social problems of marriage and family, sociology homework help

Question Description

How does Chapter 15 relate to 16 & 18? Use examples from all three chapters to broadly discuss the connections. Also make very clear use of Consuelo Crow’s blog(IMPORTANT!) throughout your paper this week.
Make sure you use at least three quotes from the readings as you write your reflection. I should see a critical engagement here.
Also be sure to cite within the body of your assignment, but also in a works cited area at the end.
The readings:
you can pick the chapter in the upper right hand corner:
chapter 15:social problems of marriage and family;
chapter 16:urbanization, social problems from the growth of cities;
chapter 18:population problems.

The family

Question Description

This is an individual presentation. The purpose of this presentation is to explore how the “typical” family has changed over time. Additionally, causes of the various changes are to be explored as well. The presentation should consist of seven slides as described below:

  • Slide 1: A narrative discussing how the family has changed over time? Explicitly note what changes have occurred.
  • Slide 2: Visual depictions of what the “typical” family used to look like. You are welcomed to use a range of media resources.
  • Slide 3: Visual depictions of what the “typical” family looks like now. (i.e., how do you perceive or define the typical family, how does society perceive or define the typical family, etc.) You are welcomed to use a range of media resources.
  • Slide 4: A narrative discussing and analyzing the individual factors that have contributed to the changing family. (See your textbook. You may use external resources as well.)
  • Slide 5: A narrative discussing and analyzing the systemic or structural factors that have contributed to the changing family over time. (See your textbook. You may use external resources as well.)
  • Slide 6: Conclusions
  • Slide 7: Citations/Resources

You have reached the end of this module on The Family. The key takeaways from this module are:

  • The different types of marriages are monogamy, serial monogamy, polygamy, polygyny, and polyandry.
  • Kindred refers to the state of being related to others and is not completely based on biological or marital ties.
  • Different types of descent are bilateral descent, matrilineal descent, and patrilineal descent.
  • Patriarchy, matriarchy, and egalitarian are the form of societies that exist around us.
  • The three sociological perspectives on family are interactionist, conflict, and functionalist views.
  • There exist social, racial, and ethnic differences when classifying a family and hence they are categorized as upper, middle, and working class family.

Family Genogram Diagram Sociology Assignment Help

Genogram – Part A – Diagram
Construct a three-generation genogram of your family-of-origin and that of your partner (if applicable).
Use the McGoldrick, M., Gerson, R., & Petry, S. S. reading (noted below and in the course readings), to develop the genogram – making certain to include dates for births, deaths, marriages, divorces, etc. Add contextual information discussed in the article (this typically helps the genogram more fully represent the family being depicted).
McGoldrick, M., Gerson, R., & Petry, S. S. (2008). Creating genograms. In Genograms: Assessment and intervention (3rd ed., pp. 20-60). New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
You may create the diagram in either of two ways:

  • Hand draw the diagram and scan it as an image file (JPG or PNG format)
  • Use Microsoft PowerPoint and its drawing tools (PPT or PPTX format)

Sociology about Family and Intimate Relationships

Question Description

Sociology about Family and Intimate Relationships
Book Dalton Conley: Chapter 12
Ferguson; CrittendonThe Mommy Tax–the income discrimination faced by working link:
1.) Sociologically speaking, what is/are the main points in the article/reading? : The Mommy Tax–the income discrimination faced by working
(If possible link your answer to chapter 12 reading and sociology terms)
2.) Given the seemingly divergent directions of parenting as a life goal and value, in society today what would you argue sociologically is the future of families in our society?
(If possible link your answer to chapter 12 reading and sociology terms)
Chapter 12 important terms:……

creating family rituals, sociology discussion

Guideline This assignment challenges you to create family rituals regarding: (1) Weddings (2) Divorces (3) Blending stepfamilies In our society, we spend a great deal of time, energy, and money on our rituals regarding weddings, so this aspect of the assignment will probably be the easiest ritual for you to describe. Design your own wedding ceremony, complete with all the music and songs, readings, ritual words of the officiate, sermon or homily, vows, various symbolic acts etc. Be sure to incorporate any important religious or cultural traditions. Be creative as you craft ritual words and acts to express the meanings and values important to you which you have discovered during the course. If you are already married, you can explain the rituals you chose when you got married and why you chose them. No one on their wedding day plans to get divorced or get remarried in the future. However, we know that this is a reality that many individuals will face. Research indicates that, in part, some of why divorced individuals and stepfamilies struggle is because of our society’s lack of rituals regarding these processes. So, based on the research, what would be your recommended rituals regarding the process of (1) divorce and (2) blending a new stepfamily. Remember to provide as much depth and detail as you did for the wedding ceremony. Identify 3 – 5 concepts from the text. Your response should be approximately 1 – 3 pages. You may post your response directly into a textbox on Discussion Board or attach a Word document to Discussion Board, whichever you prefer. When writing your response use descriptive, narrative prose. Do not simply list and answer questions. It is absolutely essential that students cite information from their textbook (or other resources) to support the research-based information provided in the pamphlet. Content that appears to be the opinion of students (and not cited material) will receive a poor grade. Search entries or author

