Family of Orientation

Question Description

Think about the terms that are discussed in this week’s lesson.

  • Describe your family of orientation based on those terms (lineage, residence, power).
  • Now think of your family in terms of functionalist theory an conflict theory.
    • How were the functions of the family carried out in your family of orientation?
    • How was labor divided in your family?
    • Was there any visible conflict in your family?
    • Do you think that families have some similarities to the workforce as conflict theorists do?

The Influences of Biology, Family, and Culture

Question Description

Application: The Influences of Biology, Family, and Culture
From your readings in this course, you are aware of how substance abuse and other addictions are complex issues that reflect overlapping dimensions of biology, family, and culture. A major challenge is to keep these dimensions in focus when working with clients. Now that you have explored these dimensions, you will demonstrate your knowledge by integrating them in an example.
To prepare for this assignment:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources, focusing on the information about how biology, family, and culture may contribute to and/or impact substance abuse and addiction.
  • Analyze how the dimensions of biology, family, and culture overlap.
  • Reflect on the challenges of discerning causality in substance abuse and addiction.
  • Think of a hypothetical case in which you might illustrate the impact of biology, family, and culture on substance abuse and/or addiction.
  • Consider how biological, familial, and cultural influences have an impact on the case.

The assignment: (1–2 pages)

  • Create and describe a hypothetical example that specifically illustrates how biology, family, and culture may contribute to and/or impact substance abuse and/or addiction.
  • Explain how biology, family, and culture may each contribute to substance abuse and/or addiction in the case.

Support your Application assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list only for those resources not included in the Learning Resources for this course.

The Social Dynamics of Family Violence

Question Description

The Social Dynamics of Family Violence
By: Angela Hattery and Earl Smith-Second Edition
ISBN – 13: 978-1-55766-332-0
The study explores research on family violence and provides students with the opportunity to examine some of the most prevalent forms of family violence he/she might encounter working with human service clients: Domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, parricide, elder abuse and rape. Students will identify questions and the myths surrounding the cycle of violence in American families.
Read, summarize, and critically analyze the listed below chapters in the text, and provide a brief synopsis as well as assessment, and reaction to each chapter.
Chapter 1 Social Dynamics of Family Violence- Setting the Stage
Chapter 2 Historical Perspectives on Family Violence
Chapter 3 Theories for Studying Family Violence
Chapter 4 Methods for Studying Family Violence
Chapter 8 The Economy and Intimate Partner Violence
Chapter 10 Religion and Family Violence
Chapter 13 Prevention and Avoidance; The Early Warning Signs
Chapter 14 The Response to Family Violence; The Criminal Justice System & Social Welfare System
Chapter 15 Where Do We Go From Here
All papers must be written in Microsoft Word (no exceptions)
All papers must follow APA format.…
All papers must be double spaced, 12” font, 1” margins all around.

SOCW 6111: Comprehensive Assessment of the Cortez Family

Question Description

In a 2- to 4-page paper, complete a comprehensive assessment of Paula Cortez, utilizing two of the assessment models provided in Chapter 5 of the course text.

  • Using the Cowger article, identify at least two areas of strengths in Paula’s case.
  • Analyze the perspectives of two members of the multidisciplinary team, particularly relative to Paula’s pregnancy.
  • Explain which model the social workers appear to be using to make their assessment.
  • Describe the potential for bias when choosing an assessment model and completing an evaluation.
  • Suggest strategies you, as Paula’s social worker, might try to avoid these biases.

The Form and Function of Family

Question Description

Why is the concept of family health important? Consider the various strategies for health promotion. How does a nurse determine which strategy would best enable the targeted individuals to gain more control over, and improve, their health?

Global ecology of the family interview paper

Question Description

What to do?
Interview a professional who works with culturally diverse families (e.g.: ethnically diverse or families from different countries). Examples where you can find them are: hospitals, child care centers, schools, social work agencies (e.g., DHHS).
Ask the following 8 questions:

