The Sociology of Target

The Sociology of Target

Question Description

go to Target and answer the questions below, do not need to take the picture.
To complete and get credit for the assignment, you must write a 1 to 1.5 page paper (single-spaced) that
includes your answers to the questions, your reaction to what you observed and ways in which this exercise
affected your understanding of gender/sexuality socialization and how we are affected by the objects/images
that surround us on a daily basis.

Sociology Of the families

Question Description

Please select one question from the list below. This will be your topic for your position essay. Begin first with your textbook and then expand your search for info into other areas. Be sure to include all the sources you cite in your paper. Minimum essay length is 1 page…max is 3. Submit your essay on blackboard by clicking on the “Final exam position paper” title/link. You can copy and paste or upload your work. Note that the due time is 7:00pm on the 10th….not end of day!
1. Covenant marriage; South Carolina is considering implementing this as law and wants your researched opinion as to the effects and possible issues involved with such a law. Would it strengthen marriages?
2. Mandatory implementation of Levinger’s model of Divorce Decisions which would be utilized before any divorce proceeding in South Carolina. If upon “further review” it is determined by an outside panel of experts and the couple that divorce is not in the best interest of all involved a moratorium on the divorce would be enforced. A “cooling off” period while each person perhaps gets individual therapy. Discuss the model along with why or why not you would support such a rule.
3. Hyperparenting and the concerted cultivation parenting models should be taught in schools and prior to anyone having children. Licensing would be one way to track parenting education for tax purposes. In fact, South Carolina is considering tax breaks for parents who agree to use this style. Is this something that you would support? Do you think there are far to many parents who don’t have a clue about how to parent?
4. The Pornification and cyberadultry effect on relationships. The openess and assertiveness now available to women has created a more equal and better relationship between men and women. Has it?

the survival of the family

the survival of the family

Question Description

Your text stated that “most sociologists are confident that the family will survive as a social institution” (Sullivan, 2016, p. 30). In your initial post, describe whether you agree or disagree with “most sociologists.” Use one of the three sociological theories to analyze why the institution of the family will or will not survive.

The Role of Family

Question Description

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to explore the role of family literacy in society.

  • Given what you have learned from the required readings and videos, write a reflection focusing on the following:
    • How can a child’s level of literacy be influenced? (Think about your own personal experience)
    • What are the different variables and challenges communities face when trying to develop programs to enhance the literacy of children and their families?
  • Refer to the readings and/or videos to support your ideas.

Role of the Family

Role of the Family

Question Description

The importance of families cannot be overstated in dealing with children with exceptionalities. Despite the high incidence of exceptionalities such as learning disabilities and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, families often feel isolated and experience significant stress.
Using online library resources, and the Internet, research the roles of families and the positive and negative impact children with disabilities can have on the family.
Be sure to review the following article from the readings for this module:

Based on your research, address the following:

  • Provide a brief overview of the main points of the article.
  • Describe at least two things you learned from the article.
  • Describe the potential challenges and benefits for families who have one or more children with exceptionalities.
  • Evaluate the influence of the cultural background of children with high-incidence exceptionalities (such as learning disabilities) on how they are approached by the following:
    • Their families
    • Their schools
    • Their communities
  • Describe the ecocultural perspective. Based on your readings, describe supports or interventions you would recommend from this perspective. Be sure to address families, schools, and communities.

Write a 3–5-page paper in Word format. Be sure to include separate title and reference pages. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Dynamics of the family

Dynamics of the family

Question Description

An important part of this course involves taking time to identify your personal beliefs and culture so that you can better understand how they impact your decisions involving family and early childhood education.
For this assignment, write a 1-2 page reflection using proper spelling and grammar. Be sure to explain how the Family Systems Theory applies to your personal family and address the following:

  1. Define your Personal Family System. In an introductory paragraph describe who you consider to be a part of your family and then discuss each of the following points in regard to your family in the body of your paper:
    1. Boundaries
    2. Roles
    3. Rules
    4. Hierarchy
    5. Climate
    6. Equilibrium
  2. After defining your Personal Family System, discuss how it impacts your perspective on the concept of family.
  3. Finally in your conclusion paragraph discuss why it is important to know about your own Personal Family System. Be sure to explain its application to family-centered care and education.

