Sustainable eLearning Design, social science homework help

Question Description

Sustainable eLearning Design

Online learning and eLearning are ubiquitous across all levels of education and training. This has driven a program and course design process that involves producing courseware that is housed on a server for learners to access at any time. Teams consisting of faculty, instructional designers, and subject matter experts design the courses. It is an expensive endeavor creating the general expectation that once courses are designed, they will last for multiple years. The problem is that in today’s mercurial educational atmosphere, the course content can become quickly outdated. The challenge for eLearning professionals is to design courses that can sustain the test of time in a rapidly changing academic climate. In this Discussion, you will evaluate the design of a course you are familiar with and explore strategies for a more sustainable course design.
To prepare:
Read Chapters 3, 6, and 8 in Design Alchemy: Transforming the Way We Think About Learning and Teaching, where instructional design is proposed as a combination of science, art, and alchemy. Also read “Sustainable e-Learning: Toward a Coherent Body of Knowledge,” where the authors investigate possible approaches towards sustainable teaching and learning in the higher education sector. Finally, view the media piece,Anatomy of eLearning: Conceptual Framework, in this module’s Learning Resources with a focus on the “Sustainability” section.
Then, reflect on a course that you have recently taken and completed or a course that you have recently taught, and consider the sustainability of its design.
Post the following by Day 7 of Week 9:
Deconstruct the design and delivery of the course you selected. Then, analyze the level of sustainability of the course. Finally, explain whether the course is sustainable or not—providing reasons to support your position. In your explanation, be sure to describe the sustainable elements in the course or describe specific strategies you would use to make course elements more sustainable. Adopt and defend a firm position on the need for sustainability in eLearning.
Support your analysis using the three pillars of sustainability, personal experience, and at least one research study (PhD and EdS students).
Finally, view the media piece,Anatomy of eLearning: Conceptual Framework, in this module’s Learning Resources with a focus on the “Sustainability” section.

Theories and Ideas Questions

Question Description

Watch the following videos and then discuss them. Some possible questions/prompts to discuss are listed:(300-400 words or more)
1) Isn’t Evolution Just a Theory?
Is it correct to say the evolution is JUST a theory? Is gravity JUST a theory? Defend your answer.
2) Who Was Charles Darwin?
Why was Darwin considered to be a “revolutionary”?
3) How Do We Know Evolution Happens?
Describe the transitional fossils associated with whale evolution. Include specific examples of these fossils and explain why they are considered to be whale ancestors?
4) How Does Evolution Really Work? the process of natural selection and how it affects hummingbird populations.
5) Did Humans Evolve?
Explain how DNA sequences are used to provide evidence of common ancestry.
6) Why Does Evolution Matter Now?
Why is the theory of evolution an important theory in for doctors and the field of medicine? How does the theory affect the way illnesses and treatments are approached?

Theories Paper

Question Description

For this paper, you need to consider how the theories we have discussed relate to your public campaign idea. You will need to identify at least 3 social psychology theories* ** and discuss how the theories could inform what you do to develop your public campaign. the theories you will talk about are as following:
Theoretical Application Paper
Questions to help you think about how the various theories could inform your public campaign’s persuasive messages.

  • Expectancy-Value Theory (helps to consider how to predict behaviors based on thoughts/feelings)
  • Selective Perception Theory (helps to consider how your audience’s expectations impact their perception)
  • Inoculation Theory (helps you consider how to deal with counter arguments)
  • What attitudes could support your exigency?
  • What attitudes could support your solution?
  • What attitudes could counter your exigency?
  • What attitudes could counter your solution?
  • How could you counter the attitudes that counter your exigency and/or solution?
  • What does your audience think or feel when they see or hear your exigency?
  • What does your audience think or feel when they see or hear your solution?
  • What counter-arguments might prevent your audience from accepting your exigency arguments?
  • What could be your counter to their counter-arguments?
  • What counter-arguments might prevent your audience from accepting your solution arguments?
  • What could be your counter to their counter-arguments?