Marriage and Family, sociology homework help

Question Description

This chapter discloses information of marriage and family as an institution in society. One focal point is how the family system changes throughout the life course. Significant trends are covered in relationship with the roles, relationships, family choices, and problems that are faced by the American family. Although most of us have had a tremendous amount of experience in our family of orientation (the family we’re born into), we often are inexperienced or untrained for a family of procreation (the family that we create with our spouse). Think about the fact that we do not have any formal training on how to love. We don’t have a guide on how to make relationships work other than our family of orientation. Should we not have some type of training for this institution that is deemed as sacred? We live in a society where one out of every two marriages or half will end in divorce. Do you think this is high, or is it acceptable? Do you have a remedy for this problem? Search the web to answer the questions that were posed in the description of the chapter that I wrote. Give some insightful responses with hard resources to support them.

Vargas Family Case Study, sociology homework help

Question Description

Read “Topic 6: Vargas Family Case Study.” Develop three experiential interventions that you would use with the Vargas family.
It’s time to get creative! You have noticed that the Vargas family struggles with emotional expression, particularly with congruent emotional expression (i.e., words, actions, and body language being congruent). Using the Experiential Interventions Template, develop three experiential interventions that you would use with the family and describe why they would be helpful to the family. It may be helpful to refer to the library articles for ideas and inspiration. Be sure to fully address each section in the template for each of the three interventions in your paper:

  1. Title of your Intervention
  2. General Goals
  3. Materials Needed
  4. Advance Preparation Needed
  5. Description of the Intervention with the Vargas family
  6. Discussion of the Benefits of the Intervention to the Vargas Family
  7. References (if any)

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Family Life Questionnaire, sociology homework help

Question Description

Review Sheet: Race/Ethnicity, Gender, and Family Life
Instructions: Please answer the following questions below, full sentences. This review sheet focused on the article readings for the Hill, Espiritu, and Kurien. (articles attached below) and a powerpoint that discusses one Hill and Espiritu article, needed to complete this review sheet focusing on the important information for the articles not covered in the powerpoint and the articles that are covered in the powerpoint.
Review Questions:
1)According to Hill, there is one historical event that has shaped African American families. What is the historical event that she mentions? How has this historical event shaped African American families (families in the past and present)? (Hint: this is from Hill’s article “The Politics of Theorizing African American Families)
2)According to Hill, what are some of the structural barriers that shape gender roles in African American families? (Hint: this is from Hill’s article “Teaching and Doing Gender in African American Families”)
3)According to Hill, what is multiracial feminist theory? Why is it a theory that we should consider for families?
4)Hill mentions that parents participated in racial and gender socialization, can you explain this each socialization for this group? What did parents do/say to socialize their children?
5)How did social class (in this case measured by education) effect gender socialization?
6)What other two factors came up in Hill’s findings about gender socialization? Describe how they affected gender socialization.
7)According to Espiritu, “gender is key to immigrant identity”, what does she mean by this statement?
8)According to Espiritu, how does constructing White women as “sexually immoral” and Filipina women as “sexually moral” serve to counteract the social inequality of Filipinos in the U.S.? How is it a strategy of resistance?
9)According to Kurien, women are often the carriers of culture. What does this mean? What are implications for women’s roles in the family?
10) Kurien mentions that her study (and others) have not been able to capture one aspect of family life of Indian American women. What is that aspect and why does she think that it is not examined or under studied?
11) How are the Kurien and Espiritu articles related? What is the common issue that they are examining? How do these articles apply to the film, “Bend it Like Beckham”?

