, what might bethe limitations of the chosen issues?
    2. What might be the potential barriers when implementing thesepedagogical approaches to your future students?
    3. What changes would you make to the theories/pedagogical approaches and why?

(Although students are asked to write their essay based on two key issues, it is possible that the discussion goes beyond this and incorporates other relevant issues. However, the essay should remain focussed throughout.)
4.Include a list of the references consulted (following APA 6 for both in-text citation and the full references). For Part 2 Written Essay, the number of high quality references should be no fewer than 10. You are expected to show evidence of reading and thought beyond course/assignment materials.High quality references typically refer to published work which are seminal or within the last 5-10 years.
Table: Key issues in contemporary language teaching (choose any 2)

Communicative Language Teaching😀
Teaching Reading
Task Based Language Learning😀
Teaching Writing
Content and Language Integrated Learning Digital Technologies for Language Learning and Teaching
Teaching Listening Sociocultural Theory in Second Language Education
Teaching Speaking TESOL Material Development

😀 TBL can use these reference:
1.Ellis, R. (2000). Task-based research and language pedagogy . Language Teaching Research, 4(3), 193-220.
2.Hawkes, M. L. (2012). Using task repetition to direct learner attention and focus on form. ELT Journal, 66(3), 327-336.
😀 CLT can use :
1.Kramsch, C. (2014). Teaching foreign languages in an era of globalization: Introduction. Modern Language Journal, 98(1), 296–311.
2.Leung, C., & Scarino, A. (2016). Reconceptualizing the nature of goals and outcomes in language/s education. The Modern Language Journal100(S1), 81–95.

Thank you so much!

Contemporary Issues in Accounting – UG024

Question Description

Assignment must be submitted with the “Turnitin” report. If the report generated indicates a similarity index percentage of 20% or more, a review of your assignment is necessary to ensure the same is reduced to less than 20%.
2000 word onl
1-All the requirements in the file attached
2-Simalirty should be less than 5%
3-And in assignment the answer should be related to OMAN 🇴🇲

Contemporary Issues in Accounting Paper

Question Description

Instructions: Attempt any four (4) questions with at least one question from each Section A, B, and C.
A. Accounting information economics

  1. Explain how, in general, the information market (or economics) is supposed to work under ideal (perfect) conditions.
  2. Explain at least three (3) reasons that cause the information market failure to produce socially sub-optimal accounting information.
  3. Explain what happens if the market fails to produce optimal accounting information.
  4. Explain at least three (3) remedies to market failure and how the case of Hammel demonstrates how these remedies work.

B. Trends in the use of Technology in accounting
1.As a controller, discuss three risks and three advantages you will consider before moving your company’s accounting function to the cloud.
2.As a new controller, describe with reasons, three reports you will want to receive from your subordinates immediately after you are hired. Also, describe with reasons, three management reports that you will prepare more frequently (perhaps weekly).
3.Accounting practice has become more automated and is rapidly going to the cloud. List and discuss at least three implications of this trend to the future of accounting practice and profession. Is this trend being reflected in: a) accounting enrollment; b) accounting education; c) recruitment of accountants?
C. Corporate Governance, Quality of Accounting Information, and SOX

  1. Explain the concept of corporate governance.
  2. Explain how internal auditors operate within the corporate governance framework. That is, who they are compared to external auditors; what they do; who they report to; limitations they face; why some companies don’t use them, etc.
  3. In your opinion, how would you apply SOX to the Hammel case? That is, how would SOX deal with the governance of Orthofix International N.V.
  4. How did the SEC apply the SOX to Hammel case? Hint: Obtain the Hammel case, Ctr F ‘Sarbanes”, then read and understand the penalty and procedure used.

Contemporary Issues in Social Service

Question Description

Your original response to the Discussion topic should be at least 350 words and should reflect the fact that you have completed the Reading and activities. Use your words wisely so that the posting has substance and includes examples and explanations. Best practice is to include citations and a reference list.
Contemporary Issues in Social Service Program Planning and Administration

  1. Examine the era of accountability discussed in your readings, and identify what the GPRA initiative is. Describe the impact of this initiative and what you think was the most beneficial impact of the GPRA initiative.
  2. Examine the logic model discussed in your readings and explain how this is a resource in planning process.
  3. Examine effective-based program planning from the reading in Chapter 1 of your text. Define the steps in the process as discussed in your readings.
  4. Explain how effective-based program planning would benefit any human or social services organization.

ME 489 Contemporary Issues

ME 489 Contemporary Issues Guidelines and Grading Rubric
Select an article, write a paragraph summarizing the article and a paragraph giving your comments about it.  CI #1 must be from the New York Times.  CI #2 must be from  CI #3, #4, and #5 may be from any reputable news source.
Formatting Requirements:
Easily readable font – single spaced – uploaded to Blackboard as a Word document
Font size – 11pt to 14 pt font
Article title at the top
200 – 400 words
Bibliographic citation at the end using APA style
Grading Rubric:
Appropriate Article – 20 pts                         This is essentially a yes/no grade
Logical and Coherent – 25 pts
Is the writing clear and understandable?
Formatted Properly and Professional Looking – 25 pts
Subtract 5 pts for each error
Carefully Proofread and Edited – 30 pts
Subtract 3 pts for each error