You need to define the theories to demonstrate that you understand the theories, and then discuss how you would apply the theory to help you in your campaign.
The paper should be 1200 words* ** and must include a reference list and in-text citations following a proper citation format; this means you should be citing course materials, and only course materials, to discuss theories.
NOTE: Theories are not proper nouns and thus should not be capitalized as such.
Please only use the PowerPoints that are attached that are attached
here are some details, the topic you will talk abut is “how education should be free for college and university in u.s. ”
I have attached a papers that help you to understand the topic more. Please look at them before you start. and please don’t use any resources only the PowerPoints that i have attached.
Please write more than 300 words. it is very important as the professor will grade each one Separately.

Theoretical Application Paper

Question Description

For this paper, you need to consider how the theories we have discussed relate to your public campaign idea. You will need to identify at least 3 social psychology theories* ** and discuss how the theories could inform what you do to develop your public campaign. the theories you will talk about are as following:
Theoretical Application Paper
Questions to help you think about how the various theories could inform your public campaign’s persuasive messages.

  • Expectancy-Value Theory (helps to consider how to predict behaviors based on thoughts/feelings)
  • Selective Perception Theory (helps to consider how your audience’s expectations impact their perception)
  • Inoculation Theory (helps you consider how to deal with counter arguments)
  • What attitudes could support your exigency?
  • What attitudes could support your solution?
  • What attitudes could counter your exigency?
  • What attitudes could counter your solution?
  • How could you counter the attitudes that counter your exigency and/or solution?
  • What does your audience think or feel when they see or hear your exigency?
  • What does your audience think or feel when they see or hear your solution?
  • What counter-arguments might prevent your audience from accepting your exigency arguments?
  • What could be your counter to their counter-arguments?
  • What counter-arguments might prevent your audience from accepting your solution arguments?
  • What could be your counter to their counter-arguments?

You need to define the theories to demonstrate that you understand the theories, and then discuss how you would apply the theory to help you in your campaign.
The paper should be 1200 words* ** and must include a reference list and in-text citations following a proper citation format; this means you should be citing course materials, and only course materials, to discuss theories.
NOTE: Theories are not proper nouns and thus should not be capitalized as such.
Please only use the PowerPoints that are attached that are attached
here are some details, the topic you will talk abut is “how education should be free for college and university in u.s. ”
I have attached a papers that help you to understand the topic more. Please look at them before you start. and please don’t use any resources only the PowerPoints that i have attached.

Human Side of Management

Question Description

You have been hired by McDonalds UK to work in its Corporate HR division with responsibility for further improving its reputation as an employer.

  • Undertake a brief SWOT analysis for McDonalds’ position in the labour market and discuss the people management implications of that SWOT analysis.
  • Set out your principal recommendations as to the steps the company should now take in order to further re-brand itself positively as a good employer.
  • What wider purposes could be served for the company if it succeeds in further turning round its image as a poor employer?


  • You are expected to demonstrate an awareness of relevant concepts underpinning the Human Side of Management as a field of study
  • Critically reflect on the key debates, arguments, criticisms relating to people management that arise from the case study.
  • In addition, you are expected to show theoretical depth and breadth on arguments and recommendations relating to Management of people.

Finally, demonstrate a critical awareness of the contemporary and competitive business environment as the context within which management of people takes place.PLEASE READ THE CASE STUDY BEFORE .
2500 words + or – 10% (not including contents and reference list)
> You need to support your work with reference to academic sources (e.g. books and journal articles) as well as examples of organisational good practice (e.g. practitioner magazine articles / websites – chosen carefully). Use Harvard referencing style (see the Learning Resources website:
> 10-15 Reference.
> 0% plagiarism.

NSG416 Phoenix Week 5 Fundamentals Of Nursing Theory-Practice Gap

Question Description

Fundamentals of Nursing Models, Theories, and Practice discusses the theory-practice gap in detail in many chapters. As you’ve read throughout the course, there is ongoing discussion about the connection between theory and practice, and the application in day-to-day nursing activities. This assignment is designed to illustrate that although there may be a gap, other factors play an important role in decision-making and each aspect of theory, research, and practice experience are integral to well-rounded patient care.
Click the Paper tab for a link to Fundamentals of Nursing Models, Theories, and Practice and review Figure 1.4 Correlation: education, science and practice.
Think of a scenario in which theory, research, and practice interact to create good patient outcomes.
Create a visual representation of the theory-practice relationship or gap by replacing the text in the Theory-Practice Gap diagram template.
Write a minimum of 525- to 700-word narrative explanation of your visual representation following the diagram.

