Southwest border Cross-Domain Strategies

Question Description

Section 7: Cross-Domain Strategies
Examine the potential for public or private partnerships and interagency efficiencies in addressing All-Domain Awareness (ADA) challenges and coordinated efforts in the land, air, maritime, and cyber domains in the unique homeland security environment of the Southwest border (SWB).
Although this strategy has a counternarcotics focus, the SWB represents a multithreat, multidomain, multiagency challenge that poses significant challenges for homeland security planners because of the asymmetric and interconnected nature of regional crime networks and cross-border violence. For this assignment, complete the following:

  • Prepare a 1-page quad chart and a 1-page supporting document that explains the planning variables associated with cross-domain strategies.
  • Draw heavily from the relevant chapters of the NSWBCN Strategy, leveraging the substantive work that has been done by policymakers at the national level.

Section 8: International Factors
This week, you will identify and detail the potential international players, including the role of the Department of State, President Obama’s SWB Security Bill, the Merida Initiative, and support by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), along with counterparts in Mexico.
Your boss is attending a planning conference in Mexico City where ideas are being requested to improve cooperation with Mexico. Prepare a 2-page thought piece to help her prepare her remarks. In this piece, address the following:

  • What diplomatic, informational, military, and economic variables will enable improved theater security cooperation (TSC), building partner capacity (BPC) and international engagement?
  • Incorporate relevant information from the case study, empirical data regarding SWB security statistics, and useful material from the NSWBCN Strategy document.
  • Include useful and appropriate bibliographic references.

Section 9: Interagency Process
This week, you will outline the potential for improved whole-of-government, interagency coordination among domestic and international partners. In this section of your Key Assignment, you will identify the framework for a possible policy planning effort that would serve as a catalyst for improved multiagency, cross-governmental cooperation and collaboration at the SWB.
Draft a 2-page road map, similar to the plan of action and milestones (POA&M) or concept of operations (CONOPS). Be sure to include the following:

  • Propose steps to significantly raise the level of coordination among the constellation of interagency players at the SWB.
  • Draw from your case study, NSWBCN Strategy, and the Patriot Act to formulate a plan of action that leverages existing capabilities and introduces new ideas.
  • Identify at least 3 specific examples of potential for improvement versus transformation. For example, there are several coordination centers with overlapping missions that are colocated at the SWB that appear redundant.
  • Include useful and appropriate bibliographic references.
  • APA format is a must to include in text citation in each of the section
  • At least 3 to 4 acadimic resources for each sections

Logistics Management (Case Study) – Business management homework help

Question Description

Written Report based on the Case Study QUBE


Word Count: 3000 – 3500 words

After reading further background material on the company and relevant case studies on related companies the case, prepare a 3000 – 3500 word report analysing the issues in the case, and identify logistics management strategies to resolve the issues.

Also look at the web site

In your report you need to consider :

o    The main problems at with the current logistics network in New South Wales, Australia

o    How they might be resolved

o    What, if any, involvement should the New South Wales, Australia government have in the resolution of the problems

To support your analysis and recommendations, you need to:

Please use a minimum of 9 academic journal articles, plus the text supporting your identification of problems and proposals / recommendations to resolve the problems (better marks will be awarded for more than 9).

o    link the case elements and discussion / analysis to correctly referenced logistics concepts and models.

o    3000-3500 word response – word count applies to content only, not title page, table of contents and reference list.

o    Responses should include relevant logistics management theories – referenced and their application explained – do not just quote or paraphrase the theory

o    Short report format – title page, introduction, suitable headings & subheadings, recommendations, reference list – use Harvard (APA) referencing style

Prescribed text:  Mangan, J. and Lalwani, C. 2016. Global logistics and supply chain management. 3 rd ed. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.

Recommended Readings:

  • Gianpaolo, G., Laporte, G., and Musmanno, R., 2013. Introduction to Logistics Systems Management. 2nd ed. U.S.A: Wiley.
  • Harrison, A., van Hoek, R. I., 2011. Logistics Management & Strategy, Competing Through the Supply Chain. 4th ed. London: Prentice Hall.
  • Murphy, P. R., Wood, D., 2010. Contemporary Logistics: International Edition. 10th ed. U.S.A: Pearson Higher Education. Journal Articles:
  • Bealer D., Bhanugopan, R., 2014 Transactional and transformational leadership behaviour of expatriate and national managers in the UAE: a cross-cultural comparative analysis. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 25.
  • Fish, A., Bhanugopan, R., Cogin J., 2008 Value orientations as predictors of cultural and business impact: Individual suitability for cross‐border assignments, Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, Vol. 15 Iss: 1, pp.30 – 48.
  • Jie, F. Parton, K. Cox, R. J., 2012 An agile supply chain analysis of Australian beef wholesalers and retailers International Journal of Agile Systems and Management (IJASM), Vol. 5, No. 4.


