Family Interview , sociology homework help

60 Points
This project should take you the greater part of the term to complete since you will be incorporating
practical applications, critical thinking skills and writing skills into a demonstration of your knowledge
and understanding of some of the key concepts of sociology.
You will submit a formally written paper of 4-5 pages in length describing and analyzing the functioning
of a family. You will study marital/family interaction by personally interviewing and observing the
members of a specific family of your own choosing. This will not include your immediate family, however, you will develop a set of interview questions prior to the interview (minimum of 15 questions).
Your interview questions will be worth 10 of the 60 points.
You can interview any type of family, including a nuclear family, single parent family, child-free couple,
foster family, cohabitating couple, etc. You can interview anyone except your family of orientation, meaning the family into which you were born, or your family of procreation, meaning the family a person forms
by marrying or having or adopting children. In other words, you cannot interview your parents or your
own spouse/partner. You can interview anyone else you know, including your grandparents (unless they
have raised you), brother or sister’s family, or other family member’s family or friend’s family. Please see
me if you need clarification about this.
You will analyze the data that you collect using concepts covered in this course, including class discussion
and text material. For each description of an event, offer an interpretation of the meaning of the event
using various sociological ideas. At least fifteen applications of course concepts from diverse sections of
class discussion and/or text are expected.
Do not write this paper in first person; in other words, do not refer to yourself in the context of the paper
(do not say “I” or “my,” etc.). This paper should be completely objective; do not refer to your experiences
and do not state your opinion in this paper.
Also, do not refer to the interview questions in the context of the paper. You are to include the list of your
15 interview questions as a separate page at the end of your paper (worth 10 of the 60 points total). I will
see the answers to your questions as you write about the family. For example, I do not want to see, “I
asked the family who is primarily responsible for the household chores… and they said…” Instead you
would say, “Mrs. Smith is primarily responsible for the household chores…”
Assure your respondents know they are not required to provide their names in order for you to complete this
project. In your paper, use fictional names for each family member. Additionally, assure them that you will
not discuss their responses outside of your research paper, which will solely be used to fulfill a course requirement. The Instructor is also bound by the same ethical obligation to maintain confidentiality of the
identities of the respondents and the issues raised by your interviews.
o How and why you located the family that you selected. Here you will introduce the family
you interviewed. Explain why this particular family was interviewed. For example, you can
say, “The Smith family was selected to interview because they are a good example of a wellfunctioning single parent family…”
o Description and interpretation of setting and interactions. Observe while interviewing. As
you are interviewing, also notice the setting and the nonverbal communication during the
o Factors such as age, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status (includes income, occupation, and
education to determine class location), spousal roles, parental roles, communication patterns, decision-making practices, power structure, and family philosophy/main priorities.
o Open and close ended questions. Respondents’ answers to open ended questions may raise
additional questions for you.
o This project is considered an academic paper, therefore the explanations must be written
in formal language (no slang, and limit contractions, such as can’t, don’t, won’t).
o Do not write this paper in first person; in other words, do not refer to yourself in the context of the paper. This paper should be completely objective. You are welcome to discuss
your work in progress anytime prior to submission.
o Papers must be stapled, no covers.
o The following is the format in which the project will be organized:
1. Create a cover page for your project:
Your name
Marriage, Family and Relationships (SOC 114)
Due date
• Pages MUST be numbered.
• Introduce your paper with a sociological issue that is evident in this family. In other words, open
with a central theme about this family (for example, a traditional family, autonomous couple, immigrant family, single parent family, stepfamily, foster family…)
• Conclude your paper with an overall explanation of the family’s functioning.
• Include (at the end of your paper) your interview questions.
• The body of your paper should include at least 15 sociological concepts. The main thing I am looking for is how well you apply and explain (in your own words) the various course concepts
throughout the paper.
• Attach your set of interview questions at the end of your paper.
• Completed papers must be typed and double-spaced, using 12-point, Times New Roman font,
black ink, and 1” margins.
• Papers must be stapled. I will deduct 2 points for unstapled papers.
• Grammar, spelling, and format are important. Be sure to use your spell/grammar check and proof
read your work.
Suggestion: It always helps to have a second pair of eyes view your work. You may want to have another
person read your paper prior to turning it in. You will not be penalized for limited grammatical/spelling
errors. However, excessive errors will result in a reduction of points.
• Late papers will not be accepted. No exceptions!
• Any deviations from this format will result in points being deducted from the project grade.
• Your grade will be determined by how successful you are in following the specified instructions,
and especially in addressing and expanding upon each of the sociological concepts. Show me that
you understand the course material.
Sample interview questions:
Would you say you both hold traditional roles within the marriage?
Who is in charge of the indoor/outdoor responsibilities?
Who holds the instrumental/expressive role? Are the roles equally shared?
Who is primarily in charge of disciplining the child(ren)? / How do you discipline?
Do you use day care?
Do you both work outside the home? What do you do for a living?
Who cooks? / Who cleans?
Who manages the money?
Who does the grocery shopping?
How involved is the extended family?
Are you actively involved in a religious services?
When it comes to big decisions, who has the final word? Do you make them jointly?
What are your main priorities/goals in life?

