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Effects on Water Resources

Question Description

Water Resource Sustainability Plan Due Oct 29, 11:59 PM Not Submitted POINTS 20 Presentation no new messages Objectives: 6.2 Instructions Assignment Files Grading This assignment affords the opportunity to develop a water sustainability plan for your city, hometown, or neighborhood. The plan should include sources of water pollution and ways in which you plan to address these sources of pollution. Resources: Sample PowerPoint® Presentation, Environmental Science textbook, plus two additional sources. Develop a water sustainability plan for your city, hometown, or neighborhood. The plan should include sources of water pollution and ways in which you plan to address these sources. Create a 3- to 5-slide PowerPoint® sustainability plan with detailed speaker notes to present to the local city council, using your textbook and two additional sources. Include the following in your presentation: •Prepare an introduction that identifies the main challenges of managing a fresh water resource in your home town or city. Identify activities that have impacted this local fresh water supply. Include the name of the lake or river, the specific pollution sources, and the pollutants in your presentation. Describe how these pollutants have impacted, or could impact, human health, plants, and wildlife. •Present a plan to clean up this pollution source, prevent future pollution, and to ensure that the water source is not overdrawn enabling long-term use. Include specific methods from your research. •Identify at least three stakeholders in your plan, (for example, community residents, local government, businesses, non-profit organizations, and so on). Describe the local government policy that you will need in order to carry out your plan and the role of each of the three stakeholders in ensuring that the water is used sustainably. •Include detailed speaker notes for each slide with citations. Cited research should be from your textbook as well as two additional sources. Format the presentation according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

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