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Compare the Italian Renaissance with the Renaissances of the Tang-Song dynasties of China.

Compare the Italian Renaissance with the Renaissances of the Tang-Song dynasties of China.

Include an arguable thesis statement.

place this culture into a historical context through inclusion of historical information regarding the country, religion, civilization, time period, dynasties, and primary people.

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Include comparative elements for Italy and China, or a combination of those and element (an explorer, an idea, a religion, an interaction, an empire,) from Western civilization. Discussion of comparative elements from two regions should be throughout the papier to provide a comprehensive comparison.

Analyze how members of the renaissances react to ideas, institutions, and cultural ideals during moments of historical interaction.

consider how the individuals or groups member of the renaissiances reacted to the exchange of ideas and how the interaction changed civilization.

use scholarly evidence

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