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ECON 777: an economic historical survey regarding the birth of money as well as financial invesment

This course is an economic historical survey regarding the birth of money as well as financial invesment from the ancient world to the present day. Core topics range from the rise of trade in the Ancient Near East, Asia as well as Mediterranean world, the use of coinage, the birth of international empires, the first global banking centres and stock markets, the creation of “Financial Bubbles,” the first global banking families and business tycoons as well as their contributions to world finance, liberal challenges to Capitalism, money’s role in revolutions and world wars, the Great Crash of 1929, Cold War Economics, the rise of the Far East and India, “Reaganomics,” the EU’s creation, the Global Recession of 2008 and its’ present day effects, currency wars, the best creditor nations, and America’s role in the global economy.
Learning Outcomes
: Upon successful course completion, students will be able to:

  1. Illustrate and explain the ancient origins of trade and finance.
  2. Compare and contrast the ancient economies of the Near East, Asia and Mediterranean world as well as analyseand synthesisetheir influence on the birth of modern finance.
  3. Explain the reasons for the early use of gold and silver coinage.
  4. Explain the economic and political factors the shaped the first international empires and ways in which these empires stimulated global finance once created.
  5. Compare and contrast the ways in which global trade brought forth the birth of modern banking, stock trade as well as Capitalism itself.
  6. Illustrate and explain “Laissez-Faire” economics and its’ relation to

the Industrial Revolution.

  1. Analyse, synthesiseas well as argue ways in which Socialism and later Marxism were both responses to Capitalism as well as differentiate between the two systems.
  2. Explain the role of money in modern revolutions, world wars as well as in the developementof present day globalisation.
  3. Illustrate the rise of the Far East, India, Russia, the European Union, and Latin America as global economic players and of the currency and trade wars these regions have created.
  4. Compare and contrast the 2008 Global Recession, its’ current aftermath effects with the 1929 New York Stock Market Crash as well as explain both America and the EU’s proposed solutions.??


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  1. Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between Western, Asian, and Pacific markets as well as identify the various global financial centresand explain how each contributes to the global economy.
  2. List the top ten nations with the best credit ratings as well as explain the reasons for their debt reduction success.
  3. Explain reasons regarding Australia and Canada’s present day economic success and reaonsboth nations have suffered little from the current recession.??


  1. Explain America’s role in the present global economy,analyseits’ challenges in maintaining the role of world economic and political superpower as well as synthesiseways in which the U.S. might revitalise itself economically and therefore reaffirm its’ role as the leader or leading key player of global finance?


  1. Demonstrate qualitiveand quantitiveresearch as well as writing skills regarding world financial history in exams essays.

Exam Research Source Suggestions-Scholarly Books:
The Age of Supply: Overcoming The Greatest Challenge To The Global Economy
by Daniel Alpert
Open Secret: The Global Banking Conspiracy That Swindled Investors Out of Billions
by Erin Arvedlund
Europe’s Financial Crisis: A Shorty Guide To How The Euro Fell Into Crisis And The Consequences For The World
by John Authers
Poor Economics
by Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo
In Defence of Globalisation
by Jhagdish Bhagwhati
The Globalisation of Inequality
by Francois Bourguignon
Economics: The User’s Guide
by Ha-Joon Chang
The Money Machine: How the City Works
by Philip Coggan
Globalising Capital: A History of the International Monetary System
Exorbitant Priviledge, and Hall of Mirrors
by Barry Eichengreen
The Ascent of Money
by Niall Ferguson
The Next 100 Years:  A Forecast for the 21st Century
by George Freeman
That Used To Be Us
by Thomas K. Friedman and
Michael Mandelbaum
The Undercover Economist
by Tim Harford
An End to Poverty? A Historical Debate
by Gareth Stedman Jones
Money: The Unauthorised Biography
by Felix Martin
Inequality and Instability
and The End of Normal
by James K. Galbraith
Capitalism and Modern Social Thought and The Third Way
by Anthony Giddens
The Map and The Territory 2.0: Risk, Human Nature, And The Future of Forecasting
by Alan Greenspan
Network Power: The Social Dynamics of Globalisation
by David Singh Grewal
Global Community: The Role of International Organisations in the Making of the Contemporary World
by Akira Iriye
End This Depression Now
by Paul Krugman
The Geneva Consensus: Making Trade Work For All
by Pascal Lamy
Crisis in The Eurozone
and Proftiting Without Producing: How Finance Exploits Us All
by Costas Lapavitsas
The Future of Power
by Joseph Nye
Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis
by James Rickards
The Globilization Paradox: Democracy and the Future of the World Economy
by Dani Rodrik
The Failure of Political Islam
and Globalised Islam
by Olivier Roy
Crisis Economics: A Crash Course In The Future of Finance
by Nouriel Roubini and Stephen Mihm
What Money Can’t Buy
by Michael J Sandel
Developement as Freedom
The Idea of Justice
by Amartya Sen.
One World
by Peter Singer
The Roaring Nineties
and The Price of Inequality
by Joseph Stiglitz
The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America
by David A. Stockman
Does Capitalism Have a Future?
by Immanuel Wallerstein, Randall Collins, Michael Mann, Georgi Derluguian and Craig Calhoun
Fixing Global Finance
and The Shifts and The Shocks: What We’ve Learned-And Have Still To Learn-from the Financial Crisis
by Martin Wolf
Creating a World Without Power
by Muhammed Yunnas

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