HUDE 225 Educational and Psychological Measurement Paper Assignment

Students will write a conceptual paper on a current issue/topic in educational and psychological measurement. Students will also give a 10 minute presentation on their paper on the final day of class. Guidelines A. The final paper must adhere to the manuscript conventions described in the syllabus a. The paper should be between 10-12 pages (not including reference page) b. Your paper should include at least 10 sources from a peer-reviewed journal or book. Sources from the internet will not be accepted. APA format 12-pt. font. B. The final paper must include the following sections in order to receive full credit: a. Title page​ (Title, name, date, course number, instructor) b. Introduction​ (What is the purpose of the paper? Why is the topic important? What will the paper include?) c. Sub-sections​ describing in detail… i.​the measurement issue/topic chosen, ii. the history of measurement issue/topic iii. the relation of this measurement issue/topic to a current problem/debate in education or psychology​ ​and​ a particular student population d. Recommendations for Future Research and Conclusion​ (What did you cover in your paper? What might future research on this topic explore?) e. References​ (list of references must be formatted according to the APA publication manual) C. The assignment will be graded using the following rubric: a. ​Adherence to APA style – 5 points b. Adherence to paper formatting guidelines – 5 points c. Explication of measurement issue/topic– 30 points d. Application of measurement issue/topic to problem in education or psychology– 30 points e. ​Quality of suggestions for future research – 20 points f. Quality of paper presentation – 10 points Paper Submission Timeline ● Feb. 7 – Paper topic due ● Mar. 7 – Paper outline or draft due for in class peer review (must be printed) ● Apr. 25 – Final paper submitted in Bb and class presentation* due *Additional guidance regarding paper presentation will be provided. Running Head: FINAL RESEARCH PAPER DRAFT !1 First draft Introduction Most International students nowadays in United States and retain face one most critical issue which is language difficulties, in as far as their learning and performances are concerned. This paper will specifically look into and focus on the measurement of Understanding the English Language among International students in the United States and British Universities. ➢ The purpose of the paper: To determine through research how international students in the US and the UK are coping up with English as the official language of communication. Then determine a way of measuring their understanding of the language and come up with some recommendations on the same. ➢ Why the topic is important: English is an international language used in all international institutions more so in the US and the UK. Measuring the understanding of the language among the international students will ensure enrolment of competent and intellectual students who will be easy to be taught and they will find it easy to learn and communicate with other students as well as easy for them to pass. ➢ What will the paper include: The following are mentioned without any further explanation; • Types of tests used to measure the understanding of English language among native students before they go study in the international universities in the UK and in the US. o Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Test o TOEFL test on: ✓ Reading ✓ Listening ✓ Speaking ✓ Writing ✓ All these will be explained including the recent statistics based on the same in the US and the UK international students. • Sub Sections Self-efficacy and Assertiveness among the international students FINAL RESEARCH PAPER DRAFT 2 All the sections below will be discussed in details based on the information in the introduction on the above. a) The history of measurement of understanding the English Language among International students in the United States and British Universities b) The measurement of understanding the English Language among International students in the United States and British Universities i. Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Test- How is TOEFL test administered? Where is it administered? What are the recent statistics of the same? How important is this test to students who would like to study internationally in the UK and in the US? ii. TOEFL test on: ✓ Reading ✓ Listening ✓ Speaking ✓ Writing ✓ All the above features will be explained including the recent statistics based on the same in the US and the UK international students. iii. Self-efficacy and Assertiveness among the international students: ✓ Definitions of Self-efficacy and Assertiveness ✓ How they influence the learning of English language by international students in the United Kingdom (Britain) and the United States universities. ✓ Brief conclusions on the same c) The relation of the measurement of understanding the English Language among International students in the United States and British Universities to a current debate in education or psychology and a particular student population. i. The current debate is about whether it is beneficial or not to take up a prior English learning test before being enrolled in any university in Britain and in the US as an international student. ii. Particular student population based on this are the undergraduate students d) Recommendations for Future Research and Conclusion i. Restate what the paper covered FINAL RESEARCH PAPER DRAFT ii. 3 Suggestions for future research based on the conceptual research paper: ✓ Develop more ways of performing an English language test before being enrolled to any university as an international student ✓ Establish a body to research, determine and document the importance of prior studying and learning of English language b an international student References: The following are the references used in the research paper; Altbach, P. G., & Knight, J. (2007). The internationalization of higher education: Motivations And realities. Journal of studies in international education, 11(3-4), 290-305. Retrieved from; Andrade, M. S. (2006). International students in English-speaking universities: Adjustment Factors. Journal of Research in International education, 5(2), 131-154. Retrieved from; Bobby, P. (September 6, 2017). Do international students in Britain need better English skills? The Conversation. Retrieved from; David, G. (Dec 2, 2013). English language can be a barrier for international students. Iowa State Daily, 32(2). Retrieved from; article_cbe6123c-5303-11e3-914c-0019bb2963f4.html Gatwiri, G. (2015). The influence of language difficulties on the wellbeing of international Students: An interpretive phenomenological analysis. Inquiries Journal, 7(05), VOL. 7 NO. 05. Retrieved from; Sherry, M., Thomas, P., & Chui, W. H. (2010). International students: A vulnerable student FINAL RESEARCH PAPER DRAFT Population. Higher education, 60(1), 33-46. Retrieved from; article/10.1007/s10734-009-9284-z Sawir, E. (2005). Language difficulties of international students in the UK: The effects of prior Learning experience. International Education Journal, 6(5), 567-580. Retrieved from; and Yeh, C. J., & Inose, M. (2003). International students’ reported English fluency, social support Satisfaction, and social connectedness as predictors of acculturative stress. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 16(1), 15-28. Wan, T. Y., Chapman, D. W., & Biggs, D. A. (1992). Academic stress of international students Attending US universi
ties. Research in Higher Education, 33(5), 607-623. McKay, S. L. (2002). Teaching English as an International Language: Rethinking Goals and Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press. 4 …

