1.   The teaching team
Peter Stokes (PhD, MBA, PGCertRDS, PGCertTLHE, Cert Org Coaching, BA(Hons) Vice-President/Country Director – EMRBI; UK Ambassador – AGRH
Professor of Leadership and Professional Development in the Leicester Castle Business School, De Montfort University (Leicester, UK). Previously he was Deputy Dean (2012-2015), Acting Executive Dean (2012-2014) and Director of Research and Knowledge Transfer (2014-2015) at the University of Chester (UK). He has taught, researched, published and reviewed extensively in leading journals in the areas of, among others: Management Learning and Development, Human Resource Management and Business Ethics, Values and Character. His work regularly appears in world-class journals. He has held visiting professor/advisor roles in businesses and university management schools in: France, Holland, Spain, Ireland, Germany, Senegal (West Africa), Vietnam, Morocco, Hong Kong, China, India and Dubai. He is fluent in French and Spanish and has a working knowledge of Swedish.
He has also applied his work through national and international knowledge transfer and consultancy projects across a range of business sectors encompassing utilities, construction, publishing, aerospace, diplomatic, emergency services and local government. He currently holds positions on major international bodies including: Vice-President-Business Relations and UK Country Director for the EuroMed Research Business Institute (EMBRI); and, UK Ambassador for the Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (French Academic HR Association). Professor Stokes is a Co-Investigator on the Beliefs, Values and Worldviews at Work project.
Should you require an appointment with Professor Stokes please email or call 07966 321427
2.   Module aims
This module introduces students to the principal issues facing organizations in the twenty first century in respect of leading, managing and developing talent .  It aims to develop the critical people management skills and knowledge considered to be necssary for existing and aspiting managers to nurture talent effectively. Attention is paid to key features of the internal and external operating environments which shape leadership practice and talent management strategies in organizations.
Objectives and Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module students will be able to:

  1. To identify and critically assess the practice of  leadership in organizations.
  2. To analyse the influence of organizational culture and  national cultures on leadership practice.
  3. To develop an awareness of the challenges and characteristics of international and cross cultural leadership.
  4. To recognise the practical application of theories of motivation and employee engagement within the leadership role.
  5. To assess the role of the leader in the execution of talent management strategies.
Introduced, Practiced, Assessed
Written communication Introduced, Practiced, Assessed
Interpersonal communication Introduced, Practiced, Assessed
Planning and organisation Introduced, Practiced, Assessed
Oral presentation Discussed and Considered
Teamworking Discussed and Considered
Adaptability Discussed and Considered
Problem solving Introduced, Practiced, Assessed
Numeracy Discussed and Considered
Computer skills Discussed and Considered

3.   How it’s going to be taught
Lectures will be used to introduce topics and to guide reading so that students acquire the necessary factual knowledge to underpin their choice and strategic decision-making in relation to research.
Workshops will be used to simulate research decision-making in the real world and to heighten sensitivity to the ethical, legal and social constraints surrounding research activity.
Guest presenters and speakers will contribute and lead some of the sessions. These are people with extensive and in-depth business management and organization experience in a wide range of situations, sectors and contexts.
4.   How this module relates to your programme of study
This module builds on learning you will have already have undertaken in relation to human behaviour in organizations. It will also develop your knowledge further regarding how to understand and connect with varying cultures and national contexts. This enhanced understanding will be valuable in considering a wide range of organizational domains, functions and activities.
5.   How this module enhances your employability
The knowledge, skills and insights provided by this module will enable you to develop a heightened awareness and sensibility regarding how leadership, human behaviour and team behaviour operate in varying organizations. This will enhance your employability by making you a more holistically aware candidate and employee.
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You can also find out further information about our projects by visiting the following webpage:
6.   Your responsibility
Students are expected to attend and participate in all timetabled activities, including lectures, seminars, workshops, and practical sessions.  Students are also encouraged to fully participate in the academic and cultural life of the Faculty and University, including guest lectures, seminars, public debates and external visits.
As students, your responsibilities are:
Preparation: Complete the required readings before coming to each timetabled session on this module and to undertake the required follow-up work.
Participation: Participation in class is based on participation in class lecture/seminar, as well as group activities in class. To assist your engagement in class you should come prepared by writing down ideas, quotes, or concepts from the reading list that you find interesting as well as thought provoking.  You should come prepared so that you can fully engage in class discussions and activities.
Respect: Throughout your studies it is important that you treat other students with respect as well as engaging in a respectful manner with academic staff. It is imperative that you listen to others and treat their contributions with respect, even if you disagree with them.  In particular it is important that:

  • You are respectful of your peers’ learning and resist talking through seminars, workshops and lectures.
  • You do not answer your phone unless it is an emergency.
  • If you are late, then please take the first available seat and settle yourself as quietly as possible.

