Culture and Food: The Seven Fishes, sociology homework help

Question Description

Assignment: You are asked to write a 650 to 1000 word paper on the topic of food memories. All rules of grammar apply and citations are required in MLA, format. The assignment will be graded based on the quality and use of sociological constructs along with your personal examples.

For this paper I need to write about a food that has special meaning. The food that I want you to get involved with is the seven fishes. I want to you to talk about it and give details on how it relates to Sociology. Some of the questions that are going to be asked are listed below.
 How did you come to try this food?
Family, accident, or whatever  Is it positive, negative, or in-between?
Is it homemade or commercial?
 Is it a food assoicated with an ethnic group, region, age, gender, religion, or class?
 Does eating this make you a part of a group?
Or does it make you different?

culture, including social perspectives, sociology

Question Description

Choose a culture to research. Each individual will research information about that culture, including social perspectives that affect local and global issues.
Discuss in 750-1,000 words how you would build global awareness and understanding and integrate diverse social and cultural perspectives to create novel approaches to solving problems.
Use the GCU Library and/or academic websites to research a minimum of four articles/books about the culture. It is very important to have 4 sources for this paper with citations and a reference page.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
Content is comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive; definitions are clearly stated. Major points are stated clearly and are well supported. Research is adequate, up-to-date, relevant, and addresses all of the issues stated in the assignment’s criteria. Four or more relevant academic sources were cited.

THE INDIAN CULTURE, sociology homework help

Question Description

In a paragraph, introduce
the cultural group you researched online
. Be sure to give the location o
f the group, why
you chose the group, and what you hope to learn.
In one to two paragraphs, describe three interesting aspects about this culture. Choose something about their
everyday life (folkway), something about their religion (value), and something about their biggest taboo (more).
Discuss the agents of socializat
ion involved in the transmission of the three interesting aspects you chose.
Finally, how does each of these aspects affect the development of self for members of the group

Exploring A Different Culture, sociology homework help

Question Description

Exploring A Different Culture
For the Unit II Assignment you will be answering a series of response questions applying concepts you learned in this unit reading (culture and socialization) to a culture different from your own.
For this assignment, choose a culture different from your own and complete Part A, Part B, and Part C as follows:
PART A: Introduce the Culture and Identify Folkways, Values, and Taboos (Mores)
What culture did you research? Provide a brief introductory and background about the culture you researched.
Why did you choose to research that particular culture?
What is at least one interesting folkway in the culture?
What is at least one important value in the culture?
What is at least one taboo or more in the culture?
*Please make sure to use concepts and terminology found in your textbook about culture and remember to distinguish which things are the folkways, values, and taboos in your assignment.
Part B: Identify Two Agents of Socialization
What are at least two agents of socialization that are central in teaching some of the particular cultural folkways, values, and taboos you presented?
*Please, make sure to use terminology and concepts found in the textbook regarding agents of socialization as part of your discussion.
Part C: Reflection
What impact did studying this culture have on you? For example, did it reduce stereotypes you held about the culture or give you a greater appreciation for the culture? Did it help you understand more about the differences and similarities between your culture and the one you researched and help to differentiate between the different types of norms?
For this Unit II essay assignment, ensure you follow the requirements below:
1. Answer all of the questions listed in Part A, Part B, and Part C in your assignment.
2. Please answer the response questions in essay-style format. You will not be rewriting each question and answering it. You will be creating an essay that addresses the response questions.
3. Use sociological terms and concepts from the textbook reading in your essay to demonstrate you understand and can apply the concepts.
4. Cite the textbook at least once and cite a web source at least once in the essay, so the assignment requires two sources. APA style in-text citations are required to show how the textbook and the source were used in your essay.
An APA style reference list containing the textbook, the web source, and any other sources you cited in the assignment is also required. The following tutorial from CSU’s Writing Center on in-text citations is a great helpful resource. Click on the link to view this tutorial:…
The essay should be approximately two to three pages and should use the following APA style components: APA style title page, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, and 12-point font.
Note: The rubric for this assignment contains a task section. Your task score is based on the following: (a) the page requirement is met; (b) whether unit terms and concepts are directly identified and specifically labeled; (c) all parts of each question are directly answered and clearly demonstrated; and (d) whether the textbook was cited.