There are many consumer behaviour specific journals including:

  • Asia Pacific Journal of Operations Research,
  • Food Logistics,

  • Journal of Business Logistics, Supply Chain Management Review

Part 2 – Financial Strategy Task – 2000 Words

Part 2 – Financial Strategy Task – 2000 Words

Detailed guidance

You will be required to work individually and to critically evaluate a business scenario that will be put before you. You will write a report that; identifies the strategic options that are available to the organisation; requires you to utilise relevant financial tools and techniques to critically evaluate each option; will include considering the implications of each option for the organisation; justifies and recommends a strategy for the organisation to follow.   In doing so, you will apply and utilise relevant financial techniques, critically evaluate and assess key information and make reference to relevant financial theory.
The following table presents Engie’s (an energy company) financial information for 2017.
Statement of Financial Position
Based on the above Engie’s (an energy company) financial information for 2017.

  • Appraise Engie’s capital structure using the tools discussed in the module.


  1. Critically evaluate theoretical advantages and disadvantages of the company’s capital structure with regards to the debt and equity structure of the business. How these advantages and disadvantages apply to the specific company? Your answer must be accompanied by significant evidence from the literature (1000 words for 1a and 1b).


  • Assess the above company from a short-term financing perspective and comment on the application of the matching principle. What conclusions can you draw, how are they linked with the academic literature?


  1. Critically evaluate the potential advantages and disadvantages of the Engie’s strategy around the working capital and backup your answer with significant evidence from the literature (1000 words for 2a and 2b).


Summer 2018 – MGT 489 and MGT 451 Writing Intensive Paper Requirements

Approach Methodology
Section 1. Background and Topic Introduction – Describe background, purpose and approach you will take in this paper. Establish the question(s) you intend to answer or address in the paper.
Section 2. Literature Search – Identify the topic and what you found on the topic as you conducted your research for this paper. Explain what information you extracted or derived from all the research you found AND how you will use it in the paper. Some information you may not need to use. This is a key section of your paper.
As for PowerPoint presentation of this literature search…keep it simple topic/subtopic slide, what you found slide, from where and by whom slide, and how you will use it in your paper slide. So you should have no more than 5-10 slides. Identify between five (minimum) and fifteen sources (depends on topic).
Section 3. Framework of the Discussion (paper) – Create a text that presents or “unfolds” the topic (given your writing style) to make the work flow from one area of the paper to the next. Have a clear opening paragraph(s) followed by series of topical paragraphs that link the ideas and points you need to make in the paper then a transition paragraph that ties it together with subsequent sections.
Section 4. Critical Thinking & Assessment – Analyze and evaluate the information while presenting various positions/issues. Question the of key assumptions in a manner that supports or negates your position on the topic.. You may support or negate claims with evidence, facts, or proofs that accurately analyzes the appropriate evidence. Finally, synthesize the findings and articulate a logical and compelling position.
Section 5. Conclusion – Frame a conclusion based on all of the above. Be direct and take a firm stance – one-way or the other.

  1. Format


  • Prepare a well-written paper of 4000 words (SHOW WORD COUNT BUT DO NOT INCLUDE REFERENCES IN COUNT)


  • At least five (5) references are required in your literature search. Proper citation in text is also required.


  • The paper is to be DOUBLE-spaced using a 10-12 point block font (Helvetica, Times Roman, etc.). Use 8.5 x 11 paper size.


  • Place ONLY your name and the paper title in the HEADER.


  • Margins are to be one inch on all sides.


  • Submit TWO (2) HARD COPIES of your written paper and ONE (1) HARD COPY of your PowerPoint presentation


  • This paper will be peer reviewed by a classmate AND by the instructor. Once the peer review feedback is complete a second and FINAL draft with edits and/or revisions is to be submitted by the student for a final grade. Late papers will receive a half letter grade for each deadline missed. Remember you must get a C (75%) on this paper to PASS the entire course.


  • Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated and a measured response will be imposed in following the University’s guidelines for such violations.