Family paper, sociology homework help

Question Description

1) The photos and text should be presented on standard 8 ½ by 11 paper (word document) that you will upload to BB electronically.
The essay needs to follow some basic formatting rules.
Formatting Instructions:

  1. Double space, Times New Roman 12pt font.
  2. One inch margins.
  3. Pay attention to grammar.
  4. Cite authors from class where appropriate using MLA or APA format (which means appropriate citations in the text (Author, Year), and references at the end of the document).
  5. You should use at least two authors in class to prove your argument.(Class material use- the daddy and papa documentary video (attached) and FROM THIS DAY FORWARD Commitment, Marriage, and Family in Lesbian and Gay Relationships by Gretchen A. Stiers)

6.Cite the photographs that are used. (USE THE LINK TO SEARCH PHOTOS ON THE ATTACHED DOC.)
Each photographic essay must also be accompanied by a short written text that discusses the overall theme and how the pictures relate to this theme (your essays will likely be between 3-5 pages, depending on how you use the images, three is probably short, but I don’t want to stifle your creativity). Not including cover page and cited page.
Each photo should contain a caption with the following information:

[Title]; [date of photograph (or date unknown, or “circa”)]; [name of photographer (if known)]; [complete source information if “borrowed” from Internet or published source]. Brief statement about the significance of the photo.


Sociology: Marriage and Family Discussion

Sociology: Marriage and Family Discussion

Question Description

  1. Identify examples of institutional gender discrimination. Are you surprised at the wage gap? Were you aware of labor market segmentation? Discuss how gender socialization influences the occupational choices of women and men. The textbook is M&F4, by David Knox. Which stands for Marriage and Family 4th edition 2018. Must be at least 250 words.

Theories of Family, sociology homework help

Theories of Family, sociology homework help

Question Description

Identify, explain, and give examples of “Theories of Families and Family Problems” as depicted in your textbook. This paper should be no less than two full content pages.

Media Representations of Family , sociology homework help

Media Representations of Family , sociology homework help

Question Description

Your written report should be around 1000 words, plus a bibliography. It should be typed and proofread before submission. You may use any recognized referencing system, so long as you use if consistently throughout your report. Some activities specify a particular reading that you must reference in your report, while others allow you to find your own sources. You should draw on a minimum of 1-2 sources in your report.
Your informal class report should be around 5 minutes, and may include a visual presentation (eg: powerpoint) but this is not a requirement. You should explain your activity to the group, how you answered the questions and what you found most interesting about your activity.

  1. Media Representations of Family

What messages does popular culture give us about families today? About good/bad, functional/dysfunctional families? About parents and children, grandparents, extended family, working families, ‘non-traditional’ families? Do these messages help create norms around families or do they simply reflect family life today?
You will need to select a particular topic/example (such as same-sex families in tv sitcoms, or working mothers in print advertisements). You will then conduct a content analysis of the images/text at the pop culture site you have chosen. Some examples of pop culture sites include music videos, Valentine Day cards, cooking magazines, TV shows, and movies. You might also consider images of diverse families (e.g., by race, ethnicity, social class, religion, sexuality and so on).
A guide to conducting a content analysis is included below.
How to do a content analysis of media images
Images should be analyzed on several levels. Visual analysis is an important step in evaluating an image and understanding its meaning. It is also important to consider textual information provided with the image, the image source and original context of the image, and the technical quality of the image. The following questions can help guide your analysis and evaluation.
Content analysis

  • What do you see?
  • What is the image about?
  • Are there people in the image? What are they doing? How are they presented?
  • Can the image be looked at different ways?
  • How effective is the image as a visual message?

