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Global Apparel Industry

Question Description

Each student will make a 7-10 minute presentation to the class using PowerPoint or other software. This should be about a specific topic in international business (related to an industry or a company operating internationally.) It should be an educational presentation to the class that brings the topic alive, and is interesting and entertaining. A great presentation is interesting, informative and entertaining.
(less words more to the point and bullet points & informative)
Summary about apparel industry and how its a impact to the people and the world.
– Global Market Overview
– Market size chart
– top 5 largest apparel brands
– top 5 manufacture garments industry
– import/export tariffs for apparel in different countries and compare
– in which country apparel plays a big role and in economy.
– key facts for global market and vision for apparel industry
– quantity and statistic, graphs and etc
– import youtube video that show the global apparel industry
– Reference…

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