Family Tree of traits of a famous family

Question Description

Produce a family tree for at least three generations of your family, a friend’s family, or a famous family such as the Bushes, Clintons, or Barrymores, following these genetic traits:

  • Eye color
  • Hair color
  • Dominant hand
  • Height
  • Widow’s peak
  • Hitchhiker’s thumb
  • A family genetic disorder (this is not required and should only be provided at one’s discretion)

Summarize the inheritance of sex-linked traits through meiosis and how it relates to genetics.
Create a 5- to 6-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation illustrating your findings and summarizing the inheritance of sex-linked traits.

Sociology in the news, sociology homework help

Question Description

You will have one opportunity for extra credit during the course. Throughout the course we will discuss “Sociology in the news.” The purpose of this exercise is to identify how Sociological concepts impact us on a daily basis. Students have the opportunity throughout the semester to post an article with a paragraph of discussion from a news story relevant to the topics we have been discussing weekly. Your article is worth 4 points.

The Family Life Cycle

Question Description

Post by Day 4 an explanation of how the family life cycle may be applied in couples and family counseling. Then, provide one to two specific examples of crisis situations in which a counselor might apply his or her understanding of the family life cycle, describing how he or she could do so, using hypothetical examples or situations with which you are familiar.
Please use media link & textbook to answer the question
Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2008). Couples and family counseling: Introduction to couples and family counseling.Baltimore: Author

To view the media link:…
password: Laurelton88

Ptsd and the family

Question Description

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) & the Family
Chronic stress of any kind takes a toll on an individual. It also can affect those who care about that individual, including family members. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a particularly difficult form of chronic stress, and it has unique effects on individuals and their loved ones. In order to help these families to cope and thrive, a program has been developed at the Oklahoma City Department of Veterans Affairs to teach families about PTSD and about how to cope with it effectively (Sherman, 2008).

  1. Read Session 3_PTSD & Its Impact on Families.pdf of Sherman’s treatment manual for families (Sherman, 2011).
  2. Create a main post that addresses the following:
  • Identify at least two pieces of information in the manual that surprised you regarding the effects of PTSD on families. Describe them fully and explain why they surprised you.
  • Describe at least two interventions/coping strategies/recommendations identified in the manual that you believe would be most effective for helping families cope well with the effects of PTSD on families.
  • Explain why you believe those would be effectivebased on findings from research on stress that we have read thus far in the course. For example, if one is a cognitive-behavioral intervention designed to help a family member change his or her thinking about the loved one’s diagnosis, you could argue that the intervention would be effective based on research you may be able to find on the effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for relieving stress.
  • Support your ideas with academic, peer-reviewed sources, such as your readings for the week and/or the sources mentioned in the instructions for this assignment.………
Your post should be at least 150 words in length and must include citations for the research study that you reviewed. Please use APA citation style (in-text citations and full references provided in a list at the bottom of your post).

  1. Post at least two responses to your classmates. Responses should be substantial and meaningful. Consider responding in a manner that keeps the conversation flowing, such as by asking a question, offering an alternative point of view, or suggesting additional ideas that expand on their ideas. Please remember to cite at least one source (with in-text citations and a full reference) in at least one aside to support your ideas in that aside.

Please do your best to meet the criteria for this assignment by adhering to the rubric for discussion assignments: Rubric_Discussion Participation.docx.

The Family Genogram

Question Description

To prepare for this assignment:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Pay particular attention to the information about assessment tools and the suggestions for constructing a genogram.
  • Consider the scope of each of the systems theory terms that are discussed.
  • Reflect on the tactics and patterns of family processes as well as on the effectiveness of the various techniques that each of the specified systems theories offers for combating these patterns.
  • Consider how genograms might be used in a counseling session.
  • Consider how developmental issues in the intergenerational family may be reflected in a family genogram.
  • Consider how you might express the dynamics of your own family of origin in genogram format. Also consider how an understanding of these dynamics might have an impact on your role as a counselor. (Note:You may evaluate your family of choice if you do not have enough information about your family of origin.)

The assignment: (1–2 pages)

  • Construct a genogram for your family of origin (or family of choice if you do not have enough information about your family of origin).
  • Summarize the genogram you created by describing the roles and patterns that emerge in it, using concepts from the systems theories that are discussed in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Explain how you believe genograms may be useful in couples and family counseling.
  • Briefly explain how your understanding of your own personal genogram might impact your work as a counselor.