Visual analysis

  • How is the image composed? What is in the background, and what is in the foreground?
  • What are the most important visual elements in the image? How can you tell?
  • How is color used?
  • Can the image be looked at different ways?
  • What meanings are conveyed by design choices?

Contextual information

  • What information accompanies the image?
  • Does the text change how you see the image? How?
  • Is the textual information intended to be factual and inform, or is it intended to influence what and how you see?
  • What kind of context does the information provide? Does it answer the questions Where, How, Why, and For whom was the image made?

Image source

  • Where did you find the image?
  • What information does the source provide about the origins of the image?
  • Is the source reliable and trustworthy?
  • Was the image found in an image database, or was it being used in another context to convey meaning?

Sociology- Family problems

Question Description

Pick four different shows that depict a family.  Each show needs to be different in some way (such as a single-headed household, divorced, step-families, nuclear families, grandparents raising children, etc) and at least one must be a different race or ethnicity.  You may select two shows that are cartoons (if they are depicting a family such as the “Simpsons” or “The Proud Family”) yet these cartoons cannot be used as the shows used for your different race or ethnicity requirement.
For each show, you need to select one of the theoretical perspectives related to marriage and the family that are described in the text and explain the way in which the theory can be related to the depiction of the family. You must explain how the theory relates to the family in each show.  Make sure that you use functional theory and conflict theory for 2 of the shows. Make sure you discuss the relationship between spouses, parents and children and siblings.  Discuss the emotional, economic as well as issues of gender relations for each fictional family.  For example, if you are looking at the Cosby Show you can explain that the family is a functional family, in that each member of the family is serving a different purpose, the parents are providing economic stability and emotional support and they are procreating. This paper needs to be at least one to two pages per theoretical perspective and no more that 8 papers total for the entire assignment.

Sociology- Family and Marriage

Sociology- Family and Marriage

Question Description

Note your assignment related to the Carol Tavris reading. The paper should answer the following question. Be sure you answer both questions in your paper: According to Carol Tavris’ “The Mismeasure of Women” men and women define intimacy and experience love differently. In what ways do these differences affect the nature of relationships and the capacity to maintain personal commitments? You can refer to cultural messages and cultural scripts as well as how men and women are expected to act. What perspective or theory in the text seems most helpful in accounting for these differences between men and women? In chapter 2, you can reference at least 3 theoretical perspectives.
The paper should be 3-5 pages in length- Doubled spaced-

Sociology- Family/ Marriage

Sociology- Family/ Marriage

Question Description

Delinquent and anti-social behavior by juveniles are one of the most serious problems facing American communities. In “Can Early Childhood Intervention Prevent Delinquency” the authors review a number of intervention programs that have been thoroughly evaluated and found to be especially effective.
Write a 3-5 page paper that addresses the following questions: What do these programs suggest about the nature of effective early intervention programs? What role does the family need to play?

sociology- Family/marriage

Question Description

This final assignment is to explore family structures of different ethnic groups.  You need to come up with a survey (at least 5 questions) that you will ask at least 10 people. This survey will be used to explore how ethnicity/race/religion/ etc. impacts
family traditions.  After you collect the surveys, you need to summarize the results in a 2-4 page paper.  When you submit your paper, please include your survey questions.

Sociology. family history

Sociology. family history

Austin Peay State University

Question Description

Instructions for Paper 1:
Looking at your own family history (it can be any time in your life), identify a key decision point or event that shaped your family life in the years that followed. Using your sociological imagination, and what you know from the readings, relocate that turning point to a different historical moment and consider how the events and decisions that followed would have been different.
Some questions to keep in mind:

  1. What were the general characteristics of families during the time period in which your key decision point or event took place?
  2. What were the general characteristics of families during the alternative time period you chose?
  3. How would your event or decision look different in the alternative time period?
  4. What role did the market and the state play in each of the scenarios you described?

You should use readings from class (book and articles) and cite accordingly. If you want to reference other academic sources in your paper, you may, but this paper is primarily to help me understand if you comprehend the readings. Therefore outside sources should never replace the required readings.
This reflection paper is due Sunday, March 1st at 10PM Central Time.
This paper should be double-spaced, in 12 point font with 1-inch margins.
Your paper should be at least 1,000 words. Include a separate cover page with your name, course, paper title, and word count.
You must cite your sources(any format is fine).
I will subtract 20% for not following formatting instructions.In other words, do not change the margins, and do not forget the cover page with the word count!
Please consult the grading rubric in the “Resources” folder for full information on how this paper will be graded.