The student charter sets out commitments from the university to students, from students to the university, and from the Students’ Union to students. You can consult it at:
The module teaching and assessment team will contribute to this environment by:

  • Treating all students with respect.
  • Welcoming diverse viewpoints, experiences, and interpretations of the class materials.
  • Challenging your thinking, beliefs, and analysis of issues, concepts, and ideas in this class.

7.   Lecture Schedule
Delivery will be by block session (please consult and confirm on your electronic timetable for the definitive version):
For the Semester 1 Cohort
Week 7
Monday 12.11.18: 10-1 and 2-5pm
Tuesday 13.11.18: 2-5 and 6-9pm
Thursday 15.11.18: 2-5pm
Week 8
Monday 19.11.18: 10-1 and 2-5pm
Tuesday 20.11.18: 2-5 and 6-9pm
Thursday 22.11.18: 2-5pm
For the Semester 2 Cohort
Week 31
Monday 29.4.19: 10-13 and 2-5
Wednesday 1.5.19: 9-12
Thursday 2.5.19: 10-1 and 2-5pm
Week 32
Monday 7.5.19: 9-12
Wednesday 8.5.19: 9-12
Thursday 16.5.19: 9-12 and 2-5pm
Friday 1-5pm
Introduction to leadership, culture and organizational contexts – setting the scene
Moderns and critical/sociological responses – international dimensions of leadership
Corporate culture and understandings of leadership, for example:
Trait leadership
Situational  leadership
Transactional Leadership
Transformational Leadership
Followers as Leaders
Distributive Leadership
Managing resistance, Ethics and character, The role of Micro-moments
Lessons from alternative sources – novels, history, military…
Coaching and Talent Management and Leadership
Training and Development and its Role in Leadership
Belbin Team Roles – Hard and Soft Management – Rethinking International Management
(n.b. This session schedule is indicative only. Due to scheduling issues for guest speakers and pedagogic development of the sessions and learning changes in the schedule and narrative of the sessions may be required at certain points. Wherever possible ample notice of these changes will be provided and the tutor will always be available for discussion and confirmation.)
8.   Seminar/Workshop Schedule
The seminar/workshop schedule activity is embedded in the above lecture schedule.
9.   Module Resource
10.   Blackboard and module communications 
Important information relating to this module can be found on Blackboard. This includes information on the module, lecture and seminar materials, all communications and announcements, as well as the procedure for submitting assignments via TurnitinUK.
You can access Blackboard by going to this link:
Login using the same username and password that you have for access to the University’s computer services.
Further information on Blackboard can be accessed from the Centre for Enhancing Learning through Technology (CELT):
If you have any difficulties logging into any computer on campus, then you should contact the Help Desk located on the 1st floor of the Kimberlin Library. In addition, you might contact the ITMS helpline ( +44 (0)116 250 6050) or send an email to noting your name and degree programme).
11.   Assessment Briefs

Type of Assessment: Coursework 1    Learning Outcome: 1,2,3,4,5, Final Assessment Y/N:Weighting: 100%         Threshold: 50%           Essential: Yes  Duration:         Volume: 3,500 (+/- 10%)
Description: Essay.

Assignment Question:
What is leadership and how, and when, might it be necessary and important to modify given leadership styles in relation to changing organizational and national contexts?
Assignment Criteria
A successful assignment will:

  1. Define and explore the notion and nature of leadership;
  2. Consider and explore leadership styles in relation to ethics, values, beliefs and character across a range of contexts and situations;
  3. Introduce, analyse and contextualise a range of relevant leadership theories in relation to the assignment discussion;
  4. Introduce, explain and apply a range of practical examples with which to illustrate the assignment;
  5. Provide an Introduction and Conclusion which are succinct and probing within the assignment response.
  6. Use correctly formatted Harvard referencing for all sources.

Assignment Notes
The use of a limited number of sub-titles is recommended for the layout of your assignment. By way of sub-headings it is better to develop and sub-headings which comment and inform the argument development.
The assignment should be submitted electronically through the Turnitin system. The cover page for the assignment should include a word count.
Assignment hand in for Cohort 1/Semester 1 delivery – 21st December 2018
Assignment hand in for Cohort 2/Semester 2 delivery – 14th June 2019
12.   Our engagement with you
The feedback that we receive from you is vital to the student experience. We gather this feedback through module and course surveys as well as via meetings and engagement with student representatives. Module and programme teams reflect on the comments that students provide and take action accordingly.
 13.   Guidelines for Ethical Research
Remember that whenever you are conducting research or writing an assignment it is important to observe relevant ethical guidelines and behaviours.