Required Readings to Complete the assignment are listed below

  • Course Text: Wetchler, J. L., & Hecker, L. L., & (Eds.). (2015). An introduction to marriage and family therapy. (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
    • Chapter 2, “General Systems Theory, Cybernetics, and Family Therapy” (pp. 43-64)
    • Chapter 10, “Transgenerational Family Therapies” (pp. 319-356)
  • Course Text:Thomlison, B. (2016). Family assessment handbook: An introduction (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
    • Chapter 3, “The Family System”
    • Chapter 6, “Older Adults, Families, and Life Stressors”
    • Chapter 4, “Core Tasks of Family Assessment”
  • Article: Boss, P. G. (1980). Normative family stress: Family boundary changes across the life-span. Family Relations, 29(4), 445–450. Retrieved from the SocINDEX with Full Text database. (AN 4709049)
  • Article: Barnhill, L. R. (1979). Healthy family systems. The Family Coordinator, 28(1), 94-100. Retrieved from the SocINDEX with Full Text database. (AN 4698199)

The Manson Family

Question Description

This assignment will assess competencies 1. Examine the motivations, drives, and outcomes of serial killers and 4. Explore the different types of serial killers.
Directions: Throughout our course we will relate our concepts to the Manson case. This is perhaps one of the best known examples of a serial killer in our modern history. If you are not familiar with it, please read the supplement book Helter Skelterand/or research the case online. The Crime Museum is a good place to start.
Last week, we explored “who” Charles Manson was and some of the challenges he faced. This week, expand your research to explore who the Manson Family was, what the membership demographic looked like, who the key members were, and how the family was formed.
Then, in a one to two page essay, address the questions below. Your assignment should be double spaced using 12 point Times New Roman font (black).

  • Describe who the Manson Family was, the membership demographic, the key members, and how the family was formed.
  • What do you see as the motivating factors for membership? That is, why did people join?
  • Did Manson establish control over the members? If so, how?

ECE355 Understanding Behavior Family Dynamics

Question Description

TURNITIN SCORE MUST BE AT OR BELOW 20%. as I will be checking on my end as well.
I will be giving an example from one of my peers (DO NOT COPY OR USE ANY WORDING FROM MY PEER).
200 Words
Pharaphrase any information you choose to use in APA In Text Format
This course is titled “Understanding Behavior and Family Dynamics.” In order to fully understand these ideas, we must thoroughly understand the definition of family so that we can provide family-centered support. Viewing the child as an integral part of the family helps one develop a more culturally sensitive approach. Everything we do must support the family as a whole in order to be able to advocate for the needs of the children we work with (Supporting Partnerships for Success, n.d.).
To prepare for this discussion,

In your initial post

  • Examine how the definition of family shared in the video 2010’s American Family Defined is similar or different to the definition of family shared in your course text.
  • Create your own definition of family.
  • Describe what providing family-centered support means to you. Use the Guiding Principles of Family Support Programs (Links to an external site.) document to support your ideas.
  • Explain how your definition and understanding of family will enable you to provide family-centered support. Support your thinking with one additional scholarly source.

Resources Below
Guiding principles of family support programs [PDF file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from…
Russo, A. (2019). PARTNERING for FAMILY Success: Family Resource Centers and Family Support and Strengthening Networks. Policy & Practice (19426828), 77(6), 8.
Wardle, F., & Fitzpatrick, T. (2016). Children & families: Understanding behavior & dynamics [Electronic version]. Retrieved from
Wright, J. (2010, September 16). 2010’s American family defined [Video file]. Retrieved from 
According to statistics in the video, people tend to think of families in very different ways (Wright, 2010). The video concludes that, a family is a group of people that think of each other as family (Wright, 2010). I agree with this because people who truly care for each other should be considered a family. There are so many different family structures, cultures, and beliefs but the main thing is that they care for each other and do what is best for each other. The text reveals that there are different ways that people define families, just as the video stated (Wardle and Fitzpatrick, 2016). Some believe that there has to be two parents that are related to the children they are raising, while others disagree (Wardle and Fitzpatrick, 2016). However, the text goes into more depth by saying that families are a group of people that care for basic needs of children (Wardle and Fitzpatrick, 2016). Similar to the video, families are a group of people who take care of each other and care for each other. Overall, the video and text agree but the text gives more detail and depth to the definition of family.
To me, family is one or two adults who care for a child or children. The children may or may not be biological but are still their children because they love and value them. Some people cannot have children of their own so adoption or foster-care could help them build a family. I believe that love should be at the center of a healthy family and that the parents should always do what is best for their children. This teaches children how to be kind and responsible adults who will likely have a family of their own one day.
To me, providing family-centered support means advocating for families and educating families (Guiding principles of family support programs, n.d.). It means that I help support families who are struggling by finding resources for them. It also means that I am aware of what families may need and am willing to find answers to their questions or concerns. I also need to keep myself up to date on new resources and opportunities so I can share them with families (Guiding principles of family support programs, n.d.). Sometimes families are not very willing to express need, so I need to remember to respect that and just show them that I care so they feel safe talking to me. Families need to be able to trust me as their child’s caregiver so I need to build that trust over time.
It is important to take parent feedback seriously and ask for their input regularly (Russo, 2019). When parents express a concern it means they are seeking help and understanding. I need to remember that all families struggle at times so listening is important. I also need to share resources with families that they could benefit from as well as find ways to involve them and their children in center activities to strengthen their family bond (Russo, 2019). I need to remember to share resources with families but also get them involved in the classroom. Every family should feel comfortable and valued in their child’s classroom. One way that I like to do this is ask for family pictures and make them into a book for children to look at throughout the day. I also make sure to greet each parent and child as the come into the classroom.