Corporate Culture Exercise, sociology homework help

Corporate Culture Exercise (2 1/2-4 pages)
This exercise is to determine the personality of a corporation, what the leaders want to
achive (driving force) and the way they structure their business (strategy) which affects
the way workers live day-to-day and long term.
To complete this fill in the following rubric (use both the write-up and the pictures):
1. What is the name, location, type of business, and business structure (privately held,
stock held, profit, non-profit).
2. What is the goal (driving force) of the business; what do the owners want as their
return? (remember for-profit businesses’ goal is not to serve customers. That is perhaps
part of their strategy).
3. What elements of appearance and physical setting, including traffic pattern do you see
in the pictures and from the write-up?
3a. What does this tell you about the goals of the business, whom management values,
4. What does the company say about itself and what does that tell you about what
management thinks is important?
5. How does the company greet strangers and what does that tell you about what
management thinks is important?
6. How are people compensated and what does that tell you about what management
thinks is important?
7. What do employees say about their workplace (interviews) and what does that tell you
about what management thinks is important?.
8. How do employees and managers people spend their time, how do they dress and what
does that tell you about what management thinks is important?.
9. Do you see any glass ceilings to promotion and success (that is, where you see people
like yourself (at all?; in what jobs?; how often promoted?)?
10. What is their business strategy (model) to succeed?
11. What is their strategy in dealing with employees to make sure they succeed
according to their business model?
educated people in his social circle from around the country. Two of the senior executive
team were the CEO’s classmates at Harvard. The company is a great contributor to the
Dallas Museum of Art and the Dallas Symphony Orchestra.
The company created a diversity plan in 1995 to recruit people, especially in the middle
manager role. The Vice-President for Human Relations wrote in the company newsletter,
“We think those who put our policies into effect should represent the wide variety of the
peoples in America and the businesses of the countries we serve.”
The salary of the CEO is $8,000,000 per annum, and the senior management team on
average makes $2,000,000. In 1993, the Board created a generous bonus plan for the
leadership of the company, which can add another 20% to those salaries. Even in 2008,
when the company had to pay out very large sums for failing banks and industrial
companies, the leadership team got bonuses. The people who work in the employees
building earn the average salary for their positions, plus a medical insurance and
childcare allowance, and a subsidy to the 401 (c) (3) investment accounts set up for every
employee of about 2% of their gross salary. The Vice-President for Human Relations
tasks one of the middle managers to do a salary survey every year to make sure that the
salaries in the employees building are at that average, not too high or too low.
Most of the employees of the workers building seem satisfied with their jobs. They are
not all happy with the dress code promulgated by the senior management team, since
almost no one from outside ever sets foot in the building. One male employee said,
“Why do I need to wear a tie; I talk all day on the phone and it restricts my throat.”
Another employee on the account servers floors was heard to say that, “The company
seems to be very stable, and in modern economies having steady work is really important.
We are mostly, except those fired when the India center was set up, feel pretty confident
we will have jobs next year.” Among the complaints heard in the employees building
were the lack of variety of food in the lunchroom, the tight spaces in the accountant and
account servers’ floors, and having to try to coordinate with the India Center. One
employee said, “We work really hard, and are always under the watchful eye of our
supervisors, and the occasional middle manager who stops down, so we do not see why
they created the India Center. One of my few real friends here was let go.” Observing
workers on any given day, they do seem busy and very focused on the work in front of

Caste culture in India , sociology homework help

Question Description

How does the caste culture in India work? Is it still being used? What is its good and bad sides? Please answer comprehensively and make sure to cite references. Answer must be no less than 300 words.

impact on popular culture, sociology homework help

Question Description

Analyze one of the required readings from this week, but only one of the articles from the 1970’s. There are several on feminism, from different perspectives, as well as one on the Nixon era.
To successfully complete this essay, you will need to answer the following questions:

  • Explain the cultural relevance of the article. Who funded this magazine? What are their political biases?
  • What is the main point of the article? What is the writer’s message to his/ her readers?
  • Did the magazine make an impact on popular culture?