Further Information

Attendance: Attendance and engagement in all learning activities is expected in all Faculty of Business and Law modules. For absences due to illness, lasting up to six consecutive calendar days, students must inform tutors, whose classes they are missing, of the reasons for their absence. For absences of seven consecutive days or more due to illness a medical certificate must be submitted to the Faculty Student Advice Centre. Students who wish the illness to be taken into account in relation to an assessment of work must follow the procedures relating to deferral.
Extensions: Extensions to relevant deadlines are only granted where there is a satisfactory explanation provided in advance. Module leaders may be able to grant a short extension of up to 14 days or they can, if appropriate or practical, make alternative arrangements for the assessment. Remember it may not always be possible to make alternative arrangements. In exceptional circumstances extensions beyond 14 days can be granted by the Associate Dean Academic or their nominee.
You may apply for an extension by completing an extension request form available from the Student Advice Centre.
Unauthorised late submission of assessments
If an assessment is submitted later than the deadline without an approved extension or deferral the mark received will be capped. If an assessment is submitted 1-14 calendar days late the mark for the work will be capped at the pass mark of 50 per cent for postgraduate modules. If an assessment is submitted beyond 14 calendar days late the work will receive a mark of zero per cent.
If your circumstances are such that an extension of 14 days would not be sufficient, or if you feel that, despite being granted an extension of up to 14 days, your performance in a piece of coursework has been seriously impaired, you may apply formally to your faculty panel for a deferral of assessment of coursework. You will have to fill in the appropriate form that is obtainable from the Faculty Student Advice Centre and supply supporting evidence.  Forms should be submitted to the Faculty Student Advice Centre. Further information on the deferrals policy can be consulted at:
Style and Referencing: Students in the Faculty of Business and Law follow specific referencing guides for all written work.  There are separate guidelines for Law students ( and for students in the Leicester Castle Business School (
Law students follow the footnote referencing system:
Leicester Castle Business School students follow the Harvard referencing system:
Return of submitted work: All students will be informed via a Blackboard announcement when their assessment is marked. You are strongly encouraged to discuss your written or in some cases audio feedback with your module leader if you have any questions or concerns. Modules assessed wholly or in part by examination may have generic feedback on examination performance made available via Blackboard.
All marks on assessed work are provisional marks only and they will not be confirmed until the Assessment Board meets. Marks and feedback on assessed work will be available within 20 days. The turnaround time does not include weekends, bank holidays or university closure days
The full Assessment and Feedback policy can be consulted at:
Good academic conduct and discipline: All students are expected to adhere to the University’s regulations in relation to expected standards of behaviour.
Information on student regulations can be viewed at:
Plagiarism and bad academic practice
De Montfort University’s Academic Regulations describe plagiarism as:
“the significant use of other people’s work and the submission of it as though it were one’s own in assessed coursework (such as dissertations, essays, experiments etc)”.
This includes:

  • Copying from another student’s work
  • Copying text from sources such as books or journals without acknowledgement
  • Downloading information and/or text from the Internet and using it without acknowledgement
  • Submitting work which you claim to be your own when it has been produced by a group
  • Submitting group work without acknowledging all contributors.

De Montfort University describes bad academic practice as:
Low level duplication without citation for example errors made through carelessness or misunderstanding or
Passing off ideas, data or other information as if originally discovered by the student.
Information on academic offences can be found at:
Further advice on academic offences can be obtained by emailing Full details can be found in the University regulations
Students are reminded that module assessment results are provisional until ratified by the programme management boards and that results released to students can be revised or redacted if there are concerns regarding academic practices.
If you do use a third party to proof read your work or a professional proof reading service you must discuss this with your tutor and declare this in a written statement accompanying your work when you submit it for assessment.
Faculty of Business and Law Grade Descriptors
This is a guide to the criteria used by staff in the Faculty of Business and Law assigning a mark to a piece of postgraduate work.  The final mark awarded to a piece of work will be informed by its predominant correspondence to these descriptors.  The University generic descriptors as well as advice for students can be accessed at:
Modules are marked on a range of 0-100%.  Mark descriptors are given in the table below.  A mark below 50% indicates a Fail grade (the shaded boxes).