III. Schedule

Contemporary Management Issues

Question Description

Choose a business company in the Sultanate of Oman and Evaluate how the company manage and apply their corporate’s sustainability and corporate social responsibility to answer the following tasks:
1. Discuss Comprehensively Elkington’s (1999) Triple Bottomline pf Sustainability. Critically evaluate the sustainability of the chosen company in terms of economic, social and environmental perspectives in relation to its stakeholders like shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, government and the general public. Give relevant examples to substantiate the discussion.
2. Explain the concept of the corporate social responsibility according to Caroll (1999) assess the corporate social responsibility of the chosen company applying the four part model of CSR according to Caroll. The four part model of CSR are as follow:
1. Philanthropic responsibilities
2. ethical responsibilities
3. legal responsibilities
4. economic responsibilities
you are required to give scenarios which are being used by the company to support the discussion.
Note: the chosen company in the Sultanate of Oman call Danube Home
The body of the report should include the following:
1. Introduction: Background and Objectives of the assignment
2. Discussion of Sustainability:
a. Discussion of Triple Bottomline of Sustainability.
b. Critically evaluate the sustainability of the chosen company in terms of economic, social and environmental perspectives in relation to its stakeholders.
c. Relevant examples used to support the discussion
3. Discussion of corporate social responsibility
a. Discussion of the concept of corporate social responsibilities
b. Critical assessment of the company’s corporate social responsibility applying four part model CSR.
c. Use relevant examples/situations to substantiate the discussion
4. Conclusion and Recommendation (must convince the reader that they jibe with the objectives of the assignment)
5. References: Should be Harvard Style

Contemporary Management issues

Question Description

I need three copies of same assignment all the copies should be different with o percent plagiarism , company names: Enhance LLC, Mattrah Cold Store an take Any other company based in Oman
Main Body within Citations……………..all citation must be after 2010 till 2017
Books ( dated after 2010)

  • Alex, J and Black, L (2011) Evaluation of E-Services: Edition 8th Volume 9th Printed by Hall and Presence Press New Delhi Page Number 67-77
  • Backhouse, James, ed. (2014) “D4. 1: Structured account of approaches on.” Edition 4th Volume 9th Printed by McGrew Press UK Page Number 78-99
  • Gillen, David, and Ashish L. (2014) “The economics of the Internet, the new economy and opportunities for airports.” Journal of Air Transport Management 8.1
  • Hall, H and Martin. (2014) “Economic diversification in GCC countries: Past record and future trends: Edition 7th Vol 9th Printed by McGrew Press USA Page Number 89-102


Contemporary Management issues

Contemporary Management issues

Question Description

I need three copies of same assignment all the copies should be different with o percent plagiarism , company names: Enhance LLC, Mattrah Cold Store an take Any other company based in Oman
Main Body within Citations……………..all citation must be after 2010 till 2017
Books ( dated after 2010)

  • Alex, J and Black, L (2011) Evaluation of E-Services: Edition 8th Volume 9th Printed by Hall and Presence Press New Delhi Page Number 67-77
  • Backhouse, James, ed. (2014) “D4. 1: Structured account of approaches on.” Edition 4th Volume 9th Printed by McGrew Press UK Page Number 78-99
  • Gillen, David, and Ashish L. (2014) “The economics of the Internet, the new economy and opportunities for airports.” Journal of Air Transport Management 8.1
  • Hall, H and Martin. (2014) “Economic diversification in GCC countries: Past record and future trends: Edition 7th Vol 9th Printed by McGrew Press USA Page Number 89-102


Contemporary Management Issues

Question Description

I have an assignment about ( Oman Mobile Company ) and the objective of the assignment:
1. is to select an organization in Oman and to analyze its practices in promoting CSR related to freeman’s principles of CSR, also to critically evaluate the rewards obtained by the organization by implementing this with respect to all the stakeholders.
2. To critically analyze how the organization practice business ethics with its stakeholders with special reference to employees, customers, suppliers, and the society at large. also explain how the organization sustain business ethics with its stakeholders.
Please make sure to fulfill the below requirements:
1. Background of company and explain CSR and corporate sustainability. ( 10 lines )

2. Objective of the assignment
3. Meaning / definition of Corporate sustainability (with Citation).
4. Explain Elkington’s Triple Bottom Line. (with Citation)
a. Social perspective. (with Citation)
b. Economic perspective.( with citation)
c. Environmental perspective. (with citation)
5. Evaluate the TBL in Oman mobile company for
a. Social (with example of how the organization is using it).
b. Economic (with example of how the organization is using it).
c.. Environmental (with example of how the organization is using it).
Explain stakeholder relationship.
6. CSR ?
7. Carroll’s 4 philosophies – CSR.
a. philanthropic responsibility
b. social responsibility
c. legal responsibility
d. ethical responsibility
Evaluate with examples