Sociology of the family 16 questions 150 words each

Question Description

16 questions 150 words each

  • Define ”theory.” List and briefly describe the seven theories that are common in the study of families.
  • Describe the specific types of marriage patterns found around the world.
  • Describe how slavery shaped African American families in colonial America.
  • Write about female genital cutting. Be sure to include the different types, why it is practiced, and its consequences.
  • Compare and contrast the four (4) theoretical explanations for poverty.
  • Discuss and describe the evidence that shows that racism exists in the U.S.
  • Write an essay about same-sex intimate relationships. Be sure to compare and contrast (1) same-sex and heterosexual relationships, and (2) gay and lesbian relationships.
  • Compare and contrast male and female sexual scripts in the U.S., and include a discussion of the double standard.
  • Describe, using data from your text, the change in marriage rates over recent decades. Be sure to include racial and ethnic differences.
  • Describe the history and current trends in racial and ethnic intermarriage. Be sure to discuss attitudes and well as behaviors.
  • Describe the historical fluctuation in fertility rates in the U.S. What might account for these fluctuations?
  • An increasing number of people are childfree.Write an essay about infertility and the voluntary childfree.
  • Describe the recession in the U.S. and be sure to discuss its by-products, such as unemployment, low wages, and nonstandardized work schedules.
  • Describe the challenges of juggling work and family. Be sure to include the concepts of work-family conflict, role overload, spillover, and describe differences in leisure.
  • Discuss dating violence, sexual aggression, and rape. Be sure to discuss the research describing frequency, reporting, and date rape drugs.
  • A common question is, ”Why do women stay in abusive situations?” How would you answer this question? Be sure to discuss the shelter movement in your answer.

Within the context of family systems theory, sociology homework help

Within the context of family systems theory, sociology homework help

Question Description

Healthy and effective marriages and families.
Within the context of family systems theory, what does “interdependence” mean? Give an example of a change in family roles that illustrates the interdependence of family members.

4-5 sentences about sociology of the family

4-5 sentences about sociology of the family

Question Description

Read both articles attached and write a response 4-5 sentences for each article
Responses should not be simple summaries of the reading, but instead should interact with it/engage it/render an opinion about it. Students can do so in multiple ways, such as: 1) critique logic, evidence or argument (but please do not spend much time complaining about the writing/density/difficulty); 2) put the reading in dialogue with another reading or aspect of class discussion (e.g., “Jones said hookup culture was a result of women’s continuing oppression, and this idea is in direct contradiction to Smith’s point, that women engage in hookup culture because their career orientation means they don’t have time for romance”); or 3) apply the ideas in the reading to facts/a situation/an experience in your life/other reading/politics/civic life (e.g. “When Jones argued that child labor laws served to punish and stigmatize working-class families, I remembered working in my family’s restaurant growing up: my parents knew that other people thought that was a problem, even though they thought it taught me discipline and gratitude”). Essentially a good response works with a reading as if it is a live thing, wrestling with it, having an opinion about it, applying it to something else.

Family Document, sociology homework help

Family Document, sociology homework help

Question Description

Prior to engaging in this discussion, read Chapters 10 and 11 in your text, review the information on the Hospice website, and the Instructor Guidance. You are also encouraged to watch the Except for Six video.
As stated in the SOC313 Family Document, Ella is nearing the end of her life due to cancer. Ella is currently in the hospital and will be released to her home, as is her preference. John, her husband, will provide the majority of Ella’s care. The remaining family members will help, taking turns with their visits and duties for providing care for Ella and John as well as the normal functions of a household.
For this discussion, you will research the services Hospice provides for the patient and family. Describe one Hospice program that will be beneficial to help the family provide care for Ella. Justify why you feel this service is the best choice, and which family member(s) will benefit from the service the most.
Next, research a community program or a support service that is not offered through Hospice. Choose a program or service you found during your research and describe the service offered. Explain how the service will support the family in providing care for Ella.