Theory-Guided Practice 1,050- to 1,225 word paper APAf ormat

Question Description

Theory-Guided Practice
Use the six criteria from this week’s readings from Fundamentals of Nursing Models, Theories, and Practice as a guide for this assignment. If you need to review the criteria, click the Presentation tab for a link to Fundamentals of Nursing Models, Theories, and Practice.
Select a practice/clinical setting.
Use the following six criteria to select a theory appropriate for the setting you chose:
• Clinical setting
• Origin of the theory
• Paradigms as a basis for choice
• Simplicity
• Patient’s needs
• Understandability
Explain what practice or clinical setting you chose, how the six criteria helped you choose, and why the selected theory is well suited to it.
Cite a minimum of two sources in text and include a page or slide with APA-formatted references.
Format your assignment as one of the following:
• 1,050- to 1,225-word paper

Hotel Operations, Development and Management Destination


Question Description

1. Hotel Manager Responsibilities on Property
the cliff house in Ireland, Please describe the property briefly.
Also discuss the roles and responsibilities of one of the managers you encountered when
visiting there. What were the primary sources of job satisfaction and challenge for this
individual? Do you see these as being the same or different from a manager with similar
responsibilities working in the US?
2. Conclusion
Based on the research you conducted before the trip, were your opinions of the hotel
and lodging industry in the area visited confirmed or refuted? What did you expect
prior to your visit? What was different from your expectations? Do you feel that there
are certain skills and abilities you would need to develop in order to be a successful
global hotel manager based on your experience?

SOC1010 Color Blind Racism Paper

Question Description

☐ Maintain an academic tone, using appropriate course vocabulary, proper punctuation and grammar
☐ Edit your entry carefully so there are (few to) no typos, misspellings, or grammatical errors
☐ Respond to all parts of the prompt
☐ Engage the sociological imagination drawing connections between the unit readings, discussions, and themes and your social location and experiences
☐ Move beyond the most obvious writing points, building off but not simply repeating what we have discussed in lecture and section. In other words, be creative.
To answer this prompt: ☐ To begin your essay, write a paragraph summarizing color-blind racism and explain how it may create a challenge for students learning about race and racism. In your discussion, cite Bonilla-Silva, paraphrase in your own words and if you use quotes, use only very, very short quotes (include page numbers).
☐ Next, write a paragraph summarizing white fragility and explain how it may create a challenge for some white students learning about race and racism. In your discussion, cite DiAngelo, paraphrase in your own words and if you use quotes, use only very, very short quotes (include page numbers).
☐ Next, write a paragraph summarizing racial battle fatigue and microagressions and explain how it may create a challenge for some students of color in a classroom discussing race and racism. In your discussion, cite Embrick et al., paraphrase in your own words and if you use quotes, use only very, very short quotes (include page numbers).

