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Culture and Sub-Culture

Question Description

Sept 1: Distinguish between culture and Sub-Culture
Assignment overview
As Americans we are born into a dominant cultural narrative that helps understand what it means to be an American. While that may sound simplistic there is an American way of doing and being that is taken for granted — especially when it is violated. CULTURES share social traditions that may include language, social norms, beliefs, art, literature, music, traditions, pastimes, values, knowledge, recreation, mythology, ritual, and religion
On the other hand, within the main culture specific variants co-exist drawing down some facets of the dominant culture while changing or rejecting other facets we call these variants sub culture
Sub cultures are self organized community of shared interests lifestyles , beliefs, customs, norms, style or tastes. They may surround a hobby, art, movement music scene, Fashion sense, philosophy or lifestyle. Cultures surrounds pervasive social groups such as a nation, community, religion, ethnicity or social class. For example hip-hop, hipsters, bikers, emails, gamers, skaters, cosplayers, Jocks are just some of the subcultures active with America today
Consider your social life and associations. What sub-cultures are you part of presently? Develop a list of 3-5 identifiable subcultures that you belong to today.
Step 2: write your sub culture analysis
Select a subculture that you are part of and explain its composition in terms of: formal structure, it’s values, it’s leadership, and your part in it. Explain your chosen sub-culture in detail and give relevant examples. Use quotes, citations, and references to support your work.
Step 3: Look over your assignment for spelling or Grammer errors

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