Your thesis for the essay should attempt to answer this question:

  • Explain the cultural relevance of the article. How did this particular magazine article reflect and/ or attempt to manipulate the cultural values of its audience? How can you prove this?

This essay should be 2-3 pages, in APA style, utilizing the college’s library resources. Please include at least one scholarly resource as a minimum in your essay.

Culture and Sub-Culture

Question Description

Sept 1: Distinguish between culture and Sub-Culture
Assignment overview
As Americans we are born into a dominant cultural narrative that helps understand what it means to be an American. While that may sound simplistic there is an American way of doing and being that is taken for granted — especially when it is violated. CULTURES share social traditions that may include language, social norms, beliefs, art, literature, music, traditions, pastimes, values, knowledge, recreation, mythology, ritual, and religion
On the other hand, within the main culture specific variants co-exist drawing down some facets of the dominant culture while changing or rejecting other facets we call these variants sub culture
Sub cultures are self organized community of shared interests lifestyles , beliefs, customs, norms, style or tastes. They may surround a hobby, art, movement music scene, Fashion sense, philosophy or lifestyle. Cultures surrounds pervasive social groups such as a nation, community, religion, ethnicity or social class. For example hip-hop, hipsters, bikers, emails, gamers, skaters, cosplayers, Jocks are just some of the subcultures active with America today
Consider your social life and associations. What sub-cultures are you part of presently? Develop a list of 3-5 identifiable subcultures that you belong to today.
Step 2: write your sub culture analysis
Select a subculture that you are part of and explain its composition in terms of: formal structure, it’s values, it’s leadership, and your part in it. Explain your chosen sub-culture in detail and give relevant examples. Use quotes, citations, and references to support your work.
Step 3: Look over your assignment for spelling or Grammer errors

Culture,” in Sociology in our Times, sociology homework help

Question Description

For this assignment you will learn what makes each culture and subculture unique. Sociologists use the “components of culture” in order to identify cultures and subcultures. The components of culture are language, material objects, behaviors, and symbols. For this assignment, you will use existing resources to compare and contrast two different cultures or subcultures. Information about the components of culture and different cultures/subcultures can be found using the textbook, online materials, and the South Online library.
Below you will find a step-by-step guide for completing this paper:

  1. Make certain you have read the chapter “Culture,” in Sociology in our Times.
  2. Choose two separate cultures or subcultures to compare and contrast. Examples could be India and the United States or Gothics and Emos. Once you decide which cultures/subcultures you will research, use relevant keywords in your library search.
  3. Compare and contrast these two cultures/subcultures, specifically analyzing the components of culture (language, material objects, behaviors, and symbols.)
  4. Be sure to include an introduction with a thesis, conclusion that reviews all main points you present, and integration of your personal views on the topic.

(Mine is on Gothics and Emos) and could you also give in-text citations and references please. I was hoping I could get this for $15.00 like last time.
Remember to use APA format for the essay style as well as in-text citations and when listing the references. Submit your 2–5-page essay (maximum 12 pt. font) describing your application project and your findings by Tuesday, January 10, 2017, to the W2: Assignment 2 Dropbox.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Included an introduction and a conclusion that reviews all main points you present. 8
Used the components of culture to compare/contrast two cultures/subcultures. 16
Integrated personal views on the main issue. 10
Related learning situations to the concepts and theories discussed in the textbook and/or outside resources. 10
Used correct grammar, spelling, and APA format throughout assignment. 6
Total: 50

Liberia Culture, sociology homework help

Question Description

Write a 4 pages essay on Liberia Culture. No information should be taken from the web. It is going to be put on  safe assign. It is okay to read information of the web, but it must be paraphrase in your own words. Follow the 5 components below to write the essay. Double space. New Times Rome. Think like C.Write Mill
1. Values of the culture: abstract ideals (beliefs) the things a culture beliefs in, what they thing is right or wrong
2. Norms of the culture: what is the rules of the cultures. Formal norms are written down ex: a law, a stop sign, the flag etc…
Informal norms: are everything ex: do the wear makeup etc…
3. Language spoken: anything that communicate to other people. Body language
4. Symbols: representation of a culture, how and why
5. Material goods: things, objects used or produce by a culture