  • Describe the chosen theory, research, and practice guideline or standard.
  • Explain the relationship between the three and discuss the role each plays in quality patient care in the scenario.
  • Explain any gaps, such as a lack of research, no practice standard, or no useable theory.
  • Determine the best course of action for making decisions in the absence of one aspect.

Include documentation of the practice guideline or standard, and your corresponding research, evidence, or literature example.
Cite your research and practice guidelines in-text and on the references page at the end of the template.

NSG416 Phoenix Theory-practice Gap Watson’s Human Caring Theory

Question Description

Fundamentals of Nursing Models, Theories, and Practice discusses the theory-practice gap in detail in many chapters. As you’ve read throughout the course, there is ongoing discussion about the connection between theory and practice, and the application in day-to-day nursing activities. This assignment is designed to illustrate that although there may be a gap, other factors play an important role in decision-making and each aspect of theory, research, and practice experience are integral to well-rounded patient care.
Click the Paper tab for a link to Fundamentals of Nursing Models, Theories, and Practice and review Figure 1.4 Correlation: education, science and practice.
Think of a scenario in which theory, research, and practice interact to create good patient outcomes.
Create a visual representation of the theory-practice relationship or gap by replacing the text in the Theory-Practice Gap diagram template.
Write a minimum of 525- to 700-word narrative explanation of your visual representation following the diagram.

  • Describe the chosen theory, research, and practice guideline or standard.
  • Explain the relationship between the three and discuss the role each plays in quality patient care in the scenario.
  • Explain any gaps, such as a lack of research, no practice standard, or no useable theory.
  • Determine the best course of action for making decisions in the absence of one aspect.

Include documentation of the practice guideline or standard, and your corresponding research, evidence, or literature example.
Cite your research and practice guidelines in-text and on the references page at the end of the template.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your completed assignment template, practice guidelines, and research documentation.
Chapter readings have been uploaded

culture by using the Cultural Web and Hofstede’s criteria, management help

Question Description

Let’s talk about culture. My culture. Your culture. Our culture. Other’s culture. Understanding culture is fundamental to formulating and implementing change. Culture is a determining factor in the success of any change initiative. Imagine, for just a minute, that you are a drug dealer in South America. What type of culture exists that allows drug dealers to work together to stop the sale of crack, because it wrecks their neighborhoods? What does it say about the ability to implement change?
Tell us about your culture by using the Cultural Web and Hofstede’s criteria (you must use both of these models to characterize and describe your culture) to help us understand your culture. You can talk about your family, school, church, work, or any organization that is relatively stable. For example, I work in an institution whose rituals date back, literally, hundreds of years. Rituals are very different in universities in other countries; for example, at Oxford University, students there dress up for exams, and they dress identically. Furthermore, they congregate outside of the testing hall and walk into the hall two by two. The robes that you see our professors wear at graduation are also worn for exams at Oxford. In the United States, we do not require you to dress up, identically, to take exams. What does all this mean for us in terms of change? What we know is that universities in the U.S. will change and adapt, but it tends to be quite slow and only under great pressure. We have to use some extraordinary interventions to move change along.
Another example can be found in tourism, such as at a Disney hotel property. The water provided by the property came in a pretty pink bottle and was shipped in from Italy. Italy, people! We have the safest water supply in the world, and we are shipping water in pink bottles to the U.S. Our culture reveres such extravagance.
You should re-write the new draft based on the old one in attachment because the old draft got 0. And 3 pages

Business of the Creative Industries Environment

Question Description

1.Individual Essay 3,000 words
2.More analysis
3.Don’t digress
4.Need to closely integrate the theoretical knowledge related to the material link in the document
5.Providing policy and case study material that supports your argument, what would be the most suitable business environment for creative practice? As part of your answer, please consider:

  1. (i) What are the conditions needed for technological innovation? What is the environment

described in the UK Technology Strategy?