Note: The three paragraphs above should extend in length to 1.5 to 2 pages.Then, write a paragraph discussing and identifying one strategy a student should employ when learning about race and racism that addresses a concrete and specific challenge related to color-blind racism. Explain how that challenge could be overcome through a specific, concrete plausible strategy. Be creative and detailed.
☐ Next, write a paragraph discussing and identifying one strategy a student should employ when learning about race and racism that addresses a concrete and specific challenge related to white fragility. Explain how that challenge could be overcome through a specific, concrete plausible strategy. Be creative and detailed.
☐ Next, write a paragraph discussing and identifying one strategy a student should employ when learning about race and racism that addresses a concrete and specific challenge related to racial battle fatigue and microaggressions. Explain how that challenge could be overcome through a specific, concrete plausible strategy. Be creative and detailed.
Note: The three paragraphs above should extend in length to 1.5 to 2 pages.
☐ Include a works cited or bibliography in whatever format you prefer (e.g., APA, ASA, MLA).
I already wrote the paper but it needs to be rewritten!
this is the response i got from my prof…. “Your three strategies were basically the same: to learn about racism (at school). However, this is too vague. Based on your writing, I am not quite sure about how this would actually work in practice. The specificity we are looking for in this assignment is, for example, how technically the continuation of conversation could be possible? Through what kind of topics, teaching materials, discussion format, games, exercises, i.e, pedagogical skills, in what kind of courses you are suggesting?” Can you please rewrite it?

Sociology essay

Question Description

☐ Maintain an academic tone, using appropriate course vocabulary, proper punctuation and grammar
☐ Edit your entry carefully so there are (few to) no typos, misspellings, or grammatical errors
☐ Respond to all parts of the prompt
☐ Engage the sociological imagination drawing connections between the unit readings, discussions, and themes and your social location and experiences
☐ Move beyond the most obvious writing points, building off but not simply repeating what we have discussed in lecture and section. In other words, be creative.
To answer this prompt: ☐ To begin your essay, write a paragraph summarizing color-blind racism and explain how it may create a challenge for students learning about race and racism. In your discussion, cite Bonilla-Silva, paraphrase in your own words and if you use quotes, use only very, very short quotes (include page numbers).
☐ Next, write a paragraph summarizing white fragility and explain how it may create a challenge for some white students learning about race and racism. In your discussion, cite DiAngelo, paraphrase in your own words and if you use quotes, use only very, very short quotes (include page numbers).
☐ Next, write a paragraph summarizing racial battle fatigue and microagressions and explain how it may create a challenge for some students of color in a classroom discussing race and racism. In your discussion, cite Embrick et al., paraphrase in your own words and if you use quotes, use only very, very short quotes (include page numbers).

Note: The three paragraphs above should extend in length to 1.5 to 2 pages.Then, write a paragraph discussing and identifying one strategy a student should employ when learning about race and racism that addresses a concrete and specific challenge related to color-blind racism. Explain how that challenge could be overcome through a specific, concrete plausible strategy. Be creative and detailed.
☐ Next, write a paragraph discussing and identifying one strategy a student should employ when learning about race and racism that addresses a concrete and specific challenge related to white fragility. Explain how that challenge could be overcome through a specific, concrete plausible strategy. Be creative and detailed.
☐ Next, write a paragraph discussing and identifying one strategy a student should employ when learning about race and racism that addresses a concrete and specific challenge related to racial battle fatigue and microaggressions. Explain how that challenge could be overcome through a specific, concrete plausible strategy. Be creative and detailed.
Note: The three paragraphs above should extend in length to 1.5 to 2 pages.
☐ Include a works cited or bibliography in whatever format you prefer (e.g., APA, ASA, MLA).

Classical sociology

Question Description

Choose 1 of the 3 questions presented in class and write an essay on the selected topic.. The text must be approximately 2000 words (around 4 pages). Use font: Times New Roman, size: 12, 1,5 spacing.
Be sure to quote and reference correctly. Build a bibliography at the end of the document. There is a section in the forum, where you can ask questions if you need to! Good luck with your work and start reading now as a friendly advice.
Essay topics:
1)Select one of the classical sociological theorists discussed in class (Marx, Weber or Durkheim) and critically assess the selected thinker’s theory from the perspective of political science. Choose a contemporary social problem (on the World, European or National level) and discuss the possible relevance of the selected author’s perspective in addressing the problem.
2)What are the main societal problems of modernity identified in the writings of classical sociological authors discussed in class (all three of them) ? Point out the common ideas and specify the most characteristic point of their individual legacy.
3)What are the relations between individual and society in the writings of Marx, Weber and Durkheim ?