This assessment includes five sections that consist in essay questions
See below specific instructions
In-text references and bibliography: Harvard referencing system.
Submission: Week 8 – Via Moodle (Turnitin)
Weight: This task is a 60 % of your total grade for this subject.
This evaluation assesses the following learning outcomes:
• Outcome 1: implement strategies that create a competitive advantage for culturally diverse teams
• Outcome 2: identify and evaluate the attitudes which are necessary to work effectively in multi-cultural settings
Evaluation specific instructions
Word count: 2000-2500 words excluding bibliography.
Format: Business Report: neutral tone, spell/grammar checked
Title: Choose an NGO/Real Estate developer/Sports Facility/B2C business that is considering international expansion. This organisation is wishing to
expand internationally and needs to determine and analyse factors that will favour (or not) expanding to this region. The organization is diverse in
nature. Create a business report that includes the following 5 sections in which you answer what factors should be considered in the organisation’s
decision about whether to carry out this international expansion or note.
Part a: Executive Summary (max 1 page)
Part b: Background
In this section you should provide an introduction that describes the layout of the report and the factors that will be addressed. You will need to
briefly introduce the organisation you have chosen and present the organisation’s policy and strategy, vision and mission, ethical values, human
resources (HR) management, marketing management and finance policies/objectives.
In this section you should also choose a country that would be an option for the organisation to carry out its expansion in to.
Part c: Your country
Here in this section, for your country there will be a 3 to 4 page report determining the cross-cultural issues the organization could face if it decided
to locate/expand there. Reference should be made to organisation’s policy and strategy, vision and mission, ethics, human resources (HR)
management, marketing management and finance issues relating to the choice to locate in this country.
You should also address the social, technological, economic, environmental, political, legal, ethical, and security issues that the organisation may
face by choosing to locate in the country you have chosen to write about.
You will need to provide credible and correctly referenced data (Harvard style) in support of your arguments.
Part d: Discussion, Conclusions and recommendations
In this section you need to make recommendations for whether the organisation should go ahead with the proposed expansion in to your chosen
country or not. You should include a discussion of the attitudes which favour working multiculturally, strategies that create a competitive
advantage for international expansion and the advantages of culturally diverse teams in this section.
Part e: Bibliography minimum six references must be provided using the Harvard referencing system.
Rubric: Whilst completing this assignment you should refer to the rubric for this assignment, which will show you how marks will be allocated by
your professor when he marks your work. This rubric is attached below.
Exceptional 90-100 Good 80-89 Fair 70-79 Marginal fail 60-69
Knowledge &
Student demonstrates
excellent understanding of
key concepts and uses
vocabulary in an entirely
appropriate manner.
Student demonstrates
good understanding of the
task and mentions some
relevant concepts and
demonstrates use of the
relevant vocabulary.
Student understands the
task and provides minimum
theory and/or some use of
Student understands the task
and attempts to answer the
question but does not
mention key concepts or uses
minimum amount of relevant
Application (30%) Student applies fully
relevant knowledge from
the topics delivered in class
and provides relevant
Student applies mostly
relevant knowledge from
the topics delivered in class
and provides relevant,
mostly business-related
Student applies some
relevant knowledge from
the topics delivered in class
and provides relevant
examples, but not always
Misunderstanding may be
Student applies little relevant
knowledge from the topics
delivered in class and
provides few or no
relevant, business-related
Misunderstanding is evident.
Critical Thinking
Student critically assesses
in excellent ways, drawing
outstanding conclusions
from relevant authors.
Student critically assesses
in good ways, drawing
conclusions from relevant
authors and references.
Student provides some
insights but stays on the
surface of the topic.
References may not be
Student makes little or none
critical thinking insights, does
not quote appropriate
authors, and does not
provide valid sources.
Student communicates
their ideas extremely
clearly and concisely,
respecting word count,
grammar and spellcheck
Student communicates
their ideas clearly and
concisely, respecting word
count, grammar and
Student communicates
their ideas with some
clarity and concision. It
may be slightly over or
under the wordcount limit.
Some misspelling errors
may be evident.
Student communicates their
ideas in a somewhat unclear
and unconcise way. Does not
reach or does exceed
wordcount excessively and
misspelling errors are

Current Issues in International Business and Management

Question Description

Identify and critically analyse TWO current issues that you think will influence the future of the global business environment. Your choice must include at least one issue from the topics covered in the lecture sessions. You may select your second issue from topics covered in the lectures or beyond. You need to explain the rationale for your choices, perform a critical analysis and draw conclusions (based on your analysis) on the challenges for global businesses and the global business environment.
Sources of references,it is important to engage with academic literature (journal articles, book chapters and monographs) in your assignment. You may need to refer to specialist journals depending on your topic choice.Some journals with an IBM focus include Journal of World Business,Journal of International Business Studies, Socio-economic Review,Economy and Society, Review of International Political Economy,Management International Review, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Organization Studies, Human Relations, Asia Pacific Business Review, Work, Employment and Society etc.
Reference Style like Harvard style (see the Learning Resources website:
The length of the essay is 2000 words (+/- 10%). The list of references is not included in the word-count of the paper.
The essay should be typed in double spacing on A4 sized paper with margins of 1.5cm on left, right, top and bottom. Font size for text must be 12 and all pages should be numbered.