Family discussion group, sociology homework helpQuestion Description Integrate macro and micro-analysis – the individual, the couple, the family as a system, the family and the workplace, the family and the economy Read from Nijole V Benokraitis, Marriages and Families: Changes, Choices and Constraints Chapter 14– Family Abuse, Violence, and Other Health Issues Chapter 15– Separation, Divorce, Remarriage, and Stepfamilies (pp. 429-466) Pick two of the types of abuse detailed in the chapter (intimate partner abuse, child maltreatment, sibling abuse, elder abuse, same-sex couple or racial-ethnic groups abuse.) How are they the same? Different? What are the warning signs? What causes this type of abuse? What can we do about it as a society? Although abuse can occur at all income levels and in all domestic situations, it is more common in poor and working class families. As you read Chapters 14 and 15, take notes on the guiding questions listed above and post your thoughts on the discussion board. I’m having a hard time putting into words on or answering the questions on this discussion. I choose elder abuse and child abuse to see the similarities.

Question Description

Integrate macro and micro-analysis – the individual, the couple, the family as a system, the family and the workplace, the family and the economy
Read from Nijole V Benokraitis, Marriages and Families: Changes, Choices and Constraints
Chapter 14– Family Abuse, Violence, and Other Health Issues
Chapter 15– Separation, Divorce, Remarriage, and Stepfamilies (pp. 429-466)
Pick two of the types of abuse detailed in the chapter (intimate partner abuse, child maltreatment, sibling abuse, elder abuse, same-sex couple or racial-ethnic groups abuse.) How are they the same? Different? What are the warning signs? What causes this type of abuse? What can we do about it as a society?
Although abuse can occur at all income levels and in all domestic situations, it is more common in poor and working class families. As you read Chapters 14 and 15, take notes on the guiding questions listed above and post your thoughts on the discussion board.
I’m having a hard time putting into words on or answering the questions on this discussion. I choose elder abuse and child abuse to see the similarities.

The Sociology of Me, sociology homework help

Question Description

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 3: Explain the significance of social stratification and social inequality for the individual and society.
    • Evaluate one’s own educational experience from a sociological perspective.
    • Explain sociological issues that affect one’s own field of study.
  • Competency 4: Analyze the influence of culture and socialization on both the individual and society.
    • Examine the impact of culture and socialization on one’s own life.
  • Competency 5: Evaluate the impact of social change on society and social institutions.
    • Evaluate the impact of social structure and groups on one’s own life.
    • Evaluate the role of technology and media in one’s own life.
  • Competency 6: Demonstrate written and verbal communication skills for effectively presenting sociological concepts, ideas, and analyses.
    • Write in a professional style using APA 6th edition referencing and format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.

Mills tells us of the intersection between public issues and private troubles. Throughout the course we have learned to use our sociological imagination to understand this difference—especially in terms of our own lives.
For your final project you will reflect on the question, “Who am I?” using the sociological imagination to understand and explain your everyday experiences. In doing so, you will look at the impact of social forces on your individual life. This requires you to apply the concepts, theories, and applicable sociological understandings that you have encountered in the course.
To successfully complete this assignment, you will write a paper with these components:

  • Introduction: Introduce yourself and what you plan on discussing in your paper.
  • Culture and Socialization: Examine the impact culture and socialization has had on your life. Consider the following when creating this section:
    • How did you develop a sense of self?
    • What agents of socialization had the biggest impact on you? How?
    • How has culture influenced your life?
  • Social Structure and Groups: Discuss the impact social structure and groups have had on your life. Considering the following:
    • How have various groups (primary, secondary, reference, etc.) guided your behavior?
    • What statuses have you held? What roles have you played?
    • How have social hierarchies shaped your life choices?
  • Education: Discuss how a sociologist would explain your experience with education. In doing so, consider the following:
    • What major functions have education had for you?
    • How has education been related to your life outcomes?
    • What experiences with inequality have you had in education?
  • Professional Field: Discuss the main sociological issues that affect your field of study or the field you intend to study at this point in your education. Be sure to include any social changes that may impact your field.
  • Technology and Media: Analyze the role technology and media have in your everyday life.
    • What impact have new communication technologies and social media had on your life?
    • What messages have the media and popular culture communicated to you?
    • What role has globalization played in your life?
  • Summary: Briefly summarize the issues you discussed in the paper.
  • Bibliography: Your analysis in each section should be supported by sociological concepts and course materials. You may also seek outside materials to support your analysis. A bibliography or works-cited page is required, in APA format. It should contain all the references that you used in the project. Your bibliography should include all materials you directly quote, all materials you paraphrase, and any materials you might refer to. Remember that using information created by other people without properly crediting them constitutes plagiarism. This includes Internet materials. Do not forget to include a full citation for any Web site you have used.
  • Be sure to address any issues related to inequality or stratification as they apply to the various sections.
  • Your paper should be a minimum of five pages in length, excluding the cover page and the references page.