Below is My Question

Question Description

Choose 1 of the 3 questions presented in class and write an essay on the selected topic.. The text must be approximately 2000 words (around 4 pages). Use font: Times New Roman, size: 12, 1,5 spacing.
Be sure to quote and reference correctly. Build a bibliography at the end of the document. There is a section in the forum, where you can ask questions if you need to! Good luck with your work and start reading now as a friendly advice.
Essay topics:
1)Select one of the classical sociological theorists discussed in class (Marx, Weber or Durkheim) and critically assess the selected thinker’s theory from the perspective of political science. Choose a contemporary social problem (on the World, European or National level) and discuss the possible relevance of the selected author’s perspective in addressing the problem.
2)What are the main societal problems of modernity identified in the writings of classical sociological authors discussed in class (all three of them) ? Point out the common ideas and specify the most characteristic point of their individual legacy.
3)What are the relations between individual and society in the writings of Marx, Weber and Durkheim ?

modernism and postmodernism: Lenski’s Power and Privilege in the study of inequalities. Sociological Theory, so

Question Description

Tickamyer, A. (2004). Between modernism and postmodernism: Lenski’s Power and Privilege in the study of inequalities. Sociological Theory, 22(2), 247-257.
In a .doc (Word) document of about 300-400 words, using APA format and citations (hint: any references cited throughout the course are in APA format!), write a report answering the following questions:

  • What are the essential concepts, ideas, insights presented by the author of the article? (NO quotations! If you do want to use specific information, paraphrase and cite your source.)
  • What connection can you make to any concepts and ideas presented in your chapter readings or the video(s) for this week? (NO quotations! If you do want to use specific information, paraphrase and cite your source.)
  • What did you like least about the article? What did you like most?

Make sure that you revisit the course readings, lectures, and/or videos. You must include at least one course reading (besides the required supplemental reading) in your analysis.

Research theorists

Question Description

Book Manager’s Bookshelf…
Password: Brinson!2
Assigned readings:

  • 1: The Practice of Management, Peter F. Drucker, summarized by John D. Stavig and Shaker A. Zahra 27
  • 2: The One Minute Manager, Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson, summarized by Charles C. Manz 31
  • 3: Out of the Crisis, W. Edwards Deming, summarized by William B. Gartner and M. James Naughton 35
  • 8: Competitive Advantage, Michael E. Porter, summarized by Sara A. Morris 56

Part 3
3: How the Mighty Fall, Jim Collins, summarized by Tanya Pietz 78
From The Troy Global Campus Library

Password: Evangel2015
Collins, Jim (May 5, 2008). The secret of enduring greatness. Fortune. New York: 157(9), 72.
find articles on the writings of or summaries of the writings of the following management theorists:

  1. Mary Follett
  2. Henry Mintzberg
  3. Max Weber
  4. Federick Taylor
  1. Using the assigned readings in the text, and the assigned readings from the Troy Global Campus Library and
  2. Using the additional research from the Troy Global Campus Library

Prepare a 3 to 5 page critical essay that addresses the following topic:
Compare and contrast the management philosophies of any TWO of the following theorists: Drucker, Blanchard, Deming, Porter, Collins WITH any TWO of the following theorists: Follett, Minztberg, Weber, Taylor.
You may use the same two sets of TWO each of the theorists’ philosophies you identified in the Module 1 assignment for this Compare and Contrast assignment.

Behavioral Theorists

Behavioral Theorists

Question Description

Assignment 1: Behavioral Theorists

Post your response to the topic below with at least 300 words in the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Cite information from at least one academic source, such as your textbook or an article from the Argosy Online Library, to support your statements. Use current APA standards to properly cite your source(s). Review and respond to your classmates’ posts through the end of the week, asking for clarification, suggesting a different perspective, and/or indicating how their responses illustrate development of their critical thinking skills.
Discussion Topic
Pavlov, Watson, and Skinner are considered the originators of behaviorism. All contributed to learning theory. All three of the researchers studied the effects of the environment on learning.
Select one of the three behaviorists who, in your opinion, offers the most compelling argument for the use of behaviorism when teaching a new subject to an adult and to a child. Identify that behaviorist, then answer the following questions about his approach:

  1. Describe how that behaviorist would teach an adult a new skill. Be specific; what is the skill?
  2. What steps would the behaviorist use?
  3. Would that behaviorist use a different approach with a child?
  4. Why do you think this behaviorist’s approach is best?
  5. What issues or problems do you find in the other two behaviorists’ approaches?