Unit L/617/1153   People in Organisations
Level 4 
A medium sized local company, Century Ltd, has recently become aware of increasing problems with staff. They have noticed an increase in absenteeism, staff turnover as well as poor morale and a drop-in sale.
The middle managers are all relatively inexperienced and the Managing Director has asked an external HR consultant to guide them so that they can review their own practices to help them establish the cause of the problems.
In addition as you have studied business management he has asked you to provide a report on best practice in organisations.
Your report will draw on your understanding of workplace practices and procedures and their impacts on the workforce. You will provide exemplification of current practices in a range of organisations.

Preparation for your report

You will need to research workplace practices in order to gather information on:

  • Communication practices including, communication policies and procedures, organisational charts and relevant legislation
  • Team working practices and leadership styles. This should include remote working practices and how the remote workers are managed
  • Support structures for staff, including HR department, policies and procedures

You may also wish to use organisations that you know well for example where you have been or are currently employed or where you work in a voluntary capacity. Or you may be able to gather some information through a workplace visit.   You may be able to interview people, review documentation and observe working practices to gather information.  Alternatively, you can carry out desk research using company reports, press releases and the company website or other parts of the internet particularly related to HRM.

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You’re Task – Write a report

Prepare a formal report for the Managing Director of Century Ltd.  This will be a substantial piece of work in which your present theories and best practice with exemplification from the organisations you have researched.
You must make sure you include the following sections in your report:

Report Section A – Communication practices

  • An analysis of the benefits to organisations of effective communication (AC 1.1)
  • An analysis of the policies and procedures that are used to enhance communication within organisations (AC 1.2)
  • An explanation of legislation relevant to communication within organisations (AC 1.3)
  • An evaluation of how organisational structure impacts on the communication methods used (AC 1.4)

To achieve a Merit, you must also include in your report:

  • An analysis of the impact new technologies have on organisations’ communications systems and practices (AC 1M1)

Report Section B – Teamwork

Consider theories of teamwork and provide examples of best practice with which you are familiar.  Include:

  • An assessment of the benefits of teamwork to both individuals and to organisations (AC 2.1).
  • An analysis of why teams might fail to meet their objectives (AC 2.2).

To achieve a Merit, you must add to your report:

  • An evaluation of the impact of leadership styles on teamwork (AC 2M1)

To achieve a Distinction, you must add to your report:

  • An analysis of the application and effectiveness of teamwork in a given organisation (AC 2D1)

Report Section C – Remote working

Consider the issues associated with remote working, providing examples of best practice with which you are familiar.  Include:

  • An explanation of the implications of the different ways in which people work ‘remotely’ (AC 3.1)
  • An evaluation of common working practices used by those working remotely in different contexts (AC 3.2)
  • An analysis of leadership styles appropriate for remote working (AC 3.3)

Report Section D – Support and monitoring structures

Consider the support and monitoring structures used within workplaces, providing examples of actual practice.  Include:

  • An explanation of how Human Resource departments can provide support and monitor people within the workplace (AC 4.1)
  • An assessment of the policies and procedures designed to support and monitor people in the workplace (AC 4.2)

To achieve a Distinction, you must add to your report:

  • An evaluation of the impact of legislation on employee relations management in different organisational contexts (AC 4D1) 

Guidelines for assessors

The assignments submitted by learners must achieve the learning outcomes and meet the standards specified by the assessment criteria for the unit. To achieve a merit or distinction grade, the learners must demonstrate that they have achieved all the criteria set for these grades. Where work for the pass standard is marginal, assessors can take account of any extension work completed by the learners. The suggested evidence listed below is how learners can demonstrate that they have met the required standards.

1. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4. 1M12.1, 2.2, 2M1, 2 D1
3.1, 3.2, 3.3
4.1, 4.2, 4D1
A well-structured formal report in a style appropriate for a Managing Director. The report will address the requirements of all the command verbs given in the AC. It would be helpful to direct the learners to the definitions of the command verbs which ATHE has provided so they are clear what is required to meet the standards.Learners should choose relevant examples from organisations to demonstrate their understanding and achievement of the command verbs. This is a particular requirement for AC which requires the learner to relate their work to specific organisations. Learners may need support with the choice of organisations used.