Grossmont College The Importance of Family Essay

Question Description

Your prompt is to write a first draft (will be include more things in revision) based on your working thesis that focuses on the book, movie or the book and movie together. In the times of butterflies
For this draft, you are allowed to use anything from this project we have worked on including your annotation worksheets, assignments, readings, and videos. Please have those at the ready while you are writing.
You will have 180 minutes to complete the draft. Once you begin, you may NOT go back to it; it needs to be completed in one sitting. If you are in need of an extension, please contact me before the due date to set one up.
You will need to type your draft straight into the text box provided to you once you open the quiz.
Successful Essays Need:

  • An introduction with a hook, background information and a thesis that directly focuses on your limited subject and attitude about your limited subject.
  • Remember your thesis needs to make an argument about your book, movie, or about the book and the movie.
  • A minimum of 2 PIE body paragraphs with a clear Point that is an opinion, Information that is properly introduced quotes from your sources and Explanation that is thorough and connects the reader back to the point. These points should be based on two out of the four rhetorical strategies you have chosen to focus on for this essay. Remember that each body paragraph should have at least two pieces of information/explanation per paragraph.
  • Transitions to help the reader move through different paragraphs and examples.
  • No conclusion is required for this timed write, but you may include one.
  • Do not worry about MLA formatting for this timed draft.
  • You may chose to focus one of your body paragraphs as the Counterargument & Refutation paragraph, but this is not required for the first draft. (This is a requirement for the final draft.)
  • This essay should be at least 900 words or should meet a minimum page length.

Grading Rubric:
The following is the grading rubric I will be using to grade your first drafts.

The Form and Function of Family 2DQ2

Question Description

Why is the concept of family health important? Consider the various strategies for health promotion. How does a nurse determine which strategy would best enable the targeted individuals to gain more control over, and improve, their health?

Global ecology of the family interview paper

Global ecology of the family interview paper

What to do?
Interview a professional who works with culturally diverse families (e.g.: ethnically diverse or families from different countries). Examples where you can find them are: hospitals, child care centers, schools, social work agencies (e.g., DHHS).
Ask the following 8 questions:

  1. Describe your work and responsibilities. How did you start in your work?
  2. Describe the families that your work with.
  3. What are their cultural backgrounds? Do you find their backgrounds similar or different than yours?
  4. What do you find rewarding in working for culturally diverse families? What example(s) can you cite?
  5. What do you find challenging in working with culturally diverse families? What example(s) can you cite?
  6. How do you face the challenges? What helped you in responding to these challenges?
  7. How do you prepare yourself so that you are effective in your work with culturally diverse families?
  8. What will you suggest to people who are interested in working with culturally diverse families and individuals?
  9. What to write?
    1. A complete and comprehensive summary of the responses from the interview with an introduction of the interviewee (name of interviewee may be left out for confidentiality). A summary is NOT a transcript of what went on during the interview. Use your own words to explain the answers of your interviewee to the questions you asked.
    2. Do NOT list the questions, instead use headings or keywords about what paragraphs describes or discussed.
    3. An explanation of what cultural competency looks like when professionals work with culturally diverse families.
    4. Students will apply at least 5 key concepts from the assigned articles. Student will highlight or underline the concepts in a visible way to differentiate the concept.
    5. Again, integrate these concepts with the interviewee’s response by highlighting them in a visible way to differentiate the concept from the required articles. When you integrate, you do not just mention concepts or use as examples, but explain what the concept is all about and how it fits in with the interviewee’s responses.

    What to submit?Submit a 3-4 page paper. The paper must include the following:

    1. Appropriate structure and APA style:
    2. Double-spacing, Times New Roman font in 12 pt.
    3. An Introductory paragraph
    4. Use one or more paragraphs per question (Do not list the question, but use headings)
    5. Connect the interview to readings (explain how the interviewee’s response relate to the rearding)
    6. Concluding paragraph using your own voice to reflect upon this experience