  1. (ii) What is the optimal environment presupposed in a creative hub?

Assessment 1 is a formal essay, which combines the theory and conceptual ideas relating to innovation, relational economies, and social capital discussed in class and gained through the module’s reading, with the observations and critical thinking of Leicester as a creative case study. An essay that attempts to describe a creative ecosystem or describes the theories discussed in class or Leicester’s cultural/economic policies, but fails to apply this to the question, or to formulate an argument will not pass the assignment. The emphasis is on your ability to critique theories, apply these to real life case studies, and to build arguments. As such, assignment 1 tests your learning against the following learning outcomes:

  1. Demonstrateacomprehensiveunderstandingofthecreativeindustriesandtheirroleinthecreative economy (25%).
  2. Evaluatecriticallytheoreticalconcepts,analysingtherelationshipbetweencreativity,innovation,the macro-economy, and a locality (25%).
  3. Applyknowledgebyanalysingconceptualideasandcreatingnewconceptsandsolutionsforareallife scenario (25%).
  4. Communicateresearchfindingsandconclusionseffectivelytosupportcogencyofargumentandto demonstrate academic engagement (25%).

Intro to Human Society—Sociology of My Name My name:ROSLYN ELLIS

Complete a 2-3 page sociological analysis of your name, looking at how your naming may have been impacted by
culture, gender, and time period.
Sociology is interested in better understanding the social contexts of our social lives. Much of what we experience in
life is impacted by the culture in which we live. The ways of life found around the world differ, not only in forms of
dress, preferred foods, and musical tastes, but also in family patterns and beliefs about right and wrong. These
differences can be attributed to culture—our collective beliefs, values, and objects. While we oftentimes see names
as a reflection of who we are as individuals, they are the product of larger social forces. Using your sociological
imagination, you can reflect on your name and how it is impacted by culture.
Note: Many resources will be coming from The Society Pages blog. While it is good to question the validity of most
blogs, The Society Pages contains blog posts from experts in the field of sociology and thus have higher validity.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course
competencies and assessment criteria:
Competency 4: Analyze the influence of culture on both the individual and society.
Describe how your name is shaped by the social world around you.
Examine the role of culture in naming.
Competency 5: Analyze the impact of social change on society and social institutions.
Discuss the influence of social change regarding how we understand names.
Competency 6: Compose text that articulates meaning relevant to its purpose and audience.
Develop text using organization, structure, and transitions that demonstrate understanding of cohesion
between main and subtopics.
This assessment requires you to do some research on your name. How popular was your name when you were born?
What does your name mean? Based on what you learned from your research, discuss your own name. How is
something as simple as a name shaped by the social world around us? How has your name been impacted by time
period, culture, your gender, et cetera? How might your name be different if you had been born one hundred years
earlier? Why?
Write an essay in which you complete all of the following:
Part 1 – Discuss your name.
What is your name?
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3/1/2020 Assessment 1 Instructions: The Sociology of Your Name – … 2/2
Describe where your name comes from.
Discuss the origins of your name (if it is known).
Research the popularity of your name. Discuss other information you find regarding your name.
Part 2 – Examine your name from a sociological perspective.
Describe how your name has been impacted by time period, culture, gender, et cetera.
Identify other aspects of the social world that may be related to naming.
Part 3 – Reflect on your name.
Based on your research and sociological analysis of you name, share your thoughts or perspective on your
name or names in general.
Additional Requirements
Written communication: Develop text using organization, structure, and transitions that demonstrate
understanding of cohesion between main and subtopics. Written communication needs to be free of errors
that detract from the overall message.
Sources: Cite at least two scholarly sources.
Length: 2–3 pages, not including title and reference pages.
Format: Include a title page and reference page. Use in-text citations to cite your sources. [Example: Writing
becomes better as the child matures (Britton, Thomas, & Miller, 1996).]
Font and size: Times New Roman, 12-point.