P1: Activity 4: Develop workplace sustainability policy

Consider your previous activities to complete the following tasks.
Task 1: Now, it’s time to write the sustainability policy for your organization or section of the organization. Considering your working place and the information you gathered on the previous activities, write an appropriate sustainability policy. The policy needs to reflect a commitment to sustainability and should be integrated with the organization business planning. It may be seen as a business opportunity. To develop your policy sustainability document, you can use the policy template below. You must tailor this policy to suit your organization. Provide enough information in your document.
Task 2: How does the policy above link to sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practice and Australian/International standards? Don’t forget to check if you are providing the latest version.
Task 3: Now, you need to agree on how this policy is going to be implemented. Write an implementation strategy. You must take into consideration the following aspects:

  • Who will approve the policy?
  • Is this a strategic issue that should be approved by the Management Committee or is the Committee confident that this can be dealt with effectively by staff?
  • Consider whether procedures are required
  • Describe what will be needed to implement the policy

P1: Activity 5: Communicate the policy

Previous to implementing a new policy, all involved stakeholders need to be communicated about it. At this point, you will promote your workplace sustainability policy.
Task 1: Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to communicate your policy to the relevant stakeholders. This presentation must have at least 15 slides and contain the following information:

  • The need for the policy,
  • It’s relevance for the business,
  • It’s scope,
  • Expected outcomes of the policy,
  • Key stakeholders affected by this policy,
  • Key stakeholders involved in the implementation of the policy,
  • Activities to be undertaken,
  • Responsibilities assigned.

Save the file as policy_comunication_your_name and submit for grading.

P1: Home Project: Implement the policy

An Implementation plan needs to be done and contain how the organisation is going to raise awareness of its sustainability aims.
Task 1: Develop a communication procedure for policy implementation. You can use the template.
Task 2: Discuss the methods you will use to communicate and implement your policy, and then develop a plan to implement the policy. This plan must be strategically thought and include the following items:

  • Resources,
  • Responsible staff,
  • Description of the procedures needed to make the policy effective.

You can also include the table from the activity before in order to make it more consistent.
Template available for use: Policy Implementation_template
MSMENV672 Part 2

P2: Activity 1: Concepts

Answer the following questions.
Q1: Describe with your own words of each of the following:

  • work instructions
  • Standard operating procedures (SOPs)
  • Safe work method statements (SWMS)
  • Formulas/recipes

Q2: Research online and identify the Work Health and Safety legislation in Australia. Provide a brief description of its applicability, outlining general requirements and parties protected by it.
Q3: Research about the current environmental legislation, regulations and guidelines relevant to businesses and industries in your state or territory. Identify at least three examples of relevant legislation and give a brief description of their applicability.
Q4: Research on the internet and identify the requirements set by the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) to grant an environmental licence.

P2: Activity 2: Standard Operating Procedures

Task 1: Considering your current working place (or a company of your choice) and the information gathered on previous activities, develop 2 SOP’s (Standard Operating Procedures) to ensure that your sustainability policy will bring the expected outcomes.
The procedures must be relevant to your business and will be used to demonstrate the sustainability policy in action. You can use the template provided by the Australian Government Department of the Environment and Energy.

P2: Activity 3: Recording systems

“You can’t manage what you don’t measure.”
Peter Drucker (was an Austrian-born American management consultant, educator, and author, whose writings contributed to the philosophical and practical foundations of the modern business corporation.)
Now you need to establish how you are going to measure the outcomes of your policy and procedures. Therefore, perform the following tasks.
Task 1:  Identify key performance indicators for the implementation of the policy and each of the procedures (at least 4 in total).
Remember each procedure should have at least one KPI. This Task can be uploaded at the text box.
Task 2: Prepare an Excel spreadsheet to collect the necessary data for each KPI. This spreadsheet must be properly formatted and include data collection frequency, identify the staff responsible for each data to be collected; it must also identify what outcome is being measured.
Save it as Data_recording_your_name.
Task 3: Prepare a small Newsletter to be sent to all staff, showing the results achieved by your policy and procedures implementation. This Newsletter must contain the following information:

  • Short description of the Policy,
  • Short description of new procedures,
  • Why they were developed,
  • The KPIs to be measured,
  • Results achieved so far (how you are going to display your results – you can make up the values).

Remember a good Newsletter should be simple and graphics.
Save it as Newsletter_your_name.

P2: Home Project: Review policy implementation

For this activity, you are going to use the case study and the case study data.
Task 1: Analise the case study and the data provided to investigate if the policy implementation was a success or not and explain your answer. Identify trends that may require remedial action to current policy and procedures.
Task 2: Write an email to the business manager outlining the results and a possible explanation for the problem.
Task 3: Considering your findings from the previous tasks, modify the policy and procedures to ensure improvements are made.

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