Why has voter behavior in liberal democracies become more unpredictable? (400 words max)

Question Description

It is an open book assignment; I should use 2-4 sources from the core reading or recommended reading or the lecture, however I am not allowed to use any source from outside. Also, no need for in text citations.
We are advised to write a thesis statement that is one sentence long as our introduction and a one sentence conclusion. As in essays, you should make an argument, define concepts, refer to case studies and research to substantiate your argument, and provide critical analysis. You are showing the skills required for ‘critical analysis’ when you recognize the complexity of key concepts and provide evidence for your ideas and interpretations.
Recommended reading:

Criminological Theory: CCJ5600_0518_19101

Course:            Criminological Theory:
Textbook:        Schmalleger, F. J. (2012). Criminology today: An integrative introduction (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

  1. Explain “Broken Window Theory” and give examples from your professional or personal life where you have seen examples of these areas being conducive to crime


  1. What is the “school to prison pipeline” and how can this trend be reversed?


  1. Strain Theory according to your text is the pressure to achieve socially determined goals. Do you think the “American Dream” is possible for everyone? Why or why not?


  1. Analyze ‘relative deprivation’ and its connection to criminal activities.


  1. What are the techniques of neutralization? Give examples of how a juvenile may apply these techniques when apprehended.


  1. According to the FBI, there are now more than 33,000 violent street gangs in the United States. Using scholarly research, identify possible social and political reasons for the growth of these subcultures.


  1. What are the policy implications of Social Structure Theories?


  1. Do you believe that there is a correlation between social injustice, poverty and criminality? Explain your answer.

Assignment:  reply to the following peer’s statement.  Respond Min 150 words (one reference)
from Carter, Anganique, posted 06/10/2020 11:49 PM EDT
The subculture of violence “consists of systems of norms, values, interests, and related artifacts that support criminal or delinquent behavior” (Anderson & Short, 2002, p.499). Cultures have two important principles that affect subcultures: adaptive and social separation produces cultural differentiation (Anderson & Short, 2002, p. 499). Individuals who are socially separated from their culture ultimately face issues with living (Anderson & Short, 2002, p. 499). For example, in America when someone is separated from their culture or family, they are usually considered the black sheep. Likewise, the adaptive principle “follows that subcultures are adaptive and as is true of social life in general” (Anderson & Short, 2002, p.499). For example, individuals within a subculture adapt to changes with technology, music, and finances (Anderson & Short, 2002, p.499.
With that in mind, I agree with Ferracuti and Wolfgang that “the development of favorable attitudes toward violence and its use in a subculture usually involves learned behavior and a process of differential learning, association, or identification” (Schmalleger, 2012, p. 173). The differential association theory suggests “people acquire their behavioral orientations by learning to define experiences through the eyes of their associates” (McCord, 2003, p. 988). Also, differential association theory allows for an individual to experience strain theory. Strain theory “depicts delinquency as a form of adaptive problem-solving behavior committed in response to problems involving frustrating and undesirable social environments” (Schmalleger, 2012, p. 164).
In comparison, anomie is a part of the strain theory. According to Robert Merton, “anomie involves the goals of wealth, status, and personal happiness” (Schmalleger, 2012, p. 165). However, “the means to obtain these goals are limited due to not being equally available” (Schmalleger, 2012, p. 165). As a result, individuals feel “pressured” to “succeed in socially approved ways” (Schmalleger, 2012, p. 165). For example, children who grow up in neighbors with gang violence or other criminal behaviors will likely engage in that kind of behavior. “Communities in which criminal activities are common tend to establish criminal behavior as acceptable” (McCord, 2003, p. 988).
Every child and adult wants to feel like they are a part of something, whether it is good or bad. As a result, they begin fitting in with crowds that are available to them and who deem their behavior as acceptable.
Anderson, E. & Short, J.F. (2002). Delinquent and criminal subcultures. Encyclopedia of Crime
and Justice (2nd ed., Vol. 2, 499-507). New York, NY: Macmillan Reference USA. Retrieved from https://link-gale-com.bethelu.idm.oclc.org/apps/doc/CX3403000089/GVRL?u=tel_a_bethelc&sid=GVRL&xid=f2a5cb27
McCord, J. (2003). Juvenile Delinquency. International Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family
(2nd ed., Vol. 2, 983-989). New York, NY: Macmillan Reference USA. Retrieved from https://link-gale-com.bethelu.idm.oclc.org/apps/doc/CX3406900251/GVRL?u=tel_a_bethelc&sid=GVRL&xid=eea928bd
Schmalleger, F. J. (2012). Criminology today: An integrative introduction (6th ed.). Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall
Assignment:  reply to the following peer’s statement.  Respond Min 150 words (one reference)
Subcultures consist of norms, values, interests—and artifacts associated with them—that are derivative of, but distinct from, a larger referential culture (Anderson & Short, 2002). The development of favorable attitudes toward violence and its use in a subculture usually involves learned behavior and a process of differential learning, association, or identification. This proposition stood at to me the most because it is true. Most of the time, the behavior that is being performed is learned behavior. Learned behavior is a skill or action that is developed by watching or being told to do, mostly being told what to do. If we all grew up in the same community and I spend 90% of my time with you, I am going to pick up some habits whether those habits are right or wrong. Therefore when I commit a crime or do something wrong, instead of you punishing me, it seems as if it’s okay because it’s ordinary in that community. That is how people grow up, whether we like it or not. Behaviorists assume that the only things that are real (or at least worth studying) are the things we can see and observe (Bustamante & Tennant& Ramo, 1996). The same way applies to the way we behave or act; we get our behavior from things we see or how a person acts, or don’t react towards our behavior. These behaviors can be unlearned, but it is so hard once a person has adapted to this type of behavior. Differentiated instruction as a philosophy of teaching that is based on the premise that students learn best when their teachers accommodate the differences in their readiness levels, interests, and learning profiles (Subban, 2006). Wolfgang believes that this type of learning will not work for them; I have to agree. I think the only way a subculture can change or develop into a new subculture is to take those people into a different area so that they can be taught differently. Usually, a subculture is as different as the South is from the North; it is hard to fix a whole lot of people because it’s their culture and their way of life. My mother always said once you know better, you do better. When you do not know, you do not know. Somethings you have to experience for yourself and coming out of your comfort zone to a better situation is a change.
ANDERSON, E., & SHORT, J. F. (2002). Delinquent and Criminal Subcultures. In J. Dressler (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice (2nd ed., Vol. 2, pp. 499-507). New York, NY: Macmillan Reference USA. Retrieved from https://link-gale-com.bethelu.idm.oclc.org/apps/doc/CX3403000089/GVRL?u=tel_a_bethelc&sid=GVRL&xid=f2a5cb27
Bustamante, L., Tennant, D., & Ramo, C. (1996). The Behavioral Approach. Retrieved from https://web.cortland.edu/andersmd/BEH/BEHAVIOR.HTML
Subban, P. (2006). Differentiated instruction: A research basis. International Education Journal, 7(7), 935-947. Retrieved from https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ854351.pdf