Contemporary Issues

Question Description

For my portion of this project I need one slide for :
Slide 4 – Population Affected by Prescription Privileges (1 Peer-Reviewed Reference)
Slide 5 – Population Affected by Internet Counseling
Slide 6 – Effect the issue with Prescription Privileges Has on the Field of Psychology (1 Peer-Reviewed Reference)
Slide 7 – Effect the issues with Internet Counseling Has on the Field of Psychology
Long,James E.,,Jr. (2005). POWER TO PRESCRIBE: THE DEBATE OVER PRESCRIPTION PRIVILEGES FOR PSYCHOLOGISTS AND THE LEGAL ISSUES IMPLICATED. Law & Psychology Review, 29, 243-260. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.contentproxy.phoenix.e…
Gupta, A., & Agrawal, A. (2012). INTERNET COUNSELLING AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES. Social Science International, 28(1), 105-122. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.contentproxy.phoenix.e…
Include speaker notes with your presentation. These must be comprehensive (at least 1 paragraph or more for each slide)
Incorporate information from at least five peer-reviewed publications.
Cite each outside source on a slide titled References.

Contemporary Issues in Project Management, assignment help

Question Description

After this project, you get hired as the CEO of Advancement Corporation.
Provide the next project manager with a written report, including the following:

  • Document the activities and accomplishments of the project that you have just successfully completed.
  • Describe which goals have been met.
  • Describe what future actions you recommend.
  • Give recommendations to ensure that your project manager successor will be effective while being ethical.

The following is a basic checklist for solutions:

  • Identify and address the main issue.
  • Provide real-life solutions (more than just theoretical considerations).
  • Address the criteria and measurements for success for this project.
  • Use proper APA formatting and citation.
  • Provide solutions which display critical and innovative thinking.

Contemporary (Responsible) Issues in Management, Critical discussion

MSc in Management
Contemporary (Responsible) Issues in Management

  1. Your assignment must be no longer than 3000 words excluding reference list and appendices
  2. Appendices are only to include supplementary material. Any information/ diagram vital to your answer must appear in the main body of your assignment
  3. You must include a word count on the coversheet of your assignment
  4. Please use Arial or Times New Roman font in 12 point and double spacing of lines
  5. You must critically draw upon relevant academic theory and research covered in the module and identified through your independent research and reading
  6. Your assignment is to be fully and consistently referenced. Note that your essay will be submitted to ‘turnitin’ (i.e. anti-plagiarism software)

Assignment Brief
For this assignment, you are asked to critically analyse how ONE specific company is addressing TWO of the contemporary issues facing organisations.
This assignment requires that you undertake independent research to examine:

  1. How do your TWO selected issues affect your selected company?
  2. How is your selected company responding to your selected two issues?
  3. How are commentators (media and other stakeholders) interpreting and evaluating your selected company’s response?
  4. What recommendations would you make to the company in how they should respond to the two issues in the future?

To complete this assignment, you will need to critically reflect, in light of your wider reading of academic literatures concerned with the issues you focus on, on the opportunities and challenges for your selected company, and what the firm might do differently or more effectively deal with them going forward.
Assignment Instructions
Step 1: Select ONE company from the list below or any you are familiar with

1. 3M 6. HSBC 11. Novartis 16. Sony
2. Amazon 7. Intel 12. Siemens 17. Unilever
3. Apple 8. McDonalds 13. PepsiCo 18. Vodafone
4. Disney 9. Microsoft 14. Primark 19. Volkswagen
5. Google 10. Nestlé 15. Samsung 20. Walmart

Step 2: Select TWO issue areas. Following is a list for example. This is not an exhaustive list. You are free to explore sub-issues related in this the list:

  1. Management issues, trends and practices in 21st century
  2. Corporate Political Activities, Non-market Strategies in Challenging Institutional Environments
  3. Gender and Sustainability; Gender & Executive Pay in Organisations
  4. Sustainable Global Supply Chains
  5. Precarity in the Workplace
  6. Family Businesses – Parochial Dinosaurs?
  7. Issue covered by Prof Oded Shenkar
  8. Issue covered by Prof Oded Shenkar

Step 3: STRUCTURE your coursework as follows

  • Introduction: justify selection of your ONE company & TWO issue areas (500 words)
  • Critical examination of your first selected issue (1000 words)
  • Critical examination of your second selected issue (1000 words)
  • Conclusion: summary and key recommendations for your selected company (500 words)
  • Reference list (include only sources that you have cited in your coursework)
  • Appendices (only supplementary information should appear here)

Assessment Criteria
Your assignment will be graded according to the following criteria:

  • Logical structure & quality of presentation – is your assignment appropriately structured and presented? Does it meet the assignment brief? – 10%
  • Evidence of quality business research – have you clearly undertaken wider research into your company that is integrated and analysed within your assignment in ways that add value in relation to your assignment brief? – 15%
  • Evidence of wider reading of academic literature – is there evidence of wider academic reading into the issues you focus on that informs and enhances your analysis of the threats and opportunities faced by your chosen company? Have you made use of appropriate theory and wider evidence to inform your analysis of the issues you examine? – 15%
  • Quality and depth of analysis – how effectively have you evaluated the significance of the issues raised, situating their significance within wider debates, and demonstrating their implications for your chosen company? – 20%
  • Establishing soundly argued solutions, actions, and responses to the issues raised – have you developed possible responses to the issues raised for your company, substantiated by theory or evidence? – 20%
  • Evidence of a capacity for critical reflection – Does your assignment demonstrate a capacity to use evidence and theory reflectively and appropriately within context, showing a sensitivity to its likely limitations? – 20%

Sources of useful information:
Alternatively, many useful databases (e.g. Nexis for media sources, and Business Source Premier for business and management academic papers) can be found at:
Advice on these databases can be provided by The University Library