minority culture, sociology assignment help

Question Description

1. In the “Chinese Exclusion Example” by Erica Lee, Lee argues that new Asian immigrants were seen as a threat to the United States because of their race and their labor.  Discuss how Asians were perceived by nativists, and why the Chinese were seen as racially threatening.  Next compare the ideas behind this threat as it persists today in the selection entitled, Neither Black nor White” by Angelo N. Ancheta.  Use support from both essays to explain how the racialization of Chinese immigrants provided a model for evaluating other immigrants from Asia, Mexico, and Southern Europe.
2. Think about where you fit in terms of Helms’ stages of racial identity development (Chapters 6 and 7 of the Helen Fox text “When race breaks out”).  Why do you find yourself in that particular stage (what life experience has contributed or not contributed to your racial identity development)?

anthropology culture, sociology homework help

Question Description

the answer have to be 2 pages for each of the following questions. total 8 pages
1. The core method of anthropology is ethnography. It requires participant observation, the use of symbols, finding a key informant, thick description, and conversations with natives. Using Spradley Ethnography and Culture, Next door but Invisible, and Growing up Hunting, describe in detail how the method works. Contrast Next Door but Invisible and Growing Up Hunting in terms of the guiding (why) and subsidiary (who, what, and how) questions asked, the techniques used, and the potential results.
2. As anthropologists we are trying to get at the cognitive maps of people in different cultures. Using Shakespeare in the Bush, Space Speaks, Wears Jump Suits…, and A Look Behind the Veil describe what is essential in the cognitive maps described in each. Give an example from each article, showing one aspect of how their/our cognition shapes the way we actually behave.
3. Corporate culture analysis starts with the idea that businesses are cultural, because like cultures in general they need to solve problems, evolve different cognitive maps, sets of social relationships, etc. Describe, using How and why Corporations are Cultures, some of the cultural characteristics of businesses. Give an example of cultural ideologies. Explain why this method should help you even in dealing with foreign business culture, using Using Skills for Cooperative Advantage in Japan.
4. Anthropologists are interested not only in the cognitive map, but the behaviors that derive from it. Using Life Without Chiefs, When Brothers Share a Wife show how the requirements of societies shape the way we practice marriage, and organize our societies to accomplish ends. How does this organization of relationships affect tribal societies? In a pluralistic state like ours, using Gross, Ethnicity and How we got the Color of our Skin, how do we define and rank people according to their differences. Give examples.

Culture and Relations, sociology assignment help

Question Description

Many factors contribute to a life of poverty.  Visit the interview with William Julius Wilson.  Using Wilson and Farley, identify three reasons why family structure or family type may be an important cause of high rates of poverty among minorities.  Then, identify three reasons why family structure or family type may not be an important cause of high rates of poverty among minorities.  Finally, what are your thoughts on how these factors may (or may not) lead to poverty that cycle into the next generation?
Farley, J. (2012). Macro-Sociological Perspectives: The Order and Conflict Models. In Majority-Minority -Relations (6th ed., p. 74-98). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

culture and relations, sociology assignment help

Question Description

How do comparisons of race and ethnic relations among different countries around the world support the view that colonization is a major cause of inequality and conflict along the lines of race or ethnicity?  Provide specific examples to support your argument from the Farley text.
Farley, J. (2012). Majority-Minority Relations (6th ed.), Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice   Hall,   Inc.

Culture and Food, sociology homework help

Question Description

650 to 1000 words
MLA format
Food that has a special meaning to you (ex- family meal, holiday meal, or simple snack)
what images, associations, memories does tis food bring back? positive or negative
how did you try this food? family, accident?
look at sociological variables like culture, ethnic group, age, and religion
defend positions with concepts and theroies

Social Culture, Diversity, and Organizational Culture, sociology homework help

Question Description

Need 200 words for each part in APA format. Scholarly references required within the last five years.No google books or general websites please
Part 1
How critical is it for leaders to account for the effects of social culture and diversity when critiquing organizational behavior? Why?
Part 2
How significant is social (non-business) interaction in an organization? Why? How does cultural preference most significantly influence the social interaction style of an organization? Why?

Curriculum and Culture, sociology homework help

Question Description

We should be more sensitive to the ways that your educational curriculum reinforces or challenges your culture and cultural identity. Think about how it might not function in the same way for other students.
How is the education you receive targeted toward the majority of students at your college? How is bias reflected in the history you are taught, the literature you are assigned, the music and art you experience, and the social issues you study? one page no double space

Sociology Japanese culture essay

Question Description

Please write three to four page papers—a total of six to eight pages double-spaced,
addressing two prompts below. Make sure to include a clear thesis, clear points supporting your
argument(s) and a clear conclusion. Please include citations (any style), one-inch margins all
around and a bibliography of works cited on an additional page; use eleven or twelve-point
Times New Roman, Times, Calibri, Ariel or Cambria fonts (please choose just one).
I also attached two PDF below, and they basically cover the main answers of the following two questions. You just need to combine those key ideas with some of the readings that I list from bottom to support the main argument.
【Prompt 1】
How did the religions of Japan (please name the religions) support the ascetic lifestyle of the samurai, buttress the central feudal government, help cement social relations (between elite social actors, and between elites and commoners), assist in the move from feudalism to capitalism during the Meiji Restoration, and form a foundation for militarization during the Meiji, Taisho and early Showa periods? Make sure to discuss Kokutai. What of the contributions of Christianity?
【Prompt 2】
Discuss the similarities and differences of policing in Japan and the United States. Focus your response on social history—the difference between honor-based and contract-based social systems. Also, discuss how honor-based criminal enterprises exist in both Japan and the United States. Finally, reflect on Yakuza as functional to socio-economic relations, sociopolitical relations, and more generally to societal relations in Japan.
Reading reference for question 1:
• Bellah. Tokugawa Religion. 51-70
• Nukariya. The History of Zen in Japan. 28-51 (pdf can be found online –
• Griffis. The Religions of Japan. 37-58 (pdf can be found online –
Reading reference for question 2:
• Hill. The Changing Face of the Yakuza. 97-116
• Bayley. Forces of Order: Policing in Modern Japan. 126-67

What is the reflection of sociology? Family structure,Crime and social control, and culture and soc.

Question Description

In Module 1, the first required assignment asked you to examine the course and relate it to a current, real-world event or recent news story. Based on what you have learned in this course since Module 1, reflect on how your answers would change now that you have gained new knowledge. Return to your initial assignment and directly connect the content of your responses to the theories and material of this course. Additionally, based on what you learned in this course, provide some strategies that would address the issues described in the real-world event or recent news story you chose. For example, if you chose a recent story about how high school attendance rates have diminished in the past decade, provide several strategies for addressing that issue based on what you directly learned in this course. Submit a final assignment of 1000 words that synthesizes all these points.

What is the reflection of sociology? Family structure,Crime and social control, and culture and soc.

Question Description

In Module 1, the first required assignment asked you to examine the course and relate it to a current, real-world event or recent news story. Based on what you have learned in this course since Module 1, reflect on how your answers would change now that you have gained new knowledge. Return to your initial assignment and directly connect the content of your responses to the theories and material of this course. Additionally, based on what you learned in this course, provide some strategies that would address the issues described in the real-world event or recent news story you chose. For example, if you chose a recent story about how high school attendance rates have diminished in the past decade, provide several strategies for addressing that issue based on what you directly learned in this course. Submit a final assignment of 1000 words that synthesizes all these points.