Revisit Cultural Conflict theory. Directly apply Cultural Conflict Theory to a current criminological or sociological problem. After presenting the problem, give three solutions or actions you could take to alleviate the problem by applying the theory.

Revisit Cultural Conflict theory. Directly apply Cultural Conflict Theory to a current criminological or sociological problem. After presenting the problem, give three solutions or actions you could take to alleviate the problem by applying the theory.

Bethel University

Question Description

Revisit Cultural Conflict theory. Directly apply Cultural Conflict Theory to a current criminological or sociological problem. After presenting the problem, give three solutions or actions you could take to alleviate the problem by applying the theory.
Discussions: Expected word count in Initial post is 250 words; for reply posts, 100 words are expected. I expect perfect APA technique. The minimum requirement is three (3) scholarly sources with at least one (1) source a peer reviewed article published in the last 7 years

Define class and gender using the three attached articles.

Define class and gender using the three attached articles.

Question Description

Come up with A definition for 1. Class 2. Gender.
The definition of the terms is not “your opinion”. Instead you must think about, analyze, and synthesize the definitions provided in this weeks readings and then define the terms as a scholarly exercise. In your write up, discuss the process of coming up with the definition and how the readings influenced the definition. This is a scholarly exercise. Therefore, there should be NO PERSONAL PRONOUNS in this write-up. Remember all write-ups are to be 500-700 words. Make sure you cite the articles in your writing please.

How Identity Formation Impact Paramedics Work Research Paper

Question Description

1- use relevant theory (Bourdieu and Goffman)
2- explain the connection between Identity Formation and paramedics work
3- APA 6th edition
4- 12, double spaced, Times new roman

SOC120 Cuyamaca College You May Ask Your Self Book Final Exam Study Guide

Final Exam Study Guide
Your Final Exam is mandatory. The final exam will include 25 points from Ch. 9: Race (study guide for Ch. 9 is on Canvas) and 25 points from the remaining chapters we covered this semester. You can use your study guide notes on the final exam, but they must be handwritten
Chapter 1

  1. Define & be able it identify examples of: sociological imagination, social institution
  2. Be able to explain W. E. B. Du Bois’s concept of double consciousness and to identify examples.
  3. What is functionalism? How do functionalists view society and how they explain social phenomena? Who is considered the “founding father” of functionalism?
  4. What is conflict theory? What do conflict theorists emphasize in society? How do conflict theorists explain social phenomena? Who is considered the “founding father” of conflict theory?
  5. What is symbolic interactionism? What do symbolic interactionists study? Who is considered its “founding father”?