  1. Describe your work and responsibilities. How did you start in your work?
  2. Describe the families that your work with.
  3. What are their cultural backgrounds? Do you find their backgrounds similar or different than yours?
  4. What do you find rewarding in working for culturally diverse families? What example(s) can you cite?
  5. What do you find challenging in working with culturally diverse families? What example(s) can you cite?
  6. How do you face the challenges? What helped you in responding to these challenges?
  7. How do you prepare yourself so that you are effective in your work with culturally diverse families?
  8. What will you suggest to people who are interested in working with culturally diverse families and individuals?
  9. What to write?
    1. A complete and comprehensive summary of the responses from the interview with an introduction of the interviewee (name of interviewee may be left out for confidentiality). A summary is NOT a transcript of what went on during the interview. Use your own words to explain the answers of your interviewee to the questions you asked.
    2. Do NOT list the questions, instead use headings or keywords about what paragraphs describes or discussed.
    3. An explanation of what cultural competency looks like when professionals work with culturally diverse families.
    4. Students will apply at least 5 key concepts from the assigned articles. Student will highlight or underline the concepts in a visible way to differentiate the concept.
    5. Again, integrate these concepts with the interviewee’s response by highlighting them in a visible way to differentiate the concept from the required articles. When you integrate, you do not just mention concepts or use as examples, but explain what the concept is all about and how it fits in with the interviewee’s responses.

    What to submit?Submit a 3-4 page paper. The paper must include the following:

    1. Appropriate structure and APA style:
    2. Double-spacing, Times New Roman font in 12 pt.
    3. An Introductory paragraph
    4. Use one or more paragraphs per question (Do not list the question, but use headings)
    5. Connect the interview to readings (explain how the interviewee’s response relate to the rearding)
    6. Concluding paragraph using your own voice to reflect upon this experience

Sociology: The McDonaldization of Society, sociology homework help

Question Description

Write a 3 page journal in MLA or APA . The first 2 pages should be the essay and the 3rd page should be the reference page. Cite and reference textbook The McDonaldization of Society by George Rizer.
George Ritzer explains that fast-food chains have become so popular because they fit with our contemporary lifestyle. In this journal entry, you are going to examine whether this statement fits your own life.
You should answer the questions below to structure your essay.

  • First, think about your own use of fast-food chains (such as McDonald’s, Taco Bell, KFC, Pizza Hut, etc.).
    • How often do you use them, and how (dinein, carry out, drive through, etc.)?
  • Then, look at the elements of the changing society that Ritzer describes in his book when he examines the relationship between McDonaldization and social change in American society. ( We are NOT referring to the dimensions of McDonaldization).
    • Which ones of those can you apply to your situation? In other words, in what ways do you see your own life reflecting the changes Ritzer describes?
    • Which ones do not fit? Give specific examples from your life to answer these questions.

At the end, based on your description of how you use fast-food restaurants and how your life has been affected by social changes in American society, decide the following:

  • Does Ritzer’s statement, overall, apply to you, or not .
  • Are the reasons he gives for people using fast food chains the same as your reasons?

Why is the family considered the most important agent of socialization?, sociology homework

Question Description

1000-word (minimum) paper, using APA standards, that addresses the following questions:
Families have changed greatly over the past 60 years, and they continue to become more diverse.

  • Why is the family considered the most important agent of socialization?
  • What caused the dramatic changes to the American family? What are those changes?
  • Describe the differences in marriage and family life that are linked to class, race, gender, and personal choice.
  • Do you feel the trend towards diverse families is positive or negative?
  • If the trend changed towards traditional (pre-World War II) families, how would that affect women’s rights?

ece313: family Partnerships Summarize the components of a family centered approach.

Question Description

Family Partnerships
Chapter 1 focuses on the family-centered approach to early childhood education, highlighting the importance of the partnership between the family, the early childhood program, and the community to maximize a child’s development and learning. For this assignment, you will create a one- to two-page fact sheet (not including title and reference pages) you can provide to the families in your program that explains the values and challenges of a family-centered approach.
The content on your fact sheet should:

  1. Summarize the components of a family-centered approach.
  2. Describe five benefits of a family-centered approach.
  3. Describe two potential obstacles to overcome in a family-centered approach.
  4. Recommend two strategies to overcome obstacles and enlist the support of parents.

In addition to the required content, please be creative with your
fact sheet. Keep in mind that this is a resource to be used in the
classroom, so make it parent friendly and engaging. You may wish to add
visuals and pictures.

Family Violence and Cycle of Abuse Sociology Questionnaire

Question Description

Family Violence Prevention Services in San Antonio, Texas.…
1. Although family violence is of epidemic proportions, rates of abuse have
gone down over the decades in the U.S. Why do you think this is?
According to Marta Pelaez, what is the cause of the recent rise in
domestic violence?
2. Discuss the cycle of abuse. Why do women go back to the abuser? What
is the average recidivism or return rate?
3. What are some of the indicators Pelaez mentions that come with a
“misunderstanding of love”?
4. What advice would you give to a friend or classmate that was in this situation