Chapter 2: Methods

  1. Define & be able it identify examples of: research methods, correlation, causality, participant observation, population, sample, interviews, surveys, historical methods, content analysis, experimental methods
  2. What are the 2 general categories of methods for gathering sociological data? Which of these 2 describes behavior and focuses on meanings people make? Which of these 2 converts data into numeric form?
  3. What three factors are needed in order to establish causality?

Chapter 3: Culture

  1. Define & be able it identify examples of: culture, ethnocentrism, nonmaterial culture, material culture, cultural relativism, subculture, values, norms, media
  2. What are the two main categories of culture?
  3. What is the name of the man who came up with the concept of hegemony? To which ‘founding father’ of sociology are his ideas most closely related? What is hegemony?

Chapter 4: Socialization & The Construction of Reality

  1. Define & be able it identify examples of: socialization, status, ascribed status, achieved status, role, social construction of reality, dramaturgical theory
  2. According to sociologists, when does socialization of a child begin? Also, what are the agents of socialization?
  3. What does it mean to say something is socially constructed? Does saying something is socially constructed mean that it’s not important or not real?
  4. Be able to define & identify examples of the following as they apply to Goffman’s dramaturgical theory: impression management, part, script, set, costume, front stage, back stage, breach
  5. With regards to C.J. Pascoe’s research: What were her findings with regards to gender & sexuality? What is the “fag discourse”* that she identifies and how does it work/operate? *Know that the term “fag discourse” employs a word that is incredibly offensive and should not be used casually or against any person or group (C.J. Pascoe uses the term in a critical way).

Chapter 7: Stratification

  1. What is stratification?
  2. What is capitalism? Know the 3 components of capitalism (from lecture, based on the definition of capitalism).
  3. How did Karl Marx define class? What does it mean to say that classes have opposing interests? According to Marx, who are the bourgeoisie and the proletariat? Which owns capital (i.e, which is the capitalist class), which is the employing class, which is the working class & which sells their labor for wages? What is exploitation according to Marx (note: discussed in lecture). How is exploitation a central aspect of Marx’s class analysis?
  4. What is income? What is wealth?

Chapter 14: Capitalism & the Economy

  1. According to Karl Marx, what is alienation? What did Marx believe would happen to capitalism, and how so?
  2. What is feudalism?

Chapter 8: Gender & Sexuality

  1. Define & be able it identify examples of: sex, sexuality, gender, gender roles, patriarchy, sexism, sexual harassment, glass ceiling, glass escalator
  2. What is feminism’s underlying belief regarding women, men, opportunities and respect?
  3. Does the concept of sex refer to biological or social characteristics? How about gender?
  4. How have idealized standards for femininity and idealized standards of masculinity changed over time? Does this make sociologists view gender and gender roles as a social construction or as a biological given?
  5. How have women’s roles changed with regards to work and family? Have men’s roles changed in the same way? How or how not?
  6. What does sexual harassment include? Is sexual harassment legal?

Chapter 9: Race
Please see the study guide for Chapter 9 on Canvas
Possible Short-Answer Question
Note that multiple-choice questions may also be based on the following:
Describe in your own words what the sociological imagination is. Then, consider the following quote and answer the questions that follow:
The sociological imagination enables us to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society” (C. Wright Mills in p. 5 of your textbook).

  1. Explain what C. Wright Mills means by “biography” and what he means by “history.”
  2. What does Mills mean that “history” and “biography” are related?
  3. Consider all that we have learned and discussed in the course. Choose one example concept, theory, term, or any other social phenomenon we learned in the course, and use it to demonstrate the sociological imagination. Specifically, explain how it exemplifies “biography”, how it exemplifies “history” and how it exemplifies the relation between history and biography.


SOCIOLOGY PROJECT OUTLINE JANUARY 28th, 2017 Sociology Project Outline I. Introduction ▪ History of Sociology general overview ▪ Thesis statement Sociology is a scholarly discipline that emerged mainly from enlightenment thoughts, which was after the French Revolution, which developed as positivist science of society. The scholarly discipline has been evolving ever since to what it currently is through influenced from various factors and different theorists. II. Classical Sociological Theory The classical origin may be described based on different perspectives. These perspectives include: III. ▪ Enlightenment and positivism ▪ Industrial revolution and Darwinian revolution ▪ Classical sociological theorists Foundation of sociology as an academic discipline Sociology as a discipline has evolved over the years. The evolution has been influenced by different people and various factors within the field of study. These include: IV. • Karl Marx • Max Weber • Emile Durkheim • Georg Simmel Sociology in the Nineteenth Century The development of sociology in the nineteenth century may be described through these categories: V. ▪ Social, Intellectual and political conditions – Positivism ▪ Interpretive sociology or anti-positivism Modern Sociology the 20th century The development of sociology in the twentieth century may be described through the categories: VI. ▪ Developments in social phenomena – postmodernism ▪ Early twentieth century intellectuals –Positivist revival ▪ Sociology in the United States Theories The sociology theorists played a significant role in the evolution of the subject. Some of the theories developed include: VII. ▪ Critical Theory – Explanatory, practical, and normative ▪ Social Exchange Theory ▪ Classical Social Theory ▪ Postmodern and Poststructuralist Theories Classification of social reality ▪ Cultural action and interaction ▪ Social structures ▪ Social perception ▪ Social interactions ▪ Social sciences VIII. IX. Conclusion ▪ Summary ▪ Conclusion statement References …

Conflict Theory Complete Discussion

Question Description

I have attached the file below. please read the discussion lecture and complete the discussion question which is on the last page. The post must be minimum of 2 paragraphs. The topic is about sports/cultures. Complete the post from a guys perspective. Interested Sport: Basketball.
I have also attached Chapter 1 reading, you can use it if needed.
Attachment previewDISCUSSION LECTURE:
For the second half of Chapter 1, I want us to focus on the various sociological theories that the authors discuss and I want us to practice applying these theories to the world around us and the sports that we are interested in.
Sociological theories often act as lens from which we can view the social world. They guide our thinking, narrow our focus, and help us notice aspects of the world that we might otherwise miss. We can think of our sociological theories as being similar to road maps. They simplify the world in order to allow us to understand it and navigate it. In addition, when we map the world, we create opportunities to change it, which then requires us to redraw the map. For example, think back to the gold rush that helped build California. In the mid 1800s, we might have seen a lot of maps that displayed California as a great place to mine for gold, but by 1900 those maps would not do a great job of representing reality and we would need to redraw them.
The first theory that our chapter discusses is functionalism. My definition of functionalism is a little different than our authors, and I’ll discuss my definition in a later posting (I don’t want to confuse you now), but our authors definition is that it allows us to see sport as a representation and reinforcement of the North American way of life. Our sports often promote competition, individualism, achievements, and playing by the rules, which are all key aspects of our way of life. Sport acts as a powerful tool to socialize youth and infuse desirable character traits such as accepting authority, striving for good health, and so on. For our authors, functionalism allows us to see how sport maintains society. (Read this section very closely in the chapter. Maybe read twice. It is that important.)
Conflict theory is our next key sociological theory. This theory is somewhat based off of Karl Marx’s work, which is often an extension of and response to Adam Smith’s work on capitalism. Conflict theorists do not see society as an organism that has many parts that are working together, instead they see society as made up by many parts that are battling for dominance and control. From this perspective, we usually see that those who are wealthy and powerful are using their resources to maintain their power over society. We are also alerted to how unequal power relations create disharmony, disruption, and instability. Unlike the functionalists, conflict theorists see the appearance of social harmony, stability, and consensus as an illusion.

Cal State La Sociological Theory

Question Description

Answer each question with at least half page single spaced.
1. Explain Gilman’s discussion of the corset in your own words. Do you think there are contemporary examples that culd be used fir the same argument?Discuss three others.
2. How does Simmel describe the stranger? Who are these strangers?Are there any examples of strangers in the U.S.? How?
3. Explain Du Bois’s concept of the veil. Show how it relates to his other concepts double consciousness and the color line.
4. According to Mead what is the ” threefold relationship” that generates meaning?

SOCS185N CCON Week 2 Sociological Imagination & Socialization Answer

Question Description

Sociological Imagination & Socialization
Instructions Choose one question from each of the question sets below (2 sets total). In other words, you will be answering two questions total (1 from each set)

Kindly see available question set in attachment.

Writing Requirements (APA format) Length: 1-2 pages (not including References page) 1-inch margins Double spaced 12-point Times New Roman font Running header in the upper left of all pages Page number in the upper right of all pages Parenthetical in-text citations included and formatted in APA style References page (at the very least the textbook and/or online lessons should be cited)
Try to make it one and half page length. (+